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MPs Visit


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I know we are doing things right and well or our farm and shoot - the biodiversity increases over the last 10 years is testimony to the hard work of all our members.

With shooting being under seemingly constant attack and receiving such bad press from many i thought i would invite our MP to look at the real ground floor work shoots do and the obvious results they produce.

So today i had an hour and bit and gave our MP a whistle stop tour of our ground

I showed him the pen - the poults - the ponds we have dug - the hedges we have planted and laid - the coppice we have cut. I showed him the feeders - the wild bird plots and the nest boxes.

He got to see a Larsen ,a ladder and a fox trap and a high seat or two. It was great because on the ladder trap was a couple of owl pellets which he had never seen either.

He asked questions and i am sure has gone away with far more knowledge of the countryside and some of our issues

This engagement may work well for some of you guys on here as i know some of you do an awful lot for shooting and conservation too.

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For all the brickbats and criticism that he earned...and some very rightly so...during the passage in 1996 of the Tory Handgun Ban the ONLY MP (and we invited all the Leicester and Leicestershire MPs) that visited our pistol club was Keith Vaz. He came alone, stayed for an hour, spoke with the members present. And had the honesty too at the end to say that although he was grateful that we'd invited him that he nevertheless hadn't changed his mind about supporting a ban on handguns. None of the others, not one, Tory nor Labour ever came.

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7 hours ago, Ratlegs said:

I can remember Sir Alec Douglas Hume and Harold Macmillan going Grouse shooting

Sir Marcus Kimball was another mp keen on the sport

Let's hope Mr Sunak and some other MPs get an invitation this season

Yes. I spoke with Lord KImball during the passage of the Tory Handgun Ban Bill and he was quite supportive in also proposing that .32 S & W Long be added to the intended exemption from a total of .22 Rimfire handguns. But the Tory Minister in the House of Lords would have none of it.

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On 02/08/2023 at 11:48, jall25 said:

Managed to get the opposite MP to come and visit with a date TBA

Will advise once he has been 

What a waste of time, every one of them is a woke cretin.  I totally applaud what you are trying to do but none of them are pro shooting, they are interested in votes and the ill informed majority hate people that shoot.

Edited by Weihrauch17
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6 hours ago, Weihrauch17 said:

What a waste of time, every one of them is a woke cretin.  I totally applaud what you are trying to do but none of them are pro shooting, they are interested in votes and the ill informed majority hate people that shoot.

What a world and what a life some of you on here must have - everything is so negative 

Said MP has engaged with me for the last 6 months or so 

Initially very very sceptical about all things shooting and conservation - anyway after half a dozen letters and emails - and stating the fact - in writing - that although they dont participate in shooting they see no wrong in personal choice and would be interested in learning more about our community 


Why not try it ? If we all did and if we all showed our MPs what a Larsen Trap is - what a "pen" of pheasants are - the life in our wild bird covers - and the management we provide to the countryside free of charge - maybe just maybe we have a future.

There are only 650 in total - i have done 2 

Come on guys - have a go



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2 hours ago, jall25 said:

Why not try it ? If we all did and if we all showed our MPs what a Larsen Trap is - what a "pen" of pheasants are - the life in our wild bird covers - and the management we provide to the countryside free of charge - maybe just maybe we have a future.

There are only 650 in total - i have done 2 

Come on guys - have a go

This. 100%.

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15 hours ago, jall25 said:

What a world and what a life some of you on here must have - everything is so negative 

Said MP has engaged with me for the last 6 months or so 

Initially very very sceptical about all things shooting and conservation - anyway after half a dozen letters and emails - and stating the fact - in writing - that although they dont participate in shooting they see no wrong in personal choice and would be interested in learning more about our community 


Why not try it ? If we all did and if we all showed our MPs what a Larsen Trap is - what a "pen" of pheasants are - the life in our wild bird covers - and the management we provide to the countryside free of charge - maybe just maybe we have a future.

There are only 650 in total - i have done 2 

Come on guys - have a go



I have written to my MP numerous times on various issues, I have on every occasion been fobbed off with a woke straight bat or no answer .  He lives away from his constituency with his husband, pass the sick bucket.

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7 hours ago, Weihrauch17 said:

I have written to my MP numerous times on various issues, I have on every occasion been fobbed off with a woke straight bat or no answer .  He lives away from his constituency with his husband, pass the sick bucket.

One of mine is openly gay - and a nicer more open minded chap i could not wish to meet 

Invite yours to see what we do ?

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On 04/08/2023 at 23:09, Weihrauch17 said:

I have written to my MP numerous times on various issues, I have on every occasion been fobbed off with a woke straight bat or no answer .  He lives away from his constituency with his husband, pass the sick bucket.

And here in is the problem - MP's should be there to represent their constituents and this includes going to see what affects and what drives their constituents and they (MP's) need to interact them (constituents) with respect. Obviously they may not have enough space in their diary or maybe have matters of state that take their focus depending on their role - but they should make their constituents feel like they are important - not disregard them

I know our current county councillor would go to the opening of a packet of crisps if it declared it was stick of blackpool rock/just come off a boat/was in rainbow colours but can't be bothered with anything that actually affects her constituents...But hey, this is Wales and Welsh Labour

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Hi Guys
Great today really

Had the opposite MP over - and a local councillor

Its was great to show him our meadows still in flower - our wild bird plots moving with life and our lakes and ponds teaming with ducks and insects - very much in stark contrast to our local country parks

I showed him again the traps and pens - the hedges - coppice and work we carry out

I showed him photos of our shoot days - all the guns and beaters very much on the same page

I showed him pictures of some bits of land before we got stuck into and we had great discussion about the wildlife trusts approach and funding from various quarters for various things

I told him how we have so many helpers whose main interest is seeing the results their work achieves in the following years

The one thing that they had obviously heard was that birds are shot and dumped - when i advised that we have a scrum most weeks for the birds he was shocked - when i could then back this up with photos of birds being handed out he seemed genuinely taken aback and a little impressed

I had written to said MP about trophy hunting many moons ago and the initial response i got was very negative - my reply to him on that subject included evidence and accounts from MPs in some of the countries effected and he brought up the subject today saying it just shows how little we understand in this country about some of the complex issues

We concluded our meeting with him requesting a return visit in the season to see the flocks of finches and even to experience a day on the shoot

Its amazing how little these people actually know about our way of life but i believe full credit to them for coming , looking and listening to what we have to say, it can only aid us in future battles.

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16 hours ago, jall25 said:

Hi Guys
Great today really

Had the opposite MP over - and a local councillor

Its was great to show him our meadows still in flower - our wild bird plots moving with life and our lakes and ponds teaming with ducks and insects - very much in stark contrast to our local country parks

I showed him again the traps and pens - the hedges - coppice and work we carry out

I showed him photos of our shoot days - all the guns and beaters very much on the same page

I showed him pictures of some bits of land before we got stuck into and we had great discussion about the wildlife trusts approach and funding from various quarters for various things

I told him how we have so many helpers whose main interest is seeing the results their work achieves in the following years

The one thing that they had obviously heard was that birds are shot and dumped - when i advised that we have a scrum most weeks for the birds he was shocked - when i could then back this up with photos of birds being handed out he seemed genuinely taken aback and a little impressed

I had written to said MP about trophy hunting many moons ago and the initial response i got was very negative - my reply to him on that subject included evidence and accounts from MPs in some of the countries effected and he brought up the subject today saying it just shows how little we understand in this country about some of the complex issues

We concluded our meeting with him requesting a return visit in the season to see the flocks of finches and even to experience a day on the shoot

Its amazing how little these people actually know about our way of life but i believe full credit to them for coming , looking and listening to what we have to say, it can only aid us in future battles.

Well done, I applaud what you have/are doing and think two people now have a better understanding of what we are about, its a pity you could not have got the local press involved as that would have hit a wider audience.


Well done again. :good:

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13 hours ago, old'un said:

Well done, I applaud what you have/are doing and think two people now have a better understanding of what we are about, its a pity you could not have got the local press involved as that would have hit a wider audience.


Well done again. :good:

On my list - but i think as you can perhaps appreciate they would rather have bad news than something positive ! - but i keep chipping away 

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14 hours ago, jall25 said:

On my list - but i think as you can perhaps appreciate they would rather have bad news than something positive ! - but i keep chipping away 

Well done, sir.

Perhaps the press could be invited when the MP comes to a shoot day? I presume that would need the agreement of said MP.

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