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Shooting Malapropisms

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With out trying to cause offence and I normally do the Suffolk people are fantastic at miss pronunciation, !!!! my late father-in-law was the nicest man you could meet but had me in fits many times, my brother in law came over from Germany (he lives there) to visit when he was leaving his parents house via the front porch when he banged and broke his little toe, he was crippled with pain, well I laughed straight away and my father-in-law shouted out, take him up the "A & M" --- A & M we all said yes he replied, Accident and Mergency :good:

My missus and her mum insist on calling shops and places by something different, we have a shop called "Dunelms" they pronounce it "Dulems" it drives me crazy, we have whole conversations about things and places that don't exist or are called something completely different, frustrating or what :hmm:, Ive lived in Suffolk for 15 years and by now I reckon I should be used to it but nope it still pee's me off :P:P


Not shooting I know but funny!!

Edited by Alanl50
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A guy I used to work with was good for these, here's a couple of his finest


When discussing the benefits of leaving something in plain view - "...then it acts as a criminal detergent"


My personal fave - When advising care in a dangerous situation - "..you'll be skating thin to the wind if you do"

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The other day i commented to the wife there was spawn in the pond but i wasn't sure if it was frog or toad as i couldn't remember which was strings and which was clumps. she said "ohh and I thought your fancied yourself as a naturist"


When the the kids were small there was a scare about hormones in baby milk causing infertility. The same lady said "did you hear about milk powder causing infidelity?"

not shooting related but pretty funny.

cheers Will

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My late uncle was good with these (non shooting related). He had a good sense of humour and was a merciless ****-taker.


He would deliberately say something wrong in the company of pedantic bores. It was incredible to watch the agony on their faces as they tried to manipulate the conversation, so that they could reintroduce the word or phrase correctly. It's like they couldn't relax until they had "showed" him the right way :good::hmm::P :P


Some of his favourites were :


Lulling someone into a false sense of insecurity (instead of security)

That dog's gone beresk (instead of beserk)

It's gone owery (deliberate mispronunciation of awry)

She's had to go in for an ex-directomy (instead of hysterectomy)


And many more. Very hard to keep a straight face in a conversation, if you noticed what he was up to :P:lol: :lol:

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Nothing to do with shooting whatsoever but the old Ronnie Barker sketch about "The Ministry For Mispronounciation" springs straight to mind here (What a brilliantly clever man he was). Can anyone else remember it?




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