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GB firearms consultation launched

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Here is the survey response form which has 20 main questions with tick box Yes/No answer options, a general comments box and a few more questions at the end asking for personal details.

Would be useful to have a few PW members go through the survey and post feedback on any questions they are unsure of or have views on - I can take that into account for the guidance we are producing.



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2 minutes ago, Conor O'Gorman said:

Here is the survey response form which has 20 main questions with tick box Yes/No answer options, a general comments box and a few more questions at the end asking for personal details.

Would be useful to have a few PW members go through the survey and post feedback on any questions they are unsure of or have views on - I can take that into account for the guidance we are producing.



I've read it, and given my opinion. Hopefully, it will be worth something.

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It is fifty years since the notorious green paper on changes to firearms law was published (when we still had a ten bob gun licence from the post office). Some of its recommendations such as a ban on self loading CF rifles and a certificate for shotguns have happened. However others such as a ban on repeating shotguns and section 1 restrictions on shotguns have not come to pass. We just have to keep battling on as our opponents will not be going away.

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8 minutes ago, Pushandpull said:

It is fifty years since the notorious green paper on changes to firearms law was published (when we still had a ten bob gun licence from the post office). Some of its recommendations such as a ban on self loading CF rifles and a certificate for shotguns have happened. However others such as a ban on repeating shotguns and section 1 restrictions on shotguns have not come to pass. We just have to keep battling on as our opponents will not be going away.

I think the ten bob licence finished when the original shotgun certificate came out .........in 1968.

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Mea culpa LB. You are correct of course. That little white card was the means of getting everybody onto a database (did we call it that back then ?) for what was to follow.        However the sentiment of my post remains. I was a club secretary at that time and spent a lot of time writing letters and so on to politicians.

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A few of the question are also a bit vague like Q15 Do you consider that interim medical checks should be made on licensed firearms
holders between the grant of the certificate and any application to renew

Is that going to another medical proformer we have to get and pay for every year?

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2 hours ago, Conor O'Gorman said:

Here is the survey response form which has 20 main questions with tick box Yes/No answer options, a general comments box and a few more questions at the end asking for personal details.

Would be useful to have a few PW members go through the survey and post feedback on any questions they are unsure of or have views on - I can take that into account for the guidance we are producing.



Hi Conor,

Just been filling in this form - PM sent. As others have observed, there is some coercive bias - particularly 18 and 19. The form can be submitted without completing these - and addressing the matter in comments at the end. 

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13 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

I smiled at the one suggesting a dedicated phone line to raise concerns about licence holders.

First question - do you think it is a good idea - yes or no? Next question - who should pay for it?

No question of bias at all. 🙂

Do you have to fill them all in?

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Done, the one and only good reason I can see for one of the referees to be ‘of a certain standing in the community’ is if this situation were to occur,

Police, “Mr. ******** your application has been delayed, you’d better have a good reason for this?”

Me, “My referee works for the civil service.”

Police, “Our sincere apologies, have a nice day.” :) 

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This thread is about the recommendations for change to the firearms licensing legislation. Does this mean that it is necessary to stick to the 20 or so questions raised - or can we think outside of the box?

The voluntary moratorium on lead shot with which the vast majority - if not virtually almost all - of shooters had no input or say in the matter may or may not have conservation and/or health benefits, but certainly has nonesuch for the shooters.

To stay with the subject in hand, can we think of any long term scheme which would not adversely affect genuine shooters but the advantages of such would not only assist in the main thrust of the legislative change, would actually be of advantage for the shooters and stand us in good stead with the general population - thus going a long way towards blunting the damage the antis are currently able to inflict without interference? 

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Thanks all for the comments. You can leave blank any questions you don't wish to answer or are unsure of. And there is a comments box near the end of the survey form. Alternatively there is the option to email one's views directly to firearmsconsultations@homeoffice.gov.uk

There is a BBC video below (expires today at 7pm) with interviews from various perspectives including BASC on the consultation:


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18 hours ago, Conor O'Gorman said:

Would be useful to have a few PW members go through the survey and post feedback on any questions they are unsure of or have views on - I can take that into account for the guidance we are producing.

Statistically speaking..... you write a survey to support your argument. This survey is so bent one way that it is not fair, transparent, and unbiased. No shock there.

Question 1..... should really read "where there is tangible and provable evidence that they are a public risk, beyond reasonable doubt" or similar. But, it's written to mean that the licencing team could go "we hear he can get upset and moody, he's a risk to the public!" and that would mean they'd be able to seize and confiscate. Also, a power of entry is different to a power of search and subsequently seizure. Also, to seize ammunition..... Is a shotgun cartridge (which doesn't require a licence to purchase an own) considered as ammunition in the eyes of UK law? Or only "bullets" in their various forms. Again, it's written in a way of "should we just take guns or should we remove all risk and remove all items", which if they are a threat they should really take the bread knife also. 

5. Not everyone knows someone that's a doctor, GP, lawyer etc that knows them sufficiently well to vouch for them. Also, they aim so high then include landlord??! That's...... bizarre.

19. Good example of being biased, as people who don't want guns around will always say public money shouldn't be spent, even if it's in the publics interest.


I stopped on the second page. The questions are only designed for one outcome and it isn't in our favour as a collective. I'll give it another go tonight.

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