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My shooting has been suspended!


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Well right now I am fairly hacked off, feeling pretty down, in quite a bit of pain and worried!

Over the last 6 months or so I have been getting a lot of pain in my left hip. It has been getting progressively worse and really hit a new peak yesterday, so much so that I was having a job to move let alone walk last night. I resorted to taking a couple of (50mg Tramadol) pain killers (Which I hate and even though they are prescribed for me I only take them when absolutely unavoidable). I hardly slept last night, just drifting in and out of sleep every half an hour or so and even then just to add insult to injury when I had to get up at about 4:30 this morning to visit the bathroom I fell down landing on my left hip, and as if that wasn't bad enough I hit my head on the windowsill at the same time knocking myself senseless!

I have been trying to put off going to the doctor about the pain that I have been getting for heaven knows how long but the wife made me visit the emergency drop in centre this morning. After being prodded, poked and twisted every way that you could imagine and having a massive anti-inflamatory injection the doctor has refered me for x-rays on Monday morning to decide if a hip replacement is in order.

Having a hip replacement has always been my biggest fear. Out of the last three residents of the flats where i live only one of them is able to walk again while one of the others is confined to a wheelchair and the third never recovered and passed away while in hospital, OK, I know that these doctors are surposed to know what they are doing but it is (I believe) natural to see the worst possible scenarios fix in your mind, and that is what has happened with me.

The outcome at the moment is that I have no option but to put all of my shooting on hold till I know what is what and that is what is really getting me down.

I don't want to spend the rest of my life living on pain killers but I fear going in for a replacemenmt and not coming back out again. Some of you might justifiably say that I should have a more positive attitude, and they would be right to say so, but at the moment finding that positive attitude is almost impossible for me to do.

I surpose that i will have to wait till Monday to find what the outcome is going to be and hope that whatever happens will not loose my mobility!


Sorry if this sounds a bit like I am feeling sorry for myself but I really am quite worried!

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If it's any consolation (probably not), my mother-in-law had been waiting for a hip replacement for a long while and she was longing to have it done to relieve the pain. She had it done last week. Went into theatre at 09.30 and was out and back in bed at 10.25.

It was a bit painful at first, but she said not as bad as the pain before the op, and she just called us yesterday to say she was actually going out for a walk!

She always loved her walking, but it just wasn't possible before. She's 77 years old and says it is the best thing she ever did.

Hope it all works out for you.

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Chin up Frenchieboy.




I hope you're feeling more positive soon. :good:


I had seen and read that thread a few days ago and yes I found it very inspiring. Unfortunately while things are sinking in I am finding it hard to get many positive thoughts into my head.

Having said that I would like to add that I have not put this up to try to gain sympathy, it is just my way of venting my frustration.

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As hard as it sounds, try to stay positive mate. These surgery techniques are coming on leaps and bound year by year and if you follow the physio and doctors orders to the letter there is no reason why you won't make a better than perfect recovery.


All the best.

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Know what you are going through and its not nice, been several times to the docs with sevear pain in the knee and found it ulmost impossable to weight bear on it some days. Docs kept saying nothing is wrong, finally one sent me for an axray, results have come back knee joint is totally shot and they won't operate, just offered pain killers then to cap it all he said don't walk any more, If I follow his advice bang goes my shooting.


If you need a operation, check out the surgeon/s reputation if you can. Theres one in my local hospital I would not trust him to carve the sunday joint as seen the results of his butchery, yet the chief surgeon there is good at his job.

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Really sorry you are having such a bad time at the moment. I do actually know how you feel as I have actually been in a similar situation.

I have no idea how old you are Frenchie but I had my right hip replaced in 2003 at 54years old. I had what they call a re-surfacing replacement. It's not the full month in that the metal spike does not go all the way down the bone. I can have the full thing if/when this one wears out. I was in quite a bit of pain and found it difficult to do anything but I can honestly say it was the best thing I could have done, I got my life back and my wife got the man she married back too. I would not hesitate to get it done, it worked for me!

If you can, find out where those unfortunate people you know had there's done and opt to go somewhere else!! Do a bit of asking around to see where has the best reputation. I'm was lucky in that respect, I had mine done privately at Euexton Hall near Preston by a Mr Porter.

Get it done!

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Frenchieboy - Eddie Threlfall - owner of Rishton Clay Club had the replacement hip about 1 year ago. Recovered quite quickly and doing very well.


Don't know which hospital he went to - probably Blackburn - I suspect yours would be Burnley.


Hope it isn't needed and no-one loves hospitals, but if you need to go - go with a positive attitude.


All the best.



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My Dad has had both hips done, one over 10 years ago and the other last year. He has had no problems at all, is still active and has just started playing Bowls at age 76. Last year he built the grandkids a treehouse, rope slide and climbing frame and he's won his "town in bloom" prize three years running.


I'm sure you'll find it just as good as he has - positive attitude and a will to be active is important.


All the best.

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mate, I had my hip done at 27, following a disease I caught wearing my green pyjamas in the jungle. Still run/cycle/hunt/dance like a frog in a blender.


It's not a drama these days! PM me if you wanna chat about it.


Just realised, it's my 5 year hip anniversary this month - and it's a damn sight better than the one it replaced! Titanium / Ceramic, top stuff.


Only drawback is that I was saving up for a Porsche, and instead spent £10k on a BUPA hip, as the NHS waiting list was 18months... God bless the Army - they weren't going to cough up for it!

Edited by jimboozle
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that sounds bad hope u get sorted soon. on a positive note the farmer at my permission is 76 and has had both hips done and he is getting around great. A guy in the warehouse at work had his done a few months ago as he was allmost unable to walk and now he is back he is running about like a different person! Both guys said to me it was the best thing they have done so hope that makes you feel better atb tom.

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Wait till you know for certain what the problem is and what the doctor says would be best for you.Then think it over and decide what you are going to do.If doing nothing and leaving it as it is means you will no longer get out shooting.Or having it done with the chance it will be a success and you can carry on more or less as before.

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My father left his for way too long for the same reasons as you, ended up not being able to shoot and stuck in a wheelchair for two years while they sorted out the mess (he had other problems too) he could actually clack his thigh joint in and out of the socket by the time he got the op. Problem was he'd left it so long and done so much damage that they had to take his hip out to the final rebore (as it were) it changed his life when he finally had it done but was told that WHEN it went again there would be no more they could do for him. After it was done he got back to shooting and fishing and all the things that were his life. In the last year of his life the joint was going home again, his only regret was waiting so long to have it done in the first place. I sincerely hope that you get it sorted sooner rather than later.... Good luck to you mate, hope all goes well

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Well right now I am fairly hacked off, feeling pretty down, in quite a bit of pain and worried!

Over the last 6 months or so I have been getting a lot of pain in my left hip. It has been getting progressively worse and really hit a new peak yesterday, so much so that I was having a job to move let alone walk last night. I resorted to taking a couple of (50mg Tramadol) pain killers (Which I hate and even though they are prescribed for me I only take them when absolutely unavoidable). I hardly slept last night, just drifting in and out of sleep every half an hour or so and even then just to add insult to injury when I had to get up at about 4:30 this morning to visit the bathroom I fell down landing on my left hip, and as if that wasn't bad enough I hit my head on the windowsill at the same time knocking myself senseless!

I have been trying to put off going to the doctor about the pain that I have been getting for heaven knows how long but the wife made me visit the emergency drop in centre this morning. After being prodded, poked and twisted every way that you could imagine and having a massive anti-inflamatory injection the doctor has refered me for x-rays on Monday morning to decide if a hip replacement is in order.

Having a hip replacement has always been my biggest fear. Out of the last three residents of the flats where i live only one of them is able to walk again while one of the others is confined to a wheelchair and the third never recovered and passed away while in hospital, OK, I know that these doctors are surposed to know what they are doing but it is (I believe) natural to see the worst possible scenarios fix in your mind, and that is what has happened with me.

The outcome at the moment is that I have no option but to put all of my shooting on hold till I know what is what and that is what is really getting me down.

I don't want to spend the rest of my life living on pain killers but I fear going in for a replacemenmt and not coming back out again. Some of you might justifiably say that I should have a more positive attitude, and they would be right to say so, but at the moment finding that positive attitude is almost impossible for me to do.

I surpose that i will have to wait till Monday to find what the outcome is going to be and hope that whatever happens will not loose my mobility!


Sorry if this sounds a bit like I am feeling sorry for myself but I really am quite worried!


Have no worries about having a Hip operation ....... you will be fine ....and free from pain ... If possible opt for Birmingham Hip ( Re-profile ) Ball and cap. I know of one famous very well known Footballer who had this and carried on playing.

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