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2 weeks of hell.


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Unfortunately my wife has shown symptoms of Covid 19, she's a nurse so was sent home promptly without even being tested. The NHS have decided its not necessary to test their own staff which is pretty stupid in my mind. 

I obviously had to tell my boss who promptly did the same, sent me home and doesn't want to see me back for two weeks happily on full pay. So begins being stuck in doors at least I can get some projects done. 

My wife seems ok nasty cough and a up and down temperature, she's in good health but does suffer from asthma so I am praying she'll be ok.

Stay well people.

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Keep your chin up I had pneumonia beginning of Jan and after a spell in hospital now out the other side. Looking back all the symptoms were CoronaVirus but they were not testing then. Possibly a coincidence but week before in a hotel with a load of foreign nationals and wife showing similar symptoms. Hmmmm!

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Hope you are both fine.

Just a question thats been puzzling me....you are currently fine but told to stay in ''isolation'' with someone who has what is likely to be a bit of a cold. That is supposed to be for 14 days. So on day 13 of being stuck indoors you catch that cold. 

Now reason says that both of you (and the rest of the household) must now stay quarantined for another 14 days. 

So lets say that part way through that another member of the house has a cough (likely as a result of hanging around with someone who had a cold and having been stuck indoors) does that mean that the 14 days starts again?

What happens in a large family that could be in a confined space and keep passing it around? 

If there is no testing any more, which seems to be the case, then how and when does it end?

Why are people not being tested? Surely if you don't have this world altering bug then it would be best to keep things as normal as possible? Maybe supporting those who are deemed more vulnerable?

I'm not for one minute suggesting that this isn't a nasty virus but so is Flu and that claims thousands of lives every year. Has anyone healthy died? 

Would those that have died have been at risk from the usually complications that they might face at this time of year? (flu etc)


Genuine questions.



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Best wishes to you.

My wife is a nurse but she has polycystic kidney disease so she's off work self-isolating because she comes under the 'underlying conditions' category.

I have coronary heart disease so I've been social- isolating at my trout syndicate fishing reservoir😉

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