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One-legged soldier is turned down for


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You're right, what a shambles this country is becoming. also what kind of low life would issue a ticket after having been shown the false limb..... I am continually stunned by stories like this and disgusted at how frequent they are becoming

Almost right: I'd just change "is becoming" to "has become".


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******* disgusting!! The council officials are incompetent fools :cry1:

It shouldn't take a news paper article to highlight the situation, they should just do their jobs correctly.


This Lad is owed a huge appology from the ******** who have treated him so badly.


Once again they order an urgent review. They should start with sacking the ******* who thinks a blown off leg is not a disability.


This realy makes my blood boil :/:lol::lol::lol:


Will common sence ever return to the UK?? :hmm:

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I think its appaling that he hast been granted a disabled badge.Having a leg amputated and especially while fighting for your country should automatically entitle you to one.


This is the absolute truth,but the amount of people i see parking in my local supermarkets disabled spaces complete with blue badge is astonishing.Whats more amazing is that the only disability i can work out the majority have is that they're morbidly obese and unless the rules have changed-being a fat g*t isnt a legitemate reason.

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just proves the point we think more of asylum seekers, illegals and any other waif and stray than we do of our own, get harmed representing this country and your not thought of as a hero but as a pariah.




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What makes it even worse is when you get to know just how the system is abused by scroungers.


We had a woman working for us who's partner lost a leg through illness a few years ago. He gets a free car that's got everything paid for except fuel, but, he's just won ANOTHER contract to paint a nursing / old folks home for cash but still claims full disability benefits. They are not married as she said they wouldn't be able to claim so much assistance for them and the kids. :cry1:


Funnily enough I found a reason to sack her so now they have one wage less :/


If I thought reporting them would do any good I would but I know from experience (this is the second person I know who works but claims a car) nothing will be done. :lol:


Flipping benefits department, they're to***rs :lol:

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There is most likely a lot more to this story than meets the eye-dont take everything that you read in the paper as gospel-blue badges are easy to get with your doctors consent ( his GP seems to have been left out of the story)-if your GP thinks that you need one then all it takes is a phone call from the relevant dept and bobs your uncle.No dissrespect meant in any way whatsoever to the soldier concerned but i think this story may have been "dramatised". :cry1: l

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Loads of a certain ethnic group around here get blue badges, they tell the Doctor that they need one to ferry their elderly aunt twice removed to hospital etc. and then use it themselves :cry1:

Some people claim to be driving a relative about on a daily basis, so need the blue badge...even though said relative still lives in a village in the middle of Bangladesh...

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There is most likely a lot more to this story than meets the eye-dont take everything that you read in the paper as gospel-blue badges are easy to get with your doctors consent ( his GP seems to have been left out of the story)-if your GP thinks that you need one then all it takes is a phone call from the relevant dept and bobs your uncle.No dissrespect meant in any way whatsoever to the soldier concerned but i think this story may have been "dramatised". :hmm: l



You don't need to be a doctor to see the diference between a real and prosthetic leg. :hmm:


The council should have issued it straight away! :hmm:

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At no point did i suggest that you needed a doctor to spot a prosthetic leg-newspapers have a knack of twisting the truth to make a story-simple fact is that to get a blue badge to need to go see your GP-if he says you need one then the council are duty bound to supply one for you-you dont need to "apply" to your council for one as such.

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