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i want to be single now

chris o

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me and mrs orrell had a row last nite thought all blown over. then half hour ago avon woman comes round we dont have any money spur so she goes in my wallet with out bleeding asking which i was keeping hold of for some tobacoo and she took it again with out asking and left me with nowt.

what would you guys recommend i do? to sought this out.


and this is a regular thing. and i am due to start a job thanks to chefdon which she winged at because of me travel money needs to be saved and she aint happy bout having to hold money back. i am so wound up at the moment.

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me and mrs orrell had a row last nite thought all blown over. then half hour ago avon woman comes round we dont have any money spur so she goes in my wallet with out bleeding asking which i was keeping hold of for some tobacoo and she took it again with out asking and left me with nowt.

what would you guys recommend i do? to sought this out.


and this is a regular thing. and i am due to start a job thanks to chefdon which she winged at because of me travel money needs to be saved and she aint happy bout having to hold money back. i am so wound up at the moment.


Recommend that she sign up as an Avon rep (or better still as a ******** distributor), then she can earn her own cash to spend without nicking yours

Edited by amateur
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To be honest if she cannot see the obvious financial problems, even after you pointed it out, I feel she never will. It sounds like she's quite young (possibly without siblings) & has always had what she wanted, when she wanted(Daddy's little girl), previously maxed-out on credit cards & has never worked thus unable to see the value of money & how it has to be earned. Sorry if I,m way off here & reading between the lines too much!! :rolleyes:

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As with all problems, the best way is to try and sit down, explain things rationally and clamly, try and keep emotions out of it as it just muddies the water, and make a plan for the future from that point onwards. It's hard, but it's better long term than having a row when it's all just emotion and pent up frustration. 'Darling, we need to talk, he's a brew...'Good luck mate.

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I keep my money and valuables in the ammo safe, along with my documents. A mate of my came home one day his other half had sold his weekend car. She blew the lot, apparently the old bill could do nothing? What's hers is hers and what's yours is hers :o

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I keep my money and valuables in the ammo safe, along with my documents. A mate of my came home one day his other half had sold his weekend car. She blew the lot, apparently the old bill could do nothing? What's hers is hers and what's yours is hers :o



Divorce/ceasement of the relationship sounds the only reasonable course of action there.....as well as selling off everything of value she may have(particularly jewellery, that'll go down exceptionally well if he sells off all of her jewellery!). :angry:

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I keep my money and valuables in the ammo safe, along with my documents. A mate of my came home one day his other half had sold his weekend car. She blew the lot, apparently the old bill could do nothing? What's hers is hers and what's yours is hers :o


Could you post up your full address please!!!


Seriously tho my mrs of 17 years always asks when she needs some doe, she normally gets some but on occasion I do say no or why.

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