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Tx200 or HW97kT which is best


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Hi Shooters

I have a dilemma.I want to buy an underlever .177 Rifle for Hunting and after watching dozens of YouTube Videos I am torn between an Air Arms TX200 or a HW 97KT

Both are superb Rifles ,I know they are heavy ,but it will keep me fit!.

Can any owners of the two Rifles offer pros and cons or advice?

I have a BSA Ultra SE and a BSA Lightning XL Tactical And Although the Lightning is fine it’s a bit twangy or maybe it’s just the proximity to my Ear when firing.

Is the HW97 the best Underlever for Hunting ?,any thoughts?

Another question, how can I keep my Rifles legal as I have heard that Pellet choice can push the ft/lbs over the limit.

Thank you for reading my post.


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Nah ,just tune your HW97 sweet as a nut .Lazy Germans q/c isnt what it was so a strip down ,polish and which ever tune kit u prefer .I put a welsh willy kit in and get 11.6 all day with diabalo, field pellets .

As Edd says its a personal pref thing but love my HW atb

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Tx 200, British built and better straight from the box. Last two hw variants I have owned where really rough internally and needed a tune and for the money they shouldn't. Saying that I have shot a friends Hw97 in the black plastic thumb hole stock and for £410 they are worth a look 

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3 hours ago, eddoakley said:


The tx200 can be very twangy. 


Both good. Definitely comes down to personal preference.


No tx200 s cant be twangy they are built massivley different from hws and virtually all other springers .quality product from a british manufacturer .should be a pretty simple desision really  .!!

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Had a TX200 HC .22 for many years, got very well used and never ever let me down great gun and very accurate.  I also have and still own a ultra MS, wanted a hushpower and got a good trade in offer against the mossy so off it went.  Only decided to let the TX go instead of the BSA because of noise (got horses at home) otherwise the BSA would of gone.  Never owned a HW so can't compare.

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5 hours ago, Ultrastu said:

No tx200 s cant be twangy they are built massivley different from hws and virtually all other springers .quality product from a british manufacturer .should be a pretty simple desision really  .!!

Nobody has ever thought a tx to be "twangy"? 

It "can't be"?

Nobody has ever preferred a hw to a tx?

Maybe another case of stating opinion as fact.

Both good guns.

Both will fulfil the op's stated requirements.

Personal preference.



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Im sure loads of people have bought a 97 over a tx .

But a tx runs on synthetic o ring bearings .a hw 97 has a standard parachute piston head. 

The tx is a far superior design 

It was designed  by brits to be far better than the german hw 77 and is in virtually every way ..

Weirauch released the 97 and air arms 

Brought out the mk2 then the current mk3 which knocks it into a cocked hat .

Make no mistake the tx200 has taken more medals and silver wear than all the other spring guns combined including the hw 97 / 77. .

Now dont get me wrong the hw 97 is a fine gun and if your prepared to spend another £200 messing with it / tuning / putting bits in it .it can be nearly as good as a tx .but why bother when a standard tx 200 out the box is still better .

Looks better is more accurate and british .

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21 hours ago, silverwolf54 said:

Hi Shooters

I have a dilemma.I want to buy an underlever .177 Rifle for Hunting and after watching dozens of YouTube Videos I am torn between an Air Arms TX200 or a HW 97KT

Both are superb Rifles ,I know they are heavy ,but it will keep me fit!.

Can any owners of the two Rifles offer pros and cons or advice?

I have a BSA Ultra SE and a BSA Lightning XL Tactical And Although the Lightning is fine it’s a bit twangy or maybe it’s just the proximity to my Ear when firing.

Is the HW97 the best Underlever for Hunting ?,any thoughts?

Another question, how can I keep my Rifles legal as I have heard that Pellet choice can push the ft/lbs over the limit.

Thank you for reading my post.


Having owned both rifles I can honestly say that both guns are brilliant however the finish on the Air Arms is better than the 97 but depending how old you are and dexterity of your fingers the 97 is better of the two because the loading port is larger and makes pellet insertion a lot easier.

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20 hours ago, clakk said:

Nah ,just tune your HW97 sweet as a nut .Lazy Germans q/c isnt what it was so a strip down ,polish and which ever tune kit u prefer .I put a welsh willy kit in and get 11.6 all day with diabalo, field pellets .

As Edd says its a personal pref thing but love my HW atb

This.....if you like tinkering

Both......If you have the money

Tx200....If you just want to go out+  shoot 😎

Both are quality guns, I have a tweaked hw97k and love it. Would love a tx200 too. Have fun.

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But why buy a gun that needs work doing to it, I had to with my hw95 as internally it was so rough and it twanged like a gun from the 1980's. Yet it was brand new and £360 people now have to expect that from some spring guns. The tx200 seems to have been assembled correctly and not slung together on a Friday afternoon like a British Leyland car 

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Regarding pellet insertion in the TX200 by old arthritic fingers, then I have the answer. PM me if interested.  Ultrastu had one of the first which had now been refined and because he has fingers with five joints:) he thought the idea a waste of time BUT since then I have used the system with my TX200 and amazingly magpies keep falling over, tree rats get headaches and I don't drop oellets into the inner workings of the rifle.

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2 hours ago, Ultrastu said:

Not a waste of time walker .

Just not nessesary for me .but the design idea is a good one and works fine .

No, it was an honest answer and I always welcome your advise and comments, but for most users putting a pellet in is not a problem but a small minority of us do not have the same dexterity and the loader enables fast reloading to take place, particularly if you have two loaders.  I have had three magpies down one after the other, the old one first then the two fledglings who had not got a clue what was happening.

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