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15 minute neighbourhoods


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53 minutes ago, discobob said:

Been seeing a few things about on this subject - everything you need within a 15 minute walk of where you live or online delivery.

A golden utopia or a dystopian nightmare??

been reading about this.........it dosnt stop there.....................its very very worrying...all about total control

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1 hour ago, discobob said:

Been seeing a few things about on this subject - everything you need within a 15 minute walk of where you live or online delivery.

A golden utopia or a dystopian nightmare??

It’s not going to happen.

The average Joe Public won’t walk fifteen minutes for anything.

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1 minute ago, ditchman said:

and there would be charges/fines if you went out of your area

Coming to Oxford, Canterbury soon and other cities near at some point

You will be looking at

Congestion Charging

ULEZ/Clean Air Zones

and now Zone crossing.....

Oh I - taxing of eleccy cars by 2025......

I think cars are done - time to buy shares in electric bike manufacturers


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Isn't this just called a town? This kind of localism makes sense, as long as its not some draconian enforced restriction districts type thing.

Also, if what we have access to is locally sourced and independent, then great. If we're all going to be 15 mins from an amazon warehouse and giant supermarket then again, its looking dodgy.

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21 minutes ago, treetree said:

Isn't this just called a town? This kind of localism makes sense, as long as its not some draconian enforced restriction districts type thing.

Also, if what we have access to is locally sourced and independent, then great. If we're all going to be 15 mins from an amazon warehouse and giant supermarket then again, its looking dodgy.

quite right..........but it goes further than that.....it stops you from exiting your area and penalities are applied.......its a very dark senario.....very threatnening

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1 hour ago, discobob said:

Coming to Oxford, Canterbury soon and other cities near at some point

You will be looking at

Congestion Charging

ULEZ/Clean Air Zones

and now Zone crossing.....

Oh I - taxing of eleccy cars by 2025......

I think cars are done - time to buy shares in electric bike manufacturers


Simple for me, I just would not go to those places and spend my money elsewhere.   Buy my food local farm shops or shoot/grow it myself.

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2 hours ago, discobob said:

Coming to Oxford, Canterbury soon and other cities near at some point

You will be looking at

Congestion Charging

ULEZ/Clean Air Zones

and now Zone crossing.....

Oh I - taxing of eleccy cars by 2025......

I think cars are done - time to buy shares in electric bike manufacturers


Oxford Council do not care about local people or small business owners affected by the barriers  ,  spending ££££ssss on electric vehicles, rate payers money, and the city office restaurant has gone a vegan 

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I moved to a small village in the middle of South Tyneside recently, there's no real break between us and other villages other than a few green spaces. We have major supermarkets, bakers, a greengrocers, off licence, cafes, ironmonger, nail bar hairdresser, barber, pubs, clubs the metro etc within 15-20 minutes yet I could walk past 7 former "corner" shops within 5 minutes of our house. There used to be a major employer nearby and that is the only thing missing unless you walk 40 minutes away to a major distributor. 

For life essentials we are pretty much sorted apart from clothing, so we really like where we are. 

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2 hours ago, vmaxphil said:

Sounds like where I live 15 minutes to the town centre 15 minutes to the sportscenter 2 minutes to the local shop for a paper 👍

Good pub on the mini-roundabout - cracking food (I spent time at MOD) :) I can't remember the name


So how many have your shooting ground, permissions, shoots within a 15 minute walk from home? Not many I would guess


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2 hours ago, discobob said:

So how many have your shooting ground, permissions, shoots within a 15 minute walk from home? Not many I would guess

My nearest was 2 minutes away, shot duck on the splashes, woodpigeon on the drilling, rabbit year round including netting them with ferrets. 

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On 01/11/2022 at 10:37, discobob said:

Good pub on the mini-roundabout - cracking food (I spent time at MOD) :) I can't remember the name


So how many have your shooting ground, permissions, shoots within a 15 minute walk from home? Not many I would guess


The pub is the hare and hounds if we're talking about the same roundabout 👍

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Isn't it an old idea, maybe from the 1700s or before?

If you look at an old map of the UK or even a new one and ignore trunk roads and motorways all villages and towns are within a reasonable walk of each other. Maybe 5 to 7 miles say.

This is so you could walk to market or drive your stock, arrive, shop, sell, trade etc and walk home. If you were rich ride your horse or drive your cart. 

Today most folk are either incapable or unwilling to partake of a half mile walk. If it's not instant it's not viable.

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What's the point of a 15 minute neighbourhood if you you have to drive 45 minutes to work every day? No such thing as a local employer anymore. Unless you want to work in Costa or McDonald's for minimum wage that is.

Take south wales for example. Thousands of people commute out of the valleys each day to work in Bristol, Newport, Cardiff and Swansea because that's where the wages are.

There are only so many £15 an hour factory shift jobs available locally and anyone with an ounce of go in them wants to do more than work in same factory on the same line that their dad and dads dad did.

**** idea thought up by some ****** with a university degree and a socialist brainwashing being encouraged by other ******* all obsessed with control over thier fellow man in the name of ecoism. Take a tour of the senydd, its full of them.

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19 minutes ago, discobob said:

@Poor Shot

You can still drive to work - but it will cost you to exit your "neighborhood" - think ULEZ etc.....

Why? Why is that even an acceptable way of thinking?

Anyone who wakes up in the morning and thinks that charging people to leave an area by car (for any reason) needs thier toes pulled off one by one with a set of locking pliers.

Why can't we live in a world where the first suggestion to any problem isn't a financial penalty?

Have the cheek to earn more than your fellow man? That'll cost you. To the tune if 40%+ of your earnings if you actually earn enough for a house, family and have enough left over for the basics. 

Want to invest for your retirement in property rather than a taxed pension scheme? That'll cost you.

Accidentally strayed over an arbitrary speed limit for a few seconds or strayed into a bus lane accidentally because your unfamiliar with the area or even spent a few minutes too long in a car park because an appointment ran over? That'll all cost you.

It's a sign of everything that's wrong with the world we live in. Let's not find a more effective solution to problems, let's instead fine people until the less effective options become more attractive.

I'm not for a second suggesting that you agree with it BTW. 👍


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