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Car Park machines.


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I've just read this on Facebook and wouldn't have thought of it.

THEY'RE AT IT AGAIN ........... !

This time, Car Park machines.

You know those nice little QR codes that you can scan with your phone to make a payment ?

Their latest brainwave is to stick their own little QR code over the real one they can nick all sorts of info about you and your card.

A quick peel to check is the way to thwart 'em. Keep your eyes peeled…….

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I had a similar experience when doing a bank transfer for chokes. Opening line of conversation was "Have you considered on line banking" ?   I replied that I had considered it, but decided against it. We then spent almost 45 minutes of faffing around, because the computers were 'playing up'   !  I pointed out to the young lady this was one reason for NOT doing 'on line' banking.   😆

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3 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

I use Ringo and select the correct car park from the 'drop down list' in the app.  Never scan QR's you don't know are reliable.

Think that's what we use my phones too old so the mrs does everything on her phone , ten minutes before your times up you get a text telling you ,then ten minutes after your times up you get another text asking if you want to extend it 

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1 minute ago, Bigbob said:

Think that's what we use my phones too old so the mrs does everything on her phone , ten minutes before your times up you get a text telling you ,then ten minutes after your times up you get another text asking if you want to extend it 

That sounds familiar.  Works well for me and no need to scan dodgy QR codes and money goes via already set up and checked channels to Ringo.  Also for them, no cash in a machine to be raided by thieves nightly.

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4 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

After that he can move on to the punctuation.  That will take a while.

Won't have time to cook anything,,,, PHEW !!!

Wandering off topic,,,,,,,,

I only use the parking apps, and pay using the company credit card. Don't use a QR scanner, as I have done previously and it caused issues on my device 😕

Edited by JKD
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