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My daughter tells me her Mum ( my ex obviously ) received this letter recently. 

I can’t see what they possibly have to gain by this if it is indeed a scam, but if it isn’t, how could this happen? Could it possibly be the same make and model but with one letter or number mistaken for another? 🤷‍♂️
Obviously she hasn’t been anywhere near Hampshire. 

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Somebody has cloned the plates i would say, worth informing the police as it may be used for other purposes. Where i live not that far from Havant , a lot of the villages have volunteers that are out in force checking on speed limits . You get that letter ,then it gets a bit more serous if your a repeat offender.

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9 minutes ago, Scully said:

how could this happen? Could it possibly be the same make and model but with one letter or number mistaken for another?

It is not unknown for a criminal to put a number from a similar (same make, model, colour etc.) as a 'clone' to avoid parking/speeding/congestion fines etc.  Often done to stolen cars - the genuine car (whose number is duplicated onto the 'dodgy' car) will be taxed, MoT'd etc. and so will not sound an alarm when seen on an automatic number plate camera (ANPR) - whereas a number that has been reported stolen will raise a red flag to police.

Edited by JohnfromUK
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Someone cloned my son in laws number plate. He was charged with speeding and it all got very messy, threatened with court etc.  He let it go so far then told them to jog on as he had proof his car had been exported and what's more he was driving it around Cyprus as he had been posted there for 3 years! The photographic proof showed his plate on a BMW...his car is a Volvo XC60😂

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Community watch speed camera AKA old retired people standing at the side of the road in a village with a speed camera.
They collect registrations of people speeding and pass it to the police who then send this letter out.The idea is to scare you into travelling at the correct speed.

The problem being these old people get things wrong  because they are old and their eyesight isn't as good as it used to be, they also log things down wrong, or the other possibility is you have been cloned.
I would write to the police and inform them they have got the wrong car as it was nowhere near that area on the date given, that way it is on record, and should it come up again you have already stated it's not you.

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9 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

Sounds like sensible advice.

I would agree.  This at least lets Hampshire Police know it is not your car...waste of tiem I know as they are too busy pushing bottles of mineral water around abtable dreaming up fancy expressions.

We have had similar in obe of our villages but it made absolutely no difference whatsoever.  There are drivers out there who will exceed speed limits regardless and I know from experience that to be so way back from the 1960s.. Used to be my bread and butter on the motorcycle patrol and they rarely check their rear view mirrors either:lol:

Mind you could hide from thos eback then if you knew how.

I will just add, we had the say if someone was booked or not based on the response etc.  Stopped one guy in a nice new Jag and he was so polite and sorry for a brief indiscretion I just gave him a rollicking and sent him on his way.  Turned out he was the Asst Chief of Manchester Police and told my Deputy Chief it was the best dressing down he had ever had.   Radar meters can't do that.

Edited by Walker570
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There is no signature on the letter nor any other kind of accreditation from the Chief Constable for the area.  The Bade at the top saying which police area it covers does not look genuine,  It is far too small for a letter from or on behalf of the constabulary in my opinion.  There is no catch all to say how you can get another version of the letter in another language or in larger print.

The CC may not physically sign letters but he does have a stamp for run of the mill letters -or- someone signs it on his behalf and state this.

Mungler might be the man to comment further on this.:good:

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Passed through Tockington village (outside Bristol) today and two people in High viz jackets stamped “Community Speedwatch” were there checking drivers speed. And about three months ago I got a similar letter from Avon and Somerset for allegedly speeding in Tytherington, a village about 3-4 miles from Tockington. Looks like the fad is spreading in South Glos.

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