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Found 25 results

  1. I have a couple of fairly small perms for foxes. At the mo, all I have is .22LR and 17 HMR. I'm aware that neither is ideal so would like to go for something more capable of a reliable clean kill. The HMR certainly does the job at the ranges I'm shooting at but I'm aware that V-Max rounds have their limitations if they hit a big chunk of bone or if the placement isn't perfect. I don't need long range as alomost all are within 100 yards but I do want to minimise ricochet and the risk of just injuring them. I think a .223 might be a bit too much for the land I'm on and I hear they are pretty noisy which is a consideration as both perms have horses. That said, the HMR doesn't seem to spook them too much. Suggestions? Thoughts on 17 Hornet?
  2. Hi all, Im after foxes at the moment, but - no rifle at the moment, funds, new cabinet needed etc... but i have been able to gert within est. 60yrds of them but wasnt comfortable taking a shot for not making them any shyer and risk of injury over a clean kill (46g 3s, 36 3" BBs and 00 buckshot available 3/4 choked). Has anyone played around with baiting known runs, positioning early and setting up a hide arrangement downwind (along a river bank and hedge) to ambush them as such? I do intend getting a rifle .223 or .22WMR is my thinking for now but i would also like to try some field craft for the sake of it too. Any tips are welcome, bait, bait type, placement, cartridge recommended from the above mentioned 12g rounds. Thanks, R Mc
  3. This has come up and I think I met someone on here who had this permission........ sounds unlucky but the local Facebook luvvies have really gone to town.... From the sounds of it a shot milky vixen got found. https://www.thecomet.net/news/crime/letchworth-foxhunting-allegations-shared-on-facebook-7852808
  4. I have several spaces remaining on some of my shoots - available immediately. Runs from 1st April to 31 March each year. You are supplied with personal & vehicle passes and can attend at almost any time without making bookings, shoot when you like. Good varied quarry. Please p.m me with your full name, email address and contact phone number. I will mail you back a set of rules for information & arrange to have you shown round ASAP. My bailiff will be showing perspective members round this Friday during the day & will call you for a chat. Now the light evenings are here, evening viewings will be available as well. I have four places available at a Rawreth/WIckford shoot priced at £400 pgpa. I have one place available at a Billericay shoot priced at £420 pgpa Just One gun available at a lovely Rennendon/Runwell shoot at £550 pgpa. Just One gun available at a nice starter shoot at Runwell for just £175 pgpa. If you are the sort of person that shoots anything that moves without caring what it is - this is not the syndicate for you. I expect members to be respectful, considerate & safe. I only supply the appropriate number of guns depending of the size/type of shoot, nothing is overshot. I have 27 years experience in this area & am proud of my reputation. I can provide all details via email or telephone. Look forward to hearing from you. Regards Gordon
  5. I am currently looking for permissions from land owners / farmers for vermin control / crop protection. I am fully insured up to £10 million. I shoot alone and I take shooting very seriously! I use a very quiet pneumatic charged .22 air rifle with night vision capability. I am available to shoot most days / evenings. Thank you. Craig - 07496531378 c_smith1983@hotmail.com
  6. A quick mooch around tonight looking for Branchers and I stumbled across a neat pile of grey Partridge bones with a handful of feathers attached. It’s was a very neat job with pretty much just keg and wing bones left behind. Any ideas?
  7. Link above is of a fox flushed by the hunt yesterday. (at about 19 seconds into video) I spent about an hour watching and listening the hunt and thought I saw movement top left of wood, I went to pick up binoculars from car and on my return to the gate saw nothing. However on viewing the GO PRO footage when I got home this is what I had missed. Fox did a sharp left turn through the gate I had been standing at, probably because I was about 5 yards from him.
  8. Just curious to see what types of manual calls you guys are using If you have ever thought about getting into the use of call's would really like to hear peoples opinions on calls in regards to the imported calls that are all factory injection moulded and the hand turn custom side.
  9. Hello all. I have recently moved to east Wiltshire. Am looking forward to getting some good tips here, and if I can, offer some in return. Interested in pigeon obviously, but also rabbit, fox and Im also involved in deer management. good shooting to you all !
  10. A clever fox.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_n3hrbJW_I#t=197
  11. Good morning all I have been asked on several occassions to clear the odd fox as 1 off jobs, I currently use .17HMR but need to get a bit more distance and puch so I have asked the FEO for a .22-250. He has come back to me and agreed in principle however the catch is that I need to provide a farmers/land owners letter to say I have permission. Now the for the tricky bit the land owners concerned wont do this as it is one off jobs so I'm in a bit of a pickle can anybody advise or suggest any possible solutions. I have the chance of some good land to shoot over if I can do these 1 off jobs that have good potential to become regular permissions but without the right tool for the job i'm stuck. Look forward to your sensible replies ATB Brad
  12. Hi everyone, I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction, in regards to shooting lamps for foxes. I want a lamp that is hand held and plugs into a 12 v (cig lighter) socket in a truck, What are the advantages of LED ones verses the ones with bulbs? What to look for when buying one, good brands etc? Price wise.... I am looking for a decent lamp and willing to pay for it! Of course I have had a look online and read many product reviews but would like to know from people that actually use them and can give impartial advice and views on what different lamps ACTUALLY are like to use, rather than just details of them. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance for your help! Tom
  13. Hi, Myself and some friends are looking for some shooting over the Surrey area. We are all very experiences shots and hold both firearms and shotgun licences. We also hold out own insurance. We are mainly looking for permission to shoot over land for pest control (rabbits, foxes etc...) but we are also looking for permission to shoot wood pigeons, crows etc. If you have any land that would be suitable or need some help in pest control or crop protection over the next year please get in touch. Simon
  14. I am looking for some opportunities to shhot with a buddy around the ipswich (ish) area. I have BASC insurance and shotgun, .22 rimfire and am happy to lamp for someone its not always about pulling the trigger being outdoors is always nice. have own gear and common sense so if your after a shooting buddy get in touch. Or if you hasve an issue with any birds etc get in touch i can come take alook for you and see if i can help you out.
  15. Went out last night for a quick look for a couple rabbits, as pulling up to my permission a fox ran in front of my car. A slight change of plan I thought would go and stand under a tree in the middle of the field and squeak using my fox pro and see if the fox would return. Got there and tucked in with my mate and the lamp and started squeaking mainly looking in the direction of where I saw the fox, within 1 min from a completely different direction I saw something bolting across the field and one last squeak it turned directly for I got to with 12yds and I shot stopping it dead, gave it another just to be sure and that was it my first fox. What an adrenaline rush calling it in blind and it being there within a minute. One happy farmer and me very happy!
  16. Went out for a roe seen only does but then at 21:34 mister fox pop out so I put 110grn softpoint into its chest and drop him on the spot. Well happy.
  17. These are the Hoovers doing the cleaning up after the rabbit shooting.
  18. For Sale: Foxpro Wildfire Remote Caller, as new in box with manual. Photo at: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28505901/Challenger%20DSA%20Photo/IMG_1355.JPG Sales video at Not sure what's on the Micro SD card (included) but the software and calls are all free from their website. £110 posted; Paypal or cash on collection in the Bath/Chippenham area. Cheers
  19. I would like a fox or two taking out and at the same time you are welcome to have any rabbits. Plenty of pigeons in the day. Only a small piece of land approx 5 acres near Herne Bay in Kent. Drop me a message if interested. Sam
  20. Well went out with 2 of my mates for a stalk on the roe as I'm training my pup on blood trailing, we sat for 30 minutes and a cock pheasant was going mad in the woods then 5 minutes later a fox came out and ran across to the next field I could not see it so I stalked across and i came across it again. The fox was rolling about and then just lay there so I put a 130grn straight into it!! Shame we didn't see a deer but a fox is all ways a bouns!!???
  21. I was just wondering how many foxes had been shot by people this year?
  22. Me and two of my lambing partners were out lamping on thursday night after a day at the woodcock with no luck! we drove around a few field with no luck then near my dads broiler houses there is charlie standing ten yards away from the car just inside the field. He took off over the hill and my friends and i jumped out and walk about 100 yards into the field, turned the fox pro caller on and waited. after an inpatient 5 minutes we were about to leave when this big boy makes another appearance about 150 yards away, but would come no closer. As we were using a 17hmr i wasn't confident taking the shot too far out so on this wet windy night we took of on our bellies down the side of the hill getting socked. At the bottom my friend got on his hands and knees i leant the rifle on is back and squeezed off the shot, and he says, "down hard". we walk up two check are prey to find its a huge old dog fox in perfect nick, shot right through his left eye on later inspection he is nearly 4 and a half feet long and ways just over 25lb! in my opinion he was we'll worth getting wet for!
  23. Hi all Thanks for taking the time to read this Ideally were looking for somewhere to go Vermin pigeon and rabbit mainly, We can manage deer if needed as two of us are DSCL1 Quilified, we have shotguns and Firearms from Fac .22 air, .17Hmr, 22LR, .243 and 7x57mm and DSC level 1 (Deer Stalking) we are very keen shooters and we will take on anything. I myself have been shooting for over 20 years and was a gamekeeper when I left school, we are keen to get in the fields again no matter what the weather. I’m sitting here now pulling my hair out because when I lived in Norfolk I had 3,000 acres to shoot on, bit of a long way to go for a day out... Please could someone help before I go bald!! I am from an agricultural back ground so if any farmers/land owners need a hand on the farm that won’t be a problem so please give me a shout. Were looking for some where roughly within an hour’s radius of Nottingham/Derby Finally we have all full BASC insurance and copies of all our details will be given to the land owner if needed. Paul
  24. Hi all Thanks for taking the time to read this Ideally were looking for somewhere to go Vermin pigeon and rabbit mainly, We can manage deer if needed as two of us are DSCL1 Quilified, we have shotguns and Firearms from Fac .22 air, .17Hmr, 22LR, .243 and 7x57mm and DSC level 1 (Deer Stalking) we are very keen shooters and we will take on anything. I myself have been shooting for over 20 years and was a gamekeeper when I left school, we are keen to get in the fields again no matter what the weather. I’m sitting here now pulling my hair out because when I lived in Norfolk I had 3,000 acres to shoot on, bit of a long way to go for a day out... Please could someone help before I go bald!! I am from an agricultural back ground so if any farmers/land owners need a hand on the farm that won’t be a problem so please give me a shout. Were looking for some where roughly within an hour’s radius of Nottingham/Derby Finally we have all full BASC insurance and copies of all our details will be given to the land owner if needed Paul
  25. Just a few pics of a trip out on my farm after harvest. We starting friday morning blowing in the rape on standing corn, combining from 10 and finished the 400acres with 200 subsoiled and driled by 10pm, using 2 Class combines with 35ft headers. So couldnt pass up a trip on the stuble. Although i forgot my mod (very stupid) so had to use mates rifles .22-250 instead of my.223 broke the lamp and had to bodge another with diff conectors onto mine we came out with 3 foxes and 2 misses. My fault being over adventerous. Picked two ont he spot and the third next day just in some brambles but only adrenaline coud have taken it in. attachment=69953:foxbox.jpg]
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