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Caught it


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1 hour ago, henry d said:

Hope it is just a bug and not Corona virus, get well soon

And that's the problem. Just because corvids 19 is sweeping through the population, it hasn,t stopped all the other nasty bugs. They are also out there and giving folk the same symptoms. The danger is that you pick up identical symptoms from something else, self isolate in good faith. When things clear up, you continue life thinking you have got past the worst. You take far less care thinking you are immune and then get the real thing. 

The governments policy of not doing wider testing is crazy. 

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44 minutes ago, TRINITY said:

And that's the problem. Just because corvids 19 is sweeping through the population, it hasn,t stopped all the other nasty bugs. They are also out there and giving folk the same symptoms. The danger is that you pick up identical symptoms from something else, self isolate in good faith. When things clear up, you continue life thinking you have got past the worst. You take far less care thinking you are immune and then get the real thing. 

The governments policy of not doing wider testing is crazy. 

Agreed, but they obviously can't get enough test kits

Good luck to everyone. Really hoping anyone who catches it makes a quick recovery

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34 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:

Agreed, but they obviously can't get enough test kits

Good luck to everyone. Really hoping anyone who catches it makes a quick recovery

Just seen latest update, looks like they are stepping up testing now which is a positive move.

Also some suggestion of possible positive signs in developing antibody test

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2 minutes ago, TRINITY said:

Also some suggestion of possible positive signs in developing antibody test

I think most if not all of the world's top pharmacologists/drug companies/medical research universities are 'on the case' either for a vaccine, treatments for the illness itself, or improved tests

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Well im on day 3 and this is so far. 

Day 1 consisted of a lot of dry coughing. But still able so to speak. Very sore throat. 

Day 2..... 

Woke up fine, even thought I might do some chores I needed to do. Well that got scrapped quickly. I quickly got a migraine, not the worst but pretty awful. It did get really bad at points where I'd let out a little whimper every now and again but I've probably had worse drinking. Then the sweats. I've been with the misses 7 years she's never seen me that ill. Literally was changing clothes when I could move (which wasn't often and cant remember half of it, just moving my arm to my face to drink was a mind game and exhausted me) and the bed linen was soaked through to the mattress. Ive had heat stroke a few times, once actually quite bad and this was up there with it. I wasn't coughing tho which was a nice break. After about 12 hours she phoned 101 for advice which annoyed me, I really don't like bothering other people, especially as I was coherent enough at times to know how I felt. My temp through all of this was fluctuating between normal and only slightly warm. I also didn't take any paracetamol (I'm highly allergic to ibuprofen anyway) as I wanted them about midnight so it would give me enough relief to get to sleep. In hindsight I should of had some, as within a hour I could stand the light, and my elbows stopped aching. Went to bed about 1pm after I got up to eat something when I could move. 

Day 3 (today) 

Woke up, had a shower, my head is only slightly banging, but my body is nackered. My ribs and hip are killing as the cough has returned this morning. Also my throat has gone sore again but nothing a cup of tea hasn't sorted. Also my nose has turned into a torrent 

I don't know what I've caught, but it is certainly manageable in my case, but ive had none of the chest problems as of yet. I've been banging in extra multivits since this started and will get some salt in me shortly. My son and misses so far seem completely fine, but it's only a matter of time, I'd prefer this to be staggered so we can sort each other out. 

Oh then I go out to the car to find my scum neighbour has keeyed the hell out of my car because I actually dared to park within 60 yards of our house, which ment he couldn't get just one of his 7 cars outside his. I honestly hope he gets it and doesn't get found for weeks and the dog eats him. *****

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24 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Keep posting so that we know how you are suffering, hopefully you'll fight it off soon.:good:

Was really rough through the night weds temp up at 38.5  Felt really ropey most of the day Thursday but starting to feel better today just had dogs out and was not as much out of breath so all been well I have seen the worst of it off and on my  way to a full recovery so if anyone does get it expect it to peak 2/3 days in 

don’t know how hw95j is doing pm’d yesterday and not heard anything 

Edited by Jacko3275
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1 hour ago, strimmer_13 said:

Well im on day 3 and this is so far. 

Day 1 consisted of a lot of dry coughing. But still able so to speak. Very sore throat. 

Day 2..... 

Woke up fine, even thought I might do some chores I needed to do. Well that got scrapped quickly. I quickly got a migraine, not the worst but pretty awful. It did get really bad at points where I'd let out a little whimper every now and again but I've probably had worse drinking. Then the sweats. I've been with the misses 7 years she's never seen me that ill. Literally was changing clothes when I could move (which wasn't often and cant remember half of it, just moving my arm to my face to drink was a mind game and exhausted me) and the bed linen was soaked through to the mattress. Ive had heat stroke a few times, once actually quite bad and this was up there with it. I wasn't coughing tho which was a nice break. After about 12 hours she phoned 101 for advice which annoyed me, I really don't like bothering other people, especially as I was coherent enough at times to know how I felt. My temp through all of this was fluctuating between normal and only slightly warm. I also didn't take any paracetamol (I'm highly allergic to ibuprofen anyway) as I wanted them about midnight so it would give me enough relief to get to sleep. In hindsight I should of had some, as within a hour I could stand the light, and my elbows stopped aching. Went to bed about 1pm after I got up to eat something when I could move. 

Day 3 (today) 

Woke up, had a shower, my head is only slightly banging, but my body is nackered. My ribs and hip are killing as the cough has returned this morning. Also my throat has gone sore again but nothing a cup of tea hasn't sorted. Also my nose has turned into a torrent 

I don't know what I've caught, but it is certainly manageable in my case, but ive had none of the chest problems as of yet. I've been banging in extra multivits since this started and will get some salt in me shortly. My son and misses so far seem completely fine, but it's only a matter of time, I'd prefer this to be staggered so we can sort each other out. 

Oh then I go out to the car to find my scum neighbour has keeyed the hell out of my car because I actually dared to park within 60 yards of our house, which ment he couldn't get just one of his 7 cars outside his. I honestly hope he gets it and doesn't get found for weeks and the dog eats him. *****

having worked in africa for many years ...ive had malaria several times   (there are different types).........and your symtoms sound exactley like malaria what i used to get..........

it has been reported that the medical bods are trying ...Hydrocloroquin on covid-19.....HHmmmmmm:hmm:.............i used to take chloroquin or Larium..........larium is filthy stuff it makes you quite sick if you havnt enough food in your stomach...........

look after your self



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2 hours ago, strimmer_13 said:

Well im on day 3 and this is so far. 

Day 1 consisted of a lot of dry coughing. But still able so to speak. Very sore throat. 

Day 2..... 

Woke up fine, even thought I might do some chores I needed to do. Well that got scrapped quickly. I quickly got a migraine, not the worst but pretty awful. It did get really bad at points where I'd let out a little whimper every now and again but I've probably had worse drinking. Then the sweats. I've been with the misses 7 years she's never seen me that ill. Literally was changing clothes when I could move (which wasn't often and cant remember half of it, just moving my arm to my face to drink was a mind game and exhausted me) and the bed linen was soaked through to the mattress. Ive had heat stroke a few times, once actually quite bad and this was up there with it. I wasn't coughing tho which was a nice break. After about 12 hours she phoned 101 for advice which annoyed me, I really don't like bothering other people, especially as I was coherent enough at times to know how I felt. My temp through all of this was fluctuating between normal and only slightly warm. I also didn't take any paracetamol (I'm highly allergic to ibuprofen anyway) as I wanted them about midnight so it would give me enough relief to get to sleep. In hindsight I should of had some, as within a hour I could stand the light, and my elbows stopped aching. Went to bed about 1pm after I got up to eat something when I could move. 

Day 3 (today) 

Woke up, had a shower, my head is only slightly banging, but my body is nackered. My ribs and hip are killing as the cough has returned this morning. Also my throat has gone sore again but nothing a cup of tea hasn't sorted. Also my nose has turned into a torrent 

I don't know what I've caught, but it is certainly manageable in my case, but ive had none of the chest problems as of yet. I've been banging in extra multivits since this started and will get some salt in me shortly. My son and misses so far seem completely fine, but it's only a matter of time, I'd prefer this to be staggered so we can sort each other out. 

Oh then I go out to the car to find my scum neighbour has keeyed the hell out of my car because I actually dared to park within 60 yards of our house, which ment he couldn't get just one of his 7 cars outside his. I honestly hope he gets it and doesn't get found for weeks and the dog eats him. *****

Sounds like a stinking cold.

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17 minutes ago, grrclark said:

Sounds like a stinking cold.

I never normally get ill due to the nature of my job. I'm surrounded by dodgy germs every day. I honestly think my immune system is tip top. For something to make me ill it must be pretty good, but in all honestly, despite what 101 said, I'm dubious if I have it. 

As a side note, I've never had the flu before, so not 100% sure what it involves. My mate who I used to keeper with sent this Screenshot_20200320_111337.jpg.6c451a6b036e74ad429c7dfe1125384a.jpg

And then thisScreenshot_20200320_111536.jpg.1b2101e88f33970ae11164f8364c57fa.jpgScreenshot_20200320_111337.jpg.6c451a6b036e74ad429c7dfe1125384a.jpg

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3 minutes ago, strimmer_13 said:

My mate who I used to keeper with sent this 

As there I think is an important point;

For many, it isn't a particularly major thing - and seems to pass quite quickly - probably more quickly than 'flu.  These people are then thought to be 'immune' - though there are a few doubts over this, it seems likely based on medical knowledge.

For a small portion who get it (mainly the elderly and 'high risk, but a few younger ones as well) - it is much more serious - and may need hospitalisation - usually to help with breathing.  Of those in hospital - some will be very ill, get pneumonia and need high care - and of those a few will not respond.  When there are no hospital places available - the more serious cases will be in trouble.

That is why it is so important to try and stop it spreading as much as possible - so that the hospital places and care beds don't run out.  The government is clearly expecting a big increase in cases over the coming weeks (hence trying to re-hire recently retired medical staff) - and the pressures are (in the short term anyway) going to build.

It should be everyone's duty to do their best to limit the risk of spread - and hence the need to 'isolate'.

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I've told everybody at work they have been at risk and should self isolate.

Obviously we're lucky as we are council and will get paid in full for time off, millions won't be and i could see why they would stay in work despite showing symptoms. £90 a week won't get you far today. 

We had nothing ready when I left on weds. No sanitiser, no bleach, nothing. They did manage a bottle of kitchen cleaner but everything had sold out. Down to the last box of disposable gloves. Normally have about 10 boxes in stock. We were told to not get close and that's about it. Wash our hands. But how the **** am I suppose to keep clean when I'm working in a public toilet fixing the disabled bay as vandals again had kicked it to pieces. Oh well I suppose I got sent home, but as I'm arguing, so should my colleagues.

Just hope nobody gets bad. Apart from my neighbours. I hope they burn in hell. 

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1 hour ago, JohnfromUK said:

For a small portion who get it (mainly the elderly and 'high risk, but a few younger ones as well) - it is much more serious - and may need hospitalisation - usually to help with breathing.  O

I really, really hope that any PW members unlucky enough to catch Coivid-19 are among the lucky people whom this virus doesn't do serious harm to. But for the at risk, According to the Italians it's not such a small portion. I know I'm accused of being a Jonah,  but I think there's danger in the belief that only a minority needs be  very concerned themselves about getting the virus because such a a belief - even an unconscious one -  will inevitably make people careless. I'm not in the least suggesting that you're careless yourself, but I think it's important to stress and keep stressing that anyone of any age who contracts this bug is in serious danger of developing a crippling and potentially fatal bilateral interstitial pneumonia. I realize that the word 'fear' gets a bad press and is generally considered a bad thing. But oftentimes fear is actually very healthy -  after all, it's nature's way of keeping us alive. So I strongly believe that everyone, regardless of age, needs to be very afraid of this virus and act accordingly. Not afraid for others, but afraid for themselves. Only that way can the chain of infection be broken.

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4 minutes ago, Retsdon said:

According to the Italians it's not such a small portion. I know I'm accused of being a Jonah,  but I think there's danger in the belief that only a minority needs be  very concerned themselves about getting the virus because such a a belief - even an unconscious one -  will inevitably make people careless. I'm not in the least suggesting that you're careless yourself, but I think it's important to stress and keep stressing that anyone of any age who contracts this bug is in serious danger of developing a crippling and potentially fatal bilateral interstitial pneumonia. I realize that the word 'fear' gets a bad press and is generally considered a bad thing. But oftentimes fear is actually very healthy -  after all, it's nature's way of keeping us alive. So I strongly believe that everyone, regardless of age, needs to be very afraid of this virus and act accordingly. Not afraid for others, but afraid for themselves. Only that way can the chain of infection be broken.

I agree and the bulk of my post is very much along those lines; As for the various European nations - no one knows why the rates in Italy are so high, or the rates in Germany so low (at least to date).  Germany has 11,000 infections with 20 deaths - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8131443/Germany-beating-coronavirus-survival-odds-Country-10-999-infections-just-TWENTY-deaths.html

UK is between the two.

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7 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

I agree and the bulk of my post is very much along those lines; As for the various European nations - no one knows why the rates in Italy are so high, or the rates in Germany so low (at least to date).  Germany has 11,000 infections with 20 deaths - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8131443/Germany-beating-coronavirus-survival-odds-Country-10-999-infections-just-TWENTY-deaths.html

UK is between the two.

I'm not sure that this is the best thread for this conversation, so I'm going to cut and paste your answer and put my reply into the general coronavirus thread.

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1 hour ago, JohnfromUK said:

I agree and the bulk of my post is very much along those lines; As for the various European nations - no one knows why the rates in Italy are so high, or the rates in Germany so low (at least to date).  Germany has 11,000 infections with 20 deaths - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8131443/Germany-beating-coronavirus-survival-odds-Country-10-999-infections-just-TWENTY-deaths.html

UK is between the two.

Italy is one of the most aged country per head I think I read somewhere

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Just now, Jacko3275 said:

Italy is one of the most aged country per head I think I read somewhere .. the average age of death there was 81 

Yes, I have also read that.  The UK has a 'high' rate partly because the vast majority to 'probably' have it and don't get hospitalised are not counted.  What we are actually seeing in the UK is largely the death rate only amongst those who get a bad case and have to have hospital treatment. 

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Two guys from work had been advised to self isolate, as their wives had been in a meeting with someone who'd tested positive, another guy who had travelled to work the same morning with the two guys was refusing to self isolate, as he said "I don't feel a thing, and it's all BS anyway"🙄  Less than 24 hours later, he's absolutely flattened by the virus…….

I spoke to him on the phone yesterday, and what he described was horrific!  The guy is 35yr old, fit as fiddle; plays football, golf's, mountain bikes etc, but told me that he struggled to walk 6 yards from his bedroom to the bathroom…..could hardly draw breath into his lungs, his whole body in pain and on the verge of shutting down😬  Yesterday, he felt somewhat better and decided to take a walk to the shops🤬

Myself, being on the high risk end of the spectrum……. well, let's just say, it wasn't very nice what I said to him about his blatant disregard for others!!!!

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