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Kim-jon plinky plonk


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From Coleen Rowley :

"Excerpt today from the Ron Paul Institute: "It is remarkable how susceptible people still are to war propaganda even after the lies about Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc have been exposed. Comments on our social media posts today included more than a few on the lines of: "maybe they were lying about Iraq and the others, but this time the threat is REAL!" Or: "Normally I am with you, Dr. Paul, but we gotta take this fat %*&% out!"
War has become a video game. If an "evil leader" or "madman" emerges you just push a button and take him out. No one thinks for a second that there are ten million people living in Seoul. That there are 30,000 US troops in South Korea. That millions could die instantly.
Americans do not see the carnage, the death, the destruction, the ruined lives of the past 16 years of US war on the Middle East and elsewhere. It just isn't real to them, so when the media hypes up an un-sourced report by a Washington Post proven to have published lie after lie to get us into the Iraq war, they believe it this time. This time they are telling the truth, they tell themselves. This time we are justified in pre-emptive war."




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There are nukes that do no damage to buildings,They on kill people.

All his army in one place would be wiped out in one go..

That is what they were designed for..

I saw planes going over my head,triangle shaped,no engine noise,quite a few of them.

They were going North,I hope they were yanks,and not Russian.

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When 2 children name call in the playground it may end in a scraped knee,with these 2 psychopathic kids it is different.....I agree with above we are now being PR'd into thinking he has NUke capability(WMD) and that is a precursor to action...If the uS think they could take out all the Missile/Nuke capability with conventional warheads they probably will but the risks if they are wrong,and boy are they often wrong is v frightening.....I also don't think cutting off its head will help either.....this will play out as dictated by CHina....and that is probably a good thing.....as Trump is a big enough idiot to escalate this.......

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There are nukes that do no damage to buildings,They on kill people.


No there isn't, you're thinking about an enhanced radiation, or neutron bomb.


its still a nuclear explosion, similar to the Japan attacks, just LOTS more ionising radiation release.

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dont forget to follow the government guidelines in the event. Take the kitchen door off and prop it up against a wall and drape with a blanket or two and fill a couple of milk bottles up with water. that should protect you from the blast and radiation and allow you to survive for at least a couple of months.

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dont forget to follow the government guidelines in the event. Take the kitchen door off and prop it up against a wall and drape with a blanket or two and fill a couple of milk bottles up with water. that should protect you from the blast and radiation and allow you to survive for at least a couple of months.



Yes and take all metal off yourself including false teeth ... get down on the ground ... place your head between your legs ..... and ... kiss your **** goodbye.

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the original govt information film produced in the late 60's....i saw a while ago...........i know its out of date and the illustrations are poor....but it chilled me to my core watching it .. :hmm:



In the late 50s there was a program on television a documentary were Nuclear scientists discussed the subject "The Bomb" it ended by all of them saying what terrified them most was .... The possibility of one being in the hands of some nutter ( Words to that effect ).

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Not only "western States" have nuclear weapons. India for a start ..do we include Israel(middle east) ... China .... and of course Russia encompasses a third of the circumference of the globe almost so is both east and west. Threats have been made against your Nation, what do you do , go belly up? There is an International Treaty against nuclear proliferation, signed by all of those who have such weapons, which the Little Fat Idiot and don't forget the faceless ones surrounding him, have flouted and ignored. He needs reining in, one way or another. Have you read "The Sum of all our fears" by Tom Clancy, seen the film ? My greatest fear is this mad man will order one of his dirty nuclear weapons to be loaded on a cargo ship and sailed into a US harbour.

I think you missed my point, how can anyone who has something justify telling someone else they can't have something? If the nuclear proliferation treaty were to be taken seriously then those powers with nuclear weapons should have given them up first.


I only mentioned western nations as the only voices I hear reported talking about who is not allowed nukes happen to be the western nations

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