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I was at the doctors the other day and he said any other  problems i said i feel my ears are blocked , he had a look and said there no bad there some wax there but not a lot , speak to the receptionist about getting them syringed , So i spoke to the wee lassie in reception ,Oh we dont do that but i can book you a appointment with the health nurse but it will be £60 guess who's ears didn't get syringed .


Next door neighbour a old woman of 90 got taken into hospital 3am the other morning her husband a man of 95 goes to see her every day and brings her washing home , When did the hospitals stop issuing nighties and washing them ?.

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I had them done before at that surgery but seemingly they made big changes as from Monday you cant even phone for a appointment its all to be done over the internet how's that going to work for old folk who dont have access to the internet or cant work it ?>

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I use the "ear candles" they suck the wax out sooner than flushing them out.

Donkeys years ago I had my ears syringed out by the nurse at the pit, flippin eck, I reckon she'd coupled the syringe to the shaft pump because the pain was unbelievable 😳 my ears hurt for weeks. Never again 😒 

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We are starting to get used to the idea that if you want to get anything done you are going to have to pay or wait years.

I paid to have a scan on my back for trapped nerve /sciatica.  Alternative was get put on a long waiting list that never got to the top

The way it works is that they just keep pushing you back with time wasting appointments like "we need to get an Xray" that's waiting six months for the xray then another six months to go back for the results. "well there's nothing on the XRay maybe we should send you for physio'

Always kicking the can down the road. My cousin waited seven years to get her knees done. Seven years of agony and imobility. If she had the money it would have be done in a fortnight 

Edited by Vince Green
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Yep, £50 at Specsavers. I was in and out inside five minutes. £10/minute or £600/hour   !    🙄

11 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

Ours used to be free.  Now they won't do it at all.  I went to Specsavers, (who do ears as well as glasses).  It was around £50.

Without ears, the glasses are not much good   !     😂

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After an accident in the Army 30 years ago i lost a bit of my hearing ,  so two months ago i went to the doctors and asked for a hearing test, because it was military related i jumped a 58 week waiting list and was seen in a month, it was confirmed i was pretty deaf, and today i got my hearing aids OMG was i deaf, why i didn't get hearing aids years ago i wil never know.Next door will be happier now the telly has gone down in volume.
Look after those ears.

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2 minutes ago, welsh1 said:

After an accident in the Army 30 years ago i lost a bit of my hearing ,  so two months ago i went to the doctors and asked for a hearing test, because it was military related i jumped a 58 week waiting list and was seen in a month, it was confirmed i was pretty deaf, and today i got my hearing aids OMG was i deaf, why i didn't get hearing aids years ago i wil never know.Next door will be happier now the telly has gone down in volume.
Look after those ears.

Same here, good to jump the queue isn't it?


Mind you, you've never been PRETTY...............:w00t:

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14 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

Ours used to be free.  Now they won't do it at all.  I went to Specsavers, (who do ears as well as glasses).  It was around £50.

Same as Chiropodist. My late mother (90) used to go to a local clinic about once a month to get her feet done.

Then suddenly the clinic closed and my mother was given a list of private chiropodists who would call at her house. She had the money so it actually got me out of the job of running her to the clinic and waiting then bringing her home again.

The chiropodist charged £40 a visit. He was in and out in ten minutes. But taking my Mum to the clinic cost me half a day by the time it was all done. So actually it worked out better.

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9 minutes ago, welsh1 said:

After an accident in the Army 30 years ago i lost a bit of my hearing ,  so two months ago i went to the doctors and asked for a hearing test, because it was military related i jumped a 58 week waiting list and was seen in a month, it was confirmed i was pretty deaf, and today i got my hearing aids OMG was i deaf, why i didn't get hearing aids years ago i wil never know.Next door will be happier now the telly has gone down in volume.
Look after those ears.

Having been on rifle ranges since the age of eleven  I am surprised my hearing is as good as it is.

We used to shoot Lee Enfields and Bren guns as cadets WITH NO EAR PROTECTION can you believe that now   ??

Even at the age of 18 as a TA paratrooper (562 Para) we got no ear protection for live fire or blank fire on exercise which was often crazy loud.

Now they tell me I have 'flat spots' but I can live with that at the moment 

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Maybe I am just lucky , since I lost my wife just before Christmas I have been losing a lot of weight even though I have been eating my meals , I was also getting a lot of pain around the kidney area so as neither was getting better I popped up the doctors to make an appointment , not having been to the doctors for nearly three years I wasn't sure on how long I had to wait , well it was far better than I thought , this was around the Thursday or Friday and young lady at the desk said we have got 12.15 on Monday , yes that will do fine , come Monday my appointment was bang on time , saw this Indian doctor and he was brilliant , had time for you and wasn't in a hurry to palm you off , he recon I had an infection and gave me a cause of anti biotics which have done the trick ,he gave me a small bottle for a urine test and as I could go to the loo he tested it there and then and that was all clear ,  booked me up for a blood test the following day  , booked me in at the hospital for chest xray which I have had and the all clear results came in the following day , and now I have got to have a full body scan on the 26th June , so for me I couldn't had much better service if I had paid , no complaints at all .   MM

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29 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Same here, good to jump the queue isn't it?


Mind you, you've never been PRETTY...............



7 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

Having been on rifle ranges since the age of eleven  I am surprised my hearing is as good as it is.

We used to shoot Lee Enfields and Bren guns as cadets WITH NO EAR PROTECTION can you believe that now   ??

Even at the age of 18 as a TA paratrooper (562 Para) we got no ear protection for live fire or blank fire on exercise which was often crazy loud.

Now they tell me I have 'flat spots' but I can live with that at the moment 

Funnily enough after blowing lots of things up and firing all sorts of weapons it wasn't the cause of my hearing loss. I Was working inside an APC trying to pull a dipstick housing out ready to lift the engine, i had moved the cupola with all the periscopes and handles around so they were as far from my head as possible, but while i was head down someone on the outside swung the cupola back round, i gave a big pull on the housing, it came off ,i flew back and smashed my head.
I had an egg sized lump on the back of it, drove home and sat on the sofa, went to stand up an hour later and fell across the room into a wall, roll on the monday after a weekend of acting like i was drunk and i saw the camp doctor, i had damaged my inner ears, my left one had a sound like a jet enging taxiing (which has never stopped) i spent a week not able to stand up, and it left me with permenent hearing loss.

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3 hours ago, Bigbob said:

I was at the doctors the other day and he said any other  problems i said i feel my ears are blocked , he had a look and said there no bad there some wax there but not a lot , speak to the receptionist about getting them syringed , So i spoke to the wee lassie in reception ,Oh we dont do that but i can book you a appointment with the health nurse but it will be £60 guess who's ears didn't get syringed .


Next door neighbour a old woman of 90 got taken into hospital 3am the other morning her husband a man of 95 goes to see her every day and brings her washing home , When did the hospitals stop issuing nighties and washing them ?.

Hi Bob

Try some olive oil drops twice daily for up to a couple of weeks in the ear. As long as you don't have a perforation of the ear drum or as history of glue ear ear, grommets (myringotomy) you should be fine. By the sounds of it a small amount of wax is not a significant cerumen impaction.

Don't use for longer than 2 weeks, if you start to get pain or blood discharge which is unlikely stop using and get them looked in.

I was going to set up doing private ear syringing but never got round to it.

'FLU**** & SCARPER' was going to be the company name. :lol:

3 hours ago, harrycatcat1 said:

I use the "ear candles" they suck the wax out sooner than flushing them out.

Donkeys years ago I had my ears syringed out by the nurse at the pit, flippin eck, I reckon she'd coupled the syringe to the shaft pump because the pain was unbelievable 😳 my ears hurt for weeks. Never again 😒 

Hi Harry 

Glad to hear your experience of 'ear candles' was without concern. I don't recommend them to patients as looking in ears on a daily basis I see a fair few traumatic burns from the candles which then require referral to ENT to sort out.

I used to carry the old style syringing back in the 90's, the type which you had the misfortune to experience. A 50ml syringe loaded with warm saline (warm if you were lucky :lol:) expedited into the ear canal with a bit of force, bloody painful but it did work most of the time. The downside was it also carried the higher risk of perforation of the drum and long term damage.

Good news now is it actually is not syringing but the more gentle application of irrigating the wax out with a constant warm gentle flow of water.

10 minutes ago, marsh man said:

Maybe I am just lucky , since I lost my wife just before Christmas I have been losing a lot of weight even though I have been eating my meals , I was also getting a lot of pain around the kidney area so as neither was getting better I popped up the doctors to make an appointment , not having been to the doctors for nearly three years I wasn't sure on how long I had to wait , well it was far better than I thought , this was around the Thursday or Friday and young lady at the desk said we have got 12.15 on Monday , yes that will do fine , come Monday my appointment was bang on time , saw this Indian doctor and he was brilliant , had time for you and wasn't in a hurry to palm you off , he recon I had an infection and gave me a cause of anti biotics which have done the trick ,he gave me a small bottle for a urine test and as I could go to the loo he tested it there and then and that was all clear ,  booked me up for a blood test the following day  , booked me in at the hospital for chest xray which I have had and the all clear results came in the following day , and now I have got to have a full body scan on the 26th June , so for me I couldn't had much better service if I had paid , no complaints at all .   MM

Here's to all being well MM

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23 hours ago, harrycatcat1 said:

I use the "ear candles" they suck the wax out sooner than flushing them out.

Donkeys years ago I had my ears syringed out by the nurse at the pit, flippin eck, I reckon she'd coupled the syringe to the shaft pump because the pain was unbelievable 😳 my ears hurt for weeks. Never again 😒 

I asked the wife to order me up some ear candles and she said no chance after you burn your ears i will get the blame LOL 

21 hours ago, Vince Green said:

We are starting to get used to the idea that if you want to get anything done you are going to have to pay or wait years.

I paid to have a scan on my back for trapped nerve /sciatica.  Alternative was get put on a long waiting list that never got to the top

The way it works is that they just keep pushing you back with time wasting appointments like "we need to get an Xray" that's waiting six months for the xray then another six months to go back for the results. "well there's nothing on the XRay maybe we should send you for physio'

Always kicking the can down the road. My cousin waited seven years to get her knees done. Seven years of agony and imobility. If she had the money it would have be done in a fortnight 

They wrote me off a new knee because of my age said there will be a 10 year wait or you will wear it out and need a new one later on again so put me on disability and gave me a blue badge , i try to struggle on but the painkiller they give me are adictive so i try to get be on 8 paracetamol a day when things are bad but there probably harming me as well 

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20 hours ago, Vince Green said:

Same as Chiropodist. My late mother (90) used to go to a local clinic about once a month to get her feet done.

Then suddenly the clinic closed and my mother was given a list of private chiropodists who would call at her house. She had the money so it actually got me out of the job of running her to the clinic and waiting then bringing her home again.

The chiropodist charged £40 a visit. He was in and out in ten minutes. But taking my Mum to the clinic cost me half a day by the time it was all done. So actually it worked out better.

Kids got me a home visit for part of my xmas present £35 he was in and out in 20 minutes just scraped my foot with a razor blade i walk funny due to no cartridge in my left knee so there was some hard skin there , so i said to the wife i will do yours sod paying £35 the kids walked in while i was doing it you should of seen there faces LOL 

20 hours ago, Vince Green said:

Having been on rifle ranges since the age of eleven  I am surprised my hearing is as good as it is.

We used to shoot Lee Enfields and Bren guns as cadets WITH NO EAR PROTECTION can you believe that now   ??

Even at the age of 18 as a TA paratrooper (562 Para) we got no ear protection for live fire or blank fire on exercise which was often crazy loud.

Now they tell me I have 'flat spots' but I can live with that at the moment 

Because of wearing no ear protection when i was younger i have lost the middle range in my left ear , When i was tested they said are you right handed ? how long have you been shooting ?> Apparently if your right handed its your left ear you go deaf in and visa a versa 

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20 hours ago, marsh man said:

Maybe I am just lucky , since I lost my wife just before Christmas I have been losing a lot of weight even though I have been eating my meals , I was also getting a lot of pain around the kidney area so as neither was getting better I popped up the doctors to make an appointment , not having been to the doctors for nearly three years I wasn't sure on how long I had to wait , well it was far better than I thought , this was around the Thursday or Friday and young lady at the desk said we have got 12.15 on Monday , yes that will do fine , come Monday my appointment was bang on time , saw this Indian doctor and he was brilliant , had time for you and wasn't in a hurry to palm you off , he recon I had an infection and gave me a cause of anti biotics which have done the trick ,he gave me a small bottle for a urine test and as I could go to the loo he tested it there and then and that was all clear ,  booked me up for a blood test the following day  , booked me in at the hospital for chest xray which I have had and the all clear results came in the following day , and now I have got to have a full body scan on the 26th June , so for me I couldn't had much better service if I had paid , no complaints at all .   MM

Glad to hear it was a easy fix mate as you get older you worry more about illnesses 

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20 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Same here, good to jump the queue isn't it?


Mind you, you've never been PRETTY...............

Before she retired the wife worked for sky all there staff and families got access to BUPA it was great going to the doctors and told you need this but there's a years waiting list show him the card Oh i have this ," phone this number then and i will call them as well " when you call what hospital would you like and which doctor a great free service i miss now as we get older 

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I have very narrow ear canals, so I used to have to have my ears syringed every 18 months or so. Since late 2020 I started using a device like this to clean my ears and up to now it’s worked well to prevent my ears being blocked up again.




If you do need the wax removed then a lot of clinics now offer suction removal rather than syringing as it’s much safer.

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4 minutes ago, Genghis said:

If you do need the wax removed then a lot of clinics now offer suction removal rather than syringing as it’s much safer.

Yes, that's what Specsavers use.  I think it's called "Micro Suction".

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