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Ammunition Registration

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I went to top up on ammunition today before I send my licence in for renewal.

got 80 .223 in various makes, 100 vmax .223 heads, 100 .17hmr and 500 .22 subs. All expanding, gave him my licence and paid for everything, I've looked at my licence and he has only noted 80 x .223

what should I do? Never come across this before apart from one time bought some .223 vmax heads from another dealer and I he didn't put them on my licence, he said he didn't need to so I put them on but my licensing officer wasn't fussed.


Before anyone asks I haven't gone to Kent Firearms team as I don't want to get anyone in trouble, not that I owe them anything.


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3 minutes ago, CZ550Kevlar said:

Cheers Thankyou, didn't know if it had to be him in person but I suppose its just the same.

Just had a renewal today, and they spoke to me about bullet (heads) and range ammo that hasnt been put on ticket.

Get he shop to enter the bullets on, they dont have to , but you can ask for it.

Keep the receipts for the ammo, anything that can prove you have used or made ammunition , just to keep your usage stats right.

3 minutes ago, terence said:

dont think youre allowed to make entries onto your own ticket 

Possibly not , but if theres room next to the shops entry ...

Like I say , receipts to back up.

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32 minutes ago, Harnser said:

For many years I have entered home loaded ammo on my ticket.


That's interesting. I entered some HMR on my ticket that the shop had forgotten and got a ####ing (in a nice way Lol) from the FEO for writing it on. I buy some stuff from lots of sources the only definitive record I have is my reloading book. 

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I'd call the shop and let them know. Then write them on myself as if the shop had done it and keep quiet. The transaction was lawful so as long as a record of the transfer all tallies up from both parties I can't see as the formalities matter too much? You're not supposed to write on your own FAC but different forces have different ideas and who's to know anyway?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Apart from rim fire I reload for six calibres and have never ever been questioned about how many or what numbers I keep in stock, which is very few anyway, far less than if I had to buy factory.  If you do write on your FAC then just sign/initial and date the entry and explain that you assumed they would appreciate you keeping a record.  Difficult to argue with that.

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