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Everything posted by SuperGoose75

  1. Firstly,thank's for all the replys. Much appreciated and some excellent input and much of it more or less similiar to my way of thinking. Secondly, having been involved in coastal Wildfowling since a boy it is in my blood and I have no intention of giving it up anytime soon if at all possible. Now for a right old moan and please excuse any Cliche's. I know there are a lot of experienced and dedicated fowlers on here who have been fowling longer than I and also share the same passion for all things Wildfowling and reading all the old classic books ect..! Im sure most would have read things like "Wildflowers' never make Old Bones" The marsh gets in your bones, The father of rheumatism ' Punts layed up and guns sold by the time you reach Forty ect.. Of course these were warnings to would be Fowlers to take care of themselves and to try and prevent these things from happening. Well unfortunantely' In my own case,I am finding these warnings to have been correct and at the Middle age stage of life I am struggling somewhat' Now I am not laying all the blame on Wildfowling as I have abused my Body in other ways having Worked in heavy manual jobs most of my life from a young teenager and also played a lot of Sport and have picked up injuries such as Cruciate ligament rupture, had most of the cartlidge removed but never got the ligament fixed. Ankle injuries and involved in an RTA where I had my hip fractured. Hurt my back multiple times. My wrists and elbows are stiff with arhtritis which I put down to the years plastering. My neck plays up often. I am starting to really struggle in the winter months and have trouble getting out of the bed physically in the mornings although when I am up and about a while I tend to be not so bad but never moving totally pain free. This past couple of years have been particulary bad. I tend to eat well and keep in reasonably good shape by being pretty active but as I say I am starting to struggle. I cant help but think that the years I have spent in dedicated Wildfowling,In all weathers, A lot in inappropriate clothing..Many wettings..laying out on Cold marshes. Going out in the middle of the night on the tide and spending all day in Freezing Fog on the Marsh and back in on the tide and dragging and heaving heavy boats and all the rest that goes with this wonderful sport. I have never regretted one moment of it but I feel it is catching up on me. I suppose I have been fool hardy a lot of the time spent Fowling. One thing is that weather never has put me off going out and I am not Claiming to be Super hard but I never used to feel the cold much no matter what the weather. But could that be the problem..? The fact that although i didnt feel it, It was still doing damage..? I totally agree and understand the whole thing about the peace and tranquility and calming effect that is good for the mind.In fact that is probably the major appeal for me these days. However I think it can also have a draw back for the Mental well being..Well I am speaking from personal experience which probably will not have affected everyone and I will touch on it later if the interest in the thread continues. Thanks again for the input and anyone with more thoughts on the matter would be welcomed.
  2. As per title' Is the Sport of Wildfowling good for your health or detrimental to your health? Opinions please.
  3. Sorry to hear this. I bought one of his calls when they first came on the market and also talked on the phone with him. A very nice gentleman and his call was responsible for pulling a pair of Pinks 'A rare goose here' away from a large number of Whitefronts and enabled me to shoot my first Pinkfoot and on the foreshore about 15yrs ago. I also sent my call back to him after I tampered with it and he retuned it no problem . RIP Fellow Fowler.
  4. I am not one for believing in this kind of 'malarkey' but a strange thing happened last week. My Father was in hospital and in not good shape and Mother and I where outside having a Smoke and it was quite blustery. We were both standing when a White feather came floating down gently and landed on the ground about ten yards away and it started to tumble in our direction. My Mother believes in this and has collected lots of feathers. I said to her I wonder who its for.? I stepped forward and couldnt believe when all of a sudden it stopped at my feet. My Mother Said its for you. We told the story back up in the Ward to my Sisters and the asked what did i do with it. I said I threw it away and what Would I be wanting with an Old Seagull feather. They scoffed at me and said I had no heart. But I did keep the feather and I put it in My fathers pygama's breast pocket along with a holy emblem. My Father passed peacefully on the 4th of July and I like to think the Feather was a sign he is with the Angels.
  5. Interesting- What was the extra Ammo for..? In case they came across a few rabbits for the lads to make a stew back at the barracks.! I could tell a few story's of the troubles and one is that I suppose Im lucky to be here at all to tell any ! A couple of mates and I as young teenagers used to cross the border to go swimming. We were usually stopped and had our bags searched which usually contained a towel and a can of deodarant. This day as we approached the Checkpoint we had just sat ourselves on a bridge for a rest and the next thing a round of shots went off beside us. We thought we were done for. A couple of soldiers approached us and after checking our bags sent us on our way. We were shaken an did not know what was going on. Anyway a week or so later I read in a paper that a Cyclist was approaching the checkpoint that day also when the shots went off and it transpired that a Soldier on the watchtower had fell asleep and went over on his gun and it went off accidentally. I think it was 4 or 5 shots that went off and it said in the paper the soldier in question was fined £300 a bullet.
  6. It's a Valtra I know my toy tractors as I've a 5yrs old sonow who could start contracting he has that many Farm Machinery toys. He doesn't have a Valtra but that is a Valtra.
  7. Here we go again. More contrevsary. Some shot byou Dre though. Ref shouldn't have stopped it but Kovalev was almost done. Ward done what they said he couldn't do. P4P No 1. Malinaggi spot on as usual though.
  8. I do like a bit of Enya. Ive got her Christmas Album which be's put on every festive season in the house. Here is another with the voice of an Angel. She is definitely a Celtic Lady although sings in the English. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6cvkheImM4
  9. Exactly. The clue is in the name Mallard/Male. Only watched some of the Video as this **** phone keeps giving trouble and it cut out. What I did see and hear was enjoyable.
  10. I tend to agree with this. To be honest I didn't even watch the fight live but did hear the later rounds on the radio in the car. I had little interest in this fight but would have predicted an Early KO for AJ. I'm sure it would have been a very exciting fight to watch live and it definitely didn't pan out the way I thought it would. Age was always going T be factor in this fight and I agree with the above. Youth got him through it IMO despite Wlad boxed better than expected and really should have been all over him the next few rds instead of coasting and letting AJ catch his wind. I did read the thread post fight on here and seen a post mentioning that AJ answered some Questions. ! I disagree and would more so say he is still questionable to both both his stamina and ability to take a good shot. To answer the OP's question about Fury. I couldn't honestly say if An in shape Fury could beat him or not but I would fancy D.Wilder 'Although Wild being very apt' or any other Big puncher that happens to come along to be able to put him away.
  11. He didn't play Worzel but played the 'Crow Man' in Worzel Gummidge'. Loved that programme as a youngster.
  12. Was speaking to a friend this morning who sells them and he told me they are out about four years,but the craze for them is pretty recent.Apparently the Lady who designed them is making very little as she didn't pay to continue the patent. They are absolutely everywhere with shop's and stalls trying to keep up with the demand. We got the Kids' a couple of quality ones yesterday.The cheaper ones are plastic.These ones are metal with a metallic coating and come in a presentation tin box. They are having great fun with them spinning them on their nose's. Such a simple ball bearing design but great fun. Cant do links as on phone but if you google who to use them on youtube you get hints on tricks ect. Like all Crazes' it is all a bit crazy and a big noise about very little. Maybe I could have asked who was spinning their fidgeters lol. Anyway I have farmers phoning about Crows so must get fidgeting getting gear ready.
  13. Well who has been fidgeting with their Spinners then?
  14. That man in the link originally lived less than ten miles from me.I did not know him personally but know of his family. Robbed of his life by scumbags.
  15. Not wanting to Hijack or stray off topic (may be guilty of that already) I will send you a quick PM.
  16. Free live Streaming on your PC could be what your looking for. Type in that for the fight and you should get a number of option's. Some are better than other's and you may have to try differnet links until you get a decent one and ou will have to close a lot of pop up's on the screen. I used to watch fights this way and had a cable/lead from computer to TV so as to watch on bigger screen.
  17. To those who inquired' Yes it is of course 'BB' I was referring to. As some on here will be aware from other places 'I am a 'BB' Nut. I have read around 25 of his book's and was a memeber of the 'BB' Society from the early day's and used to contribute articles and stories for the 'Sky Gypsy Journal' (I am sure the editor had his work cut out regarding my grammar, spelling and punctuation.) I could have added botanist,entomologist,ornithologist and Artist to this remarkable Man's talents. I am pretty sure 'BB' could have conjured up a very atmospheric description of the 'Rare sight' and scene captured in the OP's photo's.
  18. Good footage again Ollie. You do some tramping for your rough shooting. That was me up unto this past 5 yrs or so. Really need to get a rough shooting dog on the go again. Spent a nice day up around your part of the world last Monday and the weather was good. Ps Knock your phone off fella when your out shooting Well its what I do. I use and old phone for photos but don't carry my main phone. I hear enough of herself when at home.
  19. Very pretty flower.I have never actually seen one in the flesh but have some tattooed on the calf of my leg along with a poem in homage to my Favourite Wildfowling/Shooting/Countryside/Naturalist/ Children's author. I have been admiring a similar Wild flower' this past few weeks in a couple of fields directly behind the house and that is the Cuckoo flower or Lady's Smock.
  20. Used to eat a lot of Pilchards' in tomato sauce. Both on toast and also straight from the tin at work.The fellas at work used to make a fuss and thought it disgusting. Didn't know what was good for them. The brand was mostly 'Princes'.
  21. Like the peewits' One of my favourite birds.
  22. I know little about 'stick making' but to me the orange used on the bill actually look's lighter on your test piece. The grey obviously has turned a darker shade. Is it the same wood though.? Your greylag head and test piece are they different pieces/types of wood.? Would nail varnish not do the job? Just a suggestion!
  23. Read in the paper this morning of two confirmed case's here in Ireland as well.
  24. I had it 85 to 88 scoring a couple of rounds even not the same ones as the commentator's.Respect to Locket for looking out for his man but definitely Smith went in with an illegal head. Rematch need as Williams was clearly outboxing him.
  25. Disgusting. Intentional or not he went in with the head and the ref should have deducted a point for it.
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