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Over hanging branches

snow white

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Hi can you please tell me what the law is about over hanging tree branches we don’t really get on with the twxxxx next door so no point asking him can I legally cut branches that are over hanging our property ie two sheds and raised veg beds.

Thanks for looking tony

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 Note that trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) or in a Conservation Area will require prior consent from the local authority no matter whose land they are on.


The depositing of branches is not correct, you have to offer them back, but most owners would refuse and then you are liable for their disposal.

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A neighbour done this to 3 small branches of my tree while i was out. He chucked them back over on to and destroying a pheasant nest at point of hatch. I was not happy! Apparently he couldn't wait to ask me to do it. Worth checking what's over the fence before "offering" them back.  NB

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I had this a few years ago,when I came in from work. Next door cut a load of overhanging plum tree branches back,didn't mind them doing it but they throw all the branches back into my garden. Fuming I went round banged on his door and had a go at him telling him if he cuts the overhanging branches he has to dispose of it,next minute police pulled up and took me down the station and cautioned  me,I explained  the situation and they were sympathetic  with me explaining that they get this all the time,yes he is in the right at cutting back  what was overhanging his boundary, but he has to get rid of it himself. The police woman told me that when he hangs his washing out and I'm not in a smokeless zone to have a bonfire and burn the cuttings.  I told her I thought you can't have a bonfire until a certain  time at night,she said I can have a bonfire when ever I like it's just certious  that you have it at night,and that what I did and no comeback. 

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Worth taking pics of you starting the cut as the branch may be over the boundary but then spring back on to his side once its lighter.

There are some funny folks out there that would claim you've cut them back to far. 🙄

Edited by manthing
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1 hour ago, ShootingEgg said:

You're fine because you're the problem neighbour 😂😂😂



The neighbour moaned when I cut back his hedge that was hanging 4ft into my garden. 

I politely put it to him I’d prefer not to be cutting it at all, and I wouldn’t need to if he sorted his own garden!! 

I offered him to come over and cut it himself considering it was his bloody bush, or whether he would prefer to pay someone to keep it under wraps. 

He never moaned again. 

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