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Offal - Liver, Kidney, heart etc.

Salop Matt

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They are all good meat, and best very fresh (or just defrosted, having been frozen when very fresh).


From a butcher you could get some calves live, perhaps the best but it is not so cheap! Slice that in 1/2" thick slices, and quickly fried so still a bit pink it is delicious and very tender. If you want liver/onions and bacon, make sure to do the bacon first, and push to the side and do the liver in the same pan. The onions should be done in another pan and gently fried till they are practically melting. Seasoning is your choice, I use fresh sage and garlic.


I did the above with some liver from my first ever fallow buck and the wife and I thought it was just fab.

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After seeing the liver on HFW RC last night I fancy trying liver (lambs), I confident the Mrs (veggie) will be less than impressed but still ! How should I cook it and does anyone else eat it ?


Also what other offal do you eat and how do you like it ? :good:


Slice thin, coat in flour and fry with onions, big dollop of mash



even better if you can get some fresh roe liver.


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Trim and prepare liver and put in ovenproof dish - fry some onions then put on top of liver - slice a sud into thin slices and microwave in some water till nearly done - layer sliced spubs over the liver and salt and pepper and brush with bit of oil - cook in oven on about 180c till spuds are brown and crispy - serve with veg and thick gravy - wash down with nice red wine.



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After seeing the liver on HFW RC last night I fancy trying liver (lambs), I confident the Mrs (veggie) will be less than impressed but still ! How should I cook it and does anyone else eat it ?


Also what other offal do you eat and how do you like it ? :stupid:



You have never eaten liver? :good: You really have missed out on my fav meal. Hearts are another one, done in mint :stupid:


Trim and prepare liver and put in ovenproof dish - fry some onions then put on top of liver - slice a sud into thin slices and microwave in some water till nearly done - layer sliced spubs over the liver and salt and pepper and brush with bit of oil - cook in oven on about 180c till spuds are brown and crispy - serve with veg and thick gravy - wash down with nice red wine.




Thats a good one Dave. :hmm: Mine would be, in a pan with sliced onions, fried a couple mins each side, and then add some stock for a gravy. Leave for a while, and make some REAL chips. Get it all out on a plate, dollop of mustard, and some brown bread. :cry1::bye2:

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Venison liver is simply fantastic, especially when you eat it a couple of hours after harvesting your deer. Very sweet, tender and full of flavour.



yup have to agree there......


Saturdays tea was fried Roe liver with mushrooms and onions with new potatoes


Mondays tea was Roe liver braised with mushrooms and onions thick gravy with new potatoes......


Anyone see a theme here.....


I find the next best liver is lambs liver, but ive never tried calves liver



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Get a little flour and season it with some salt and pepper. Cut the liver into small slices, pat dry with kitchen towel and then chuck them in the seasoned flour.


Now heat a frying pan up and put a good chunk of butter in it, whent he butter froths, fry a little finely chopped inion and bacon until brown, then turn the heat up, add a little bit more butter if necessary then flash fry the liver, they should be a little pink in the middle, literally all you needs is a minute each side.


Served with really well mashed spud, the tast is sublime...

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I think that the biggest and most common mistake that people make when cooking offal is to over cook it which can make it like trying to eat a lump of old boot leather! When cooked properly offal can be one of the most tasty meals around. My particular favourite is stuffed sheeps hearts with mash and a nice thick gravy served piping hot with some fresh thick cut crusty bread and butter! Yum, yum! :huh::blush::lol::good::lol:

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