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Question Time


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Yes, Griffin has a glass left eye. And yes, I too thought his hands seemed to be shaking a lot.


Griffin came across as badly as I'd anticipated - he just looks and sounds like a sales rep in a cheap suit, with no viable policies to mention, and nothing other than immigration to discuss. He just makes me think of the PG Wodehouse character 'Sir Roderick Spode'.

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close doors on imigrants [sp] when unemployment is high stop homosexual's kissing in public .send back criminal's who been allowed in .track those students on work visa's who forget to leave britain .hmm. some good points. jack straw well maybe send him home aswell should of been before the show ****.



I have to say it certainly blew Jack Straw out of the water when Griffin reminded him where his father was during WWII?


Griffin father was in the RAF, Straw's was in prison becuse of his refusal to fight Germany?


That raised a few eyebrows did'nt it?


The BNP will not take power but I imagine will continue to sustain a fair political foothold in this country.


It kust makes me wonder why the current political parties just don't listen...........

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Don't get me wrong I am about as anti BNP as you can be [Although I do believe our immigration policy does need sorting] but DD was not his usual impartial self and let it be a BNP bashing session Saying that WHEN given a chance NG showed himeself as the bigot he is


So im my humble opinion no winners from last nights show

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The BNP got an hour on prime time telly and plenty of follow up in the news. It wasn't the BNP kicking off outside television centre telling the nation what it should or should not be watching on telly.


You stick the BNP on the telly and in peoples' living rooms and they attain credibility - national prime time telly and shoulder to shoulder with the mainstream parties. They are not just the shaven headed thugs in green bomber jackets anymore dropping flyers outside football matches.


IMHO it was an absolute own goal for the left wing and I reckon the BNP got more out of it than they lost.


The taboo of having the BNP on serious telly has now been broken. I bet a fiver that the next TV appearance will follow shortly.

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Do you reckon Nick Griffin will be on Loose Women next? or making a cameo appearance in the next series of Heartbeat?


If anyone truly believes after last night that BNP could successfully run a bath let alone a country they need their heads read.

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The baying wolves let Mr. Griffin get so far in his 'denial' of the so-called 'holocaust' and then stopped him in his tracks. I believe he questioned the statistics*. He may be right there.


*This was later explained in the following programme.


The headlines in the comics this morning claim he 'outraged' muslims. But they are outrageous and outside of English law in some of their beliefs and practices. There was no reaction by the biased audience to his condemning the facts that in islam, women are second class throw away items. Oooo Mrs! We musn't mention this.


I too find the sight of two men snogging in public 'creepy'; so what? I find all kn0b jockeys creepy and also their unnatural habits. So, I am instantly labelled as a 'homophobe'. What a silly word. Some folk don't like, (even hate) spiders.


The panel was out to trap him and to say the panel 'had no idea' what the questions were to be was outrageous. This could be seen when Straw-man immediately spouted chapter and verse from prepared notes. The only poor unprepared member there was Mr. Griffin.


Shoddy. He deserves all the extra votes he'll get.

Edited by Floating Chamber
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The baying wolves let Mr. Griffin get so far in his 'denial' of the so-called 'holocaust' and then stopped him in his tracks. I believe he questioned the statistics*. He may be right there.


*This was later explained in the following programme.


The headlines in the comics this morning claim he 'outraged' muslims. But they are outrageous and outside of English law in some of their beliefs and practices. There was no reaction by the biased audience to his condemning the facts that in islam, women are second class throw away items. Oooo Mrs! We musn't mention this.


I too find the sight of two men snogging in public 'creepy'; so what? I find all kn0b jockeys creepy and also their unnatural habits. So, I am instantly labelled as a 'homophobe'. What a silly word. Some folk don't like, (even hate) spiders.


The panel was out to trap him and to say the panel 'had no idea' what the questions were to be was outrageous. This could be seen when Straw-man immediately spouted chapter and verse from prepared notes. The only poor unprepared member there was Mr. Griffin.

Shoddy. He deserves all the extra votes he'll get.



You would have thought that given Griffins reputation and what he stands for he may well have had an insight into the type of questions asked and the type of people that would be asking them, therefore he should have been well prepared. After all it was plain from the start that noone was going to ask him about better streetlights or police on the beat were they?


To me he didn't seem interested or capable of answering the questions and just had some sickening smirk on his face all the time.


The guy is a numpty, and he is surrounded by thugs. They may well have grown some hair and changed the green bomber jacket and DM's for a ASDA suit and loafers but they are still the same biggotted ill informed party they always were and will be.


As far as I am concerned if two men want to kiss and stick their ***** up each others ***** then let them carry on, as long as they don't try and do it to me. But then I feel the same way about religion, if you want to go to church on a sunday and believe that there is some almighty god that looks after everything then fine, just don't preach to me because I am not interested.

The BNP will only get the extra votes from the great unwashed who managed to stay awake long enough to see the programme. Not from anyone capable of rational thought.

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The same could be said of Jack Straw, but he is being allowed to.



Not really no.


The BNP is a political party, Jack Straw is one man who is a member of a political party. You know the labour party who was elected to run the country.


Now the labour party may be doing a bad job but the BNP wouldn't know where to start.

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The BNP will never run the country under it's current structure and "management".


However, they can't be ignored; if 1 million people actually bothered to vote for them at the Euro elections, I wonder how many thought about voting for them but couldn't be bothered (usual voter apathy) and how many nearly did it but couldn't quite bring themselves to do it (went UKIP or Tory instead)?


There are aspects of their agenda and policies that the mainstream parties need to take on board and address, because clearly at least 1 million people think that the mainstram parties aren't doing it for them.

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My main issue is not with immigration, but whom and how people are coming in. This feeble attempt to copy the Australian points chart is a sham, our boarder control is non existent.


The main issue with this country is benefits! And this is not restricted to immigrants, muslins or Asians but also to a LOT of whites. CHAVS and slobs sitting on their back sides claiming our hard earned cash.


So them Mr or Mrs “jonnie foreigner” comes in and is happy to work for minimum wage paying taxes and NI, and white slob complains there is no work for them! What they mean is there is no work that they THINK they are skilled to work for.


All of theses people who claim benefits should be made to do work for it. Our streets should be spotless with not litter etc, because these people should be out picking it all up.


My vote will not be for Labour, it might be for the Conservatives as the only viable option, but then again it might fall to the BNP just to stare things up.


English people are being air-bushed out of the history maps. It is very rare that you can select on a form your nationality as English.


That YANK American woman last night was so annoying, the whole show was just a sham and clearly hand picked gay,les,black, white, lefty etc

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A staged bullying session, with no pretext about being a current affairs debate.


A hand picked audience of various colours, but one purpose (straight out of central casting).


A third rate panel, in which Jack Straw was the biggest waffling doughnut, Bonnie Greer was almost a non participant, Chris Huhne was ineffectual and Baroness Warsi tried hard to be everything that anyone wanted her to be.


Chaired by The Big Ego Dimbleby who orchestrated the bullying, by holding Griffin down so the others could kick him ( ineffectually IMO).


I think Griffin might have attracted some sympathy from watchers of this mugging.

His general comments were forgettable, but the mistake was in allowing him to be shouted down, or interrupted, thereby not requiring him to finish most sentences.

I wouldn't vote BNP, but a couple of times I agreed with what he was saying and the poor showing by the rest of the panel somehow enhanced Griffin's position.

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VEry interesting reading this.

in my experience when people moan about immigrants taking jobs its normally the eastern europeans they are talking about. now correct me if im wrong but the BNP dont mind them do they?because they are white and would blend in nicely.

Secondly i think it was good that QT touched on the fact that Nick Griffin spoke about the english aborigonies and claimed that the people who have lived here for the past 1300 years are pure english. where in fact this island has been invaded and repopulated and merged and generally been kept as far from a 'pure' race as possible, he makes up history to suit himself!

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A staged bullying session, with no pretext about being a current affairs debate.


A hand picked audience of various colours, but one purpose (straight out of central casting).


A third rate panel, in which Jack Straw was the biggest waffling doughnut, Bonnie Greer was almost a non participant, Chris Huhne was ineffectual and Baroness Warsi tried hard to be everything that anyone wanted her to be.


Chaired by The Big Ego Dimbleby who orchestrated the bullying, by holding Griffin down so the others could kick him ( ineffectually IMO).


I think Griffin might have attracted some sympathy from watchers of this mugging.

His general comments were forgettable, but the mistake was in allowing him to be shouted down, or interrupted, thereby not requiring him to finish most sentences.

I wouldn't vote BNP, but a couple of times I agreed with what he was saying and the poor showing by the rest of the panel somehow enhanced Griffin's position.


There is a god!

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The main issue with this country is benefits! And this is not restricted to immigrants, muslins or Asians but also to a LOT of whites. CHAVS and slobs sitting on their back sides claiming our hard earned cash.


So them Mr or Mrs “jonnie foreigner” comes in and is happy to work for minimum wage paying taxes and NI, and white slob complains there is no work for them! What they mean is there is no work that they THINK they are skilled to work for.


My wife works for the job center ...a lot of long term unemployed come in asking about "THEIR WAGES" as they call them (Benifits ) ...well if its wages they want ..quite right clean the streets :good:

Edited by PWD
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My main issue is not with immigration, but whom and how people are coming in. This feeble attempt to copy the Australian points chart is a sham, our boarder control is non existent.


The main issue with this country is benefits! And this is not restricted to immigrants, muslins or Asians but also to a LOT of whites. CHAVS and slobs sitting on their back sides claiming our hard earned cash.


So them Mr or Mrs “jonnie foreigner” comes in and is happy to work for minimum wage paying taxes and NI, and white slob complains there is no work for them! What they mean is there is no work that they THINK they are skilled to work for.


All of theses people who claim benefits should be made to do work for it. Our streets should be spotless with not litter etc, because these people should be out picking it all up.


My vote will not be for Labour, it might be for the Conservatives as the only viable option, but then again it might fall to the BNP just to stare things up.


English people are being air-bushed out of the history maps. It is very rare that you can select on a form your nationality as English.


That YANK American woman last night was so annoying, the whole show was just a sham and clearly hand picked gay,les,black, white, lefty etc


Spot on. :good:

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It was like watching 4 18 year olds with a cornered precocious 13 yr old.Dimbleby chaired it very poorly and it felt quite a 'charged atmosphere'.

But Griffins ''I cannot explain why I've changed my mind'' and ''it was a friendly Klu Klux branch'' were simply pitiful.

Should he have been on,yes, freedom of speech permits idiots,has he garnered more support from this,I doubt it.

I'd rather shoot my own leg off than vote for him but I totally defend his right to speak(well his attempts to try to). Poor programme,poor panel poorly chaired.

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Mr Huhne is quoted on the BBC web site today as saying


“Our black, Muslim and Jewish citizens will sleep much less easily now the BBC has legitimised the BNP by treating its racist poison as the views of just another mainstream political party when it is so uniquely evil and dangerous."


This seems to ignore the fact that if any of the big three parties were to address the issues of immigration and the worries of Islamisation of British society then the BNP would not need to exist.


The BBC gave an opportunity for a legitimate political party to have a say. OK they then fluffed it by the obvious inequality in the way the various panelists were treated, but they showed a whole lot more moral courage than the main stream political parties have in the last 18 years simply by allowing this to happen.



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A staged bullying session, with no pretext about being a current affairs debate.


A hand picked audience of various colours, but one purpose (straight out of central casting).


A third rate panel, in which Jack Straw was the biggest waffling doughnut, Bonnie Greer was almost a non participant, Chris Huhne was ineffectual and Baroness Warsi tried hard to be everything that anyone wanted her to be.


Chaired by The Big Ego Dimbleby who orchestrated the bullying, by holding Griffin down so the others could kick him ( ineffectually IMO).


I think Griffin might have attracted some sympathy from watchers of this mugging.

His general comments were forgettable, but the mistake was in allowing him to be shouted down, or interrupted, thereby not requiring him to finish most sentences.

I wouldn't vote BNP, but a couple of times I agreed with what he was saying and the poor showing by the rest of the panel somehow enhanced Griffin's position.


One of the clearest and most accurate message on here. IMHO.


I do wonder what the BNP are really trying to do in politics because they could never actually run the country, know how to start running the country or have much dialogue with the rest of the world (that we would want to be in discussion with!) How much insanity does Nick Griffin have? How much is ego driven? because I am very confused by his motives since he has unsound and frankly pathetic arguments for any of his points. To a degree, some points have merit but NG is just not up to any meaningful debate so looses ALL credibility. He certainly seems to me to be a man on a mission to ride his new status by saying whatever he needs to in an attempt to gain momentum. I do not believe him, trust him or respect him in any way. I also think this ship is full and there is no more room for passengers even without cabins! However, it is not PC in all the other parties to just lock the doors to entrants to the UK. In any case, the population internally is on a rise now which is going to be bad enough to cope with, health care, education, public services in general and education. The pensions issue is yet another nightmare on the horizon. Growth of the population is a huge driver for the food/water and all resource problems we are going to face in the next 50 or so years. Not sure of the answer to stemming population growth but an answer would be more than helpful to our next generations even in the UK. China, India and Brazil are all far bigger population expansion problems and directly affect our lives here in the UK.

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I don't think Nick Griffin represented the BNP very well at all. Most of the time he sat there squirming and grinning uncomfortably as he was forced to admit the racist & biggoted comments and beliefs of his party. Twice he managed to get more than one sentence out before being allowed to be cut off by one of the other panel members, which he seemed to welcome.


The BNP are an irrelevent party and people did just vote for them because the are fed up to the back teeth of seeing this country of ours being given away to anyone who wants a slice of it. He did make one point which I did respect and that was for other countries and religions to acknowledge we are the rulers in our own country just as they are the rulers in theres. We leave you alone and you leave us alone to run our own affairs.


If they're serious about getting ahead then they need to drop this idiotic ideal of Britain for Britons, whites only, etc, and to crack down on freeloaders and spongers and restructure things so it makes Britain more industrious without over-populating it, regardless of what someones background may be.


On a final note, I found it really annoying that the other 3 MPs were willing to shout him down and slander him when they themselves aren't exactly all sweetness & light. The adage of "he without sin should cast the first stone" came to mind several times.

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