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Spring Is Springing Very Early This Year .

marsh man

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Just seen the weather for next week and the very mild weather continue all next week , it is already one of the mildest Februarys on record and could well end up the mildest one ever .

Going for a walk this afternoon after a morning of heavy rain the Snow drops are already past there best , the Dafs are all well in bloom and the Oil Seed Rape is now greening up nicely , birds should be nesting up very soon but knowing the British weather it could still have a sting in it's tail .  MM

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Interesting.  I am surprised that my garden daffodils are running a little later than last year, as I think are crocus.  Heating gas consumption is almost the same as last year, but being windy can push that up a bit.  It is exceptionally wet (saturated ground) and perhaps that delays in compensationj for the warmer temperature - it was 65 F today outside.

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Lots of midges about when roost shooting last week. 
Grass is growing, rhubarb just nudging through, daffs have good buds but still closed, crocus well on their way and snowdrops in abundance. 
Talking to a ‘keeper from Langholm today at shoot, and he said they are still about a month behind us. 

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Some variation up and down the UK , normally we would get some very cold winds from the East like we did a few years ago when we got the Beast From The East in late February to the first week in March , this last month we haven't hardly had a frost at night let alone during the day , the big gardens that open it's doors for Snowdrop walks have been open a good two weeks and the Crocuses have also been out for a couple of weeks . even in my garden :lol:

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52 minutes ago, Yellow Bear said:

Alder and Hazel are "spraying pollen" at least  2 weeks early   ---  just don't ask how I know!!!

We were at Warwick Castle on Thursday and there was clouds of pollen coming off the trees, saw my first Bumblebee,  a brimstone butterfly and the Hawthorn or Blackthorn was in blossom,  well ahead of us oop North.

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AnnnD; the nights are getting out rapidly. This afternoon I had to put a line of electric fence wire across fence to fence to help support the daffs because they are so tall that the wind was thrashing them about. The grass on the lawns is getting so, so long but it is so, so wet that if we get a few days of sunshine the grass will be a foot high.  I'll have to get the Strmmer out with a long line and top the grass or even get the swap out and do a bit of manual labour or the long reach hedge cutter and use it like a finger mower.

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This might have been a very mild early Spring up to now but the rains seem relentless , yesterday we were in another Yellow weather warning and several local roads were once again flooded , walking down the marsh this morning it was cloudy but no rain although some is forecasted a bit later , another sign of Spring was Mallard are now in pairs and that much tamer than they were a few weeks ago when they were keeping a eye out for anyone carrying a pair of steel tubes that could end up giving a duck some medical issues ☺️

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Even during the frosts I was seeing the odd bumblebee when the warm sun was there. A couple of weeks ago there were great tits and wood pigeons doing their springtime noises 😀 A few blossoms showing here and there on unknown bushes and trees too,,,, luvvly 😀

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