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This picture was taken in my garden yesterday. As far as I can remember it is the first Rose I have ever had which has been in full bloom in January.

So, having given the game away by saying that it is a rose, the game is to identify the cultivar. There are three prizes on offer, all books;

1. 'How to become an expert on air rifles' by Ultrastu.

2. 'The secrets of my success' by Pigeon Controller.

3.'Missing made easy' by JDog.



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J Dogus rusticartum..........

  1. a tea rose known to be late
  2. always runnig out of fertilizer
  3. has a punjunt aroma
  4. known to attract pigeons
  5. can be moved , but prefers its own bed...will share with a similar genus


no thank you to the books as they are easily available on the "top shelf "...next to Razzle...Escort...and Readers wives

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1 hour ago, JDog said:

This picture was taken in my garden yesterday. As far as I can remember it is the first Rose I have ever had which has been in full bloom in January.

So, having given the game away by saying that it is a rose, the game is to identify the cultivar. There are three prizes on offer, all books;

1. 'How to become an expert on air rifles' by Ultrastu.

2. 'The secrets of my success' by Pigeon Controller.

3.'Missing made easy' by JDog.



Thought we had done well having a few left in December, really mild still. Everything will get growing then get hammered by frost.

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A fair guess Nobby but wrong.

The 'Love Ditchman' book by Fat Sarah is a classic but sadly out of print. You should look on Ebay for another by the same author entitled 'So close but so far' about her unrequited love for the same man.

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21 minutes ago, Whitebridges said:

Brilliant Pink Iceberg Bush Rose.

I've got several issues of the Tales of Fat Sarah ( illustrated ) so if this entry is a winner then perhaps you'd donate a book to Jeremy Corbyn.



have you got the latest one............."Are you in yet".?..............its leaving the shelves fast at Waterstones..

59 minutes ago, JDog said:

A fair guess Nobby but wrong.

The 'Love Ditchman' book by Fat Sarah is a classic but sadly out of print. You should look on Ebay for another by the same author entitled 'So close but so far' about her unrequited love for the same man.

Do you prune your bush regulary ?

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8 minutes ago, nobbyathome said:

the only other one i think it could be is happy times

i will swap the 3 books for these ones

i missed that one by pigeon controllers 

sorry my photo is out of focus by greengrass


i love skinny girls by ditchman

oh sorry i dont think these books exist

It's quite a thick Book




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