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NEWS FLASH!!!!! Double the licence fees

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For those suggesting that we shouldn't have to pay because we have the right to own firearms, would you rather there was no certification process?!

In my opinion, the Government brought in the licencing system to

a) know the whereabouts of all legally held firearms

b) Have a system to increase public safety regarding firearms e.g who to give licences to.


So if the government think this the government should contribute a very hefty chunk of the cost IMHO.

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Guest cookoff013

£100 isn't bad.


For that you get -


1.) 5 years certification.

2.) A rather handy form of picture ID with your address.

3.) A Phone line to you FEO, a person who will answer any questions you have about firearm law.

4.) All the admin work involved (I'm sure half you trade people will charge a lot more for a lot less work)

5.) Infinite ability to get land check/cleared. If you think of the time involved in doing this, it's not a bad deal. (imagine if they charged for this!)

6.) (Hopefully) further funding into some sort of online system.



Stop moaning, £50 / 5 years was a steal, and £20/year is still a brilliant deal.


i``d rather keep paying £50, and have a decent service.


i dont care that its a jazzy form of ID, its virtually worthless in that capacity.


i wouldnt trust any FEO with reguards to shooting / technical info. for that i`d trust experts or people of exceptional experience. FEO are good at answering licencing questions.


why dont they have licences costing £50 for 10 years. it saves staff time.

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....and kindly stop trying to give my money away! :yes::):good:


Christ almighty, you guys are tightasses.


Call out a plumber to replace a valve, it's £100.


What does a mechanic charge? £25/£35 an hour.


Locksmith for 20 minutes? - £150


What does you bank charge for over draft fees? - £7 - £20 a go.


I honestly can't see how anyone can look at all the work that goes into the system and say that's it's not worth the money.

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Just seen it on the morning news along with a response from BASC (who else, CPSA are never to be seen on shooting matters). Personally I'd happily accept an increase - provided the service levels improve accordingly.


But - the licence is imposed on us so in my view the taxpayer should pick up some of the cost.

Agree with all of the above

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We don't need licensing - we are the most law-abiding sector or the public. It's only the other ******* who think we should be licenced so let them pay if it makes them sleep easier at night.


There are 2000 killed on the roads plus thousands injured annually but drivers get a licence for life with little intervention until you are 70 so why do we she'll out every 5 years?????

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Just because it's a legal entitlement doesn't mean it has to be free. It will have to go up like everything else it's the justification used that spells danger.

There big problem will be when we pay for ourselves and they will have to justify all the variations it will also make negotiations problematic.


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Christ almighty, you guys are tightasses.


Call out a plumber to replace a valve, it's £100. I do it myself

What does a mechanic charge? £25/£35 an hour. Not many £50-100 is more likely at most garages..so what?


Locksmith for 20 minutes? - £150 Don't lose your keys


What does you bank charge for over draft fees? - £7 - £20 a go. I don't have an overdraft.


I honestly can't see how anyone can look at all the work that goes into the system and say that's it's not worth the money.


It's very easy.... It's not worth the money! :D:D


......and what on earth has any of that lot got to do with my FAC/SGC, and you forgot my clothes bill, eating out, entertainment, beer money, fuel, etc., completely irrelevant!


and seeing as you are such a supporter then you can pay any increase for me too, thanks!

Edited by Dekers
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Christ almighty, you guys are tightasses.

Call out a plumber to replace a valve, it's £100.

What does a mechanic charge? £25/£35 an hour.

Locksmith for 20 minutes? - £150

What does you bank charge for over draft fees? - £7 - £20 a go.

I honestly can't see how anyone can look at all the work that goes into the system and say that's it's not worth the money.

We pay taxes to the governbent , we don't pay them to plumbers, locksmiths and mechanics

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Christ almighty, you guys are tightasses.


Call out a plumber to replace a valve, it's £100.


What does a mechanic charge? £25/£35 an hour.


Locksmith for 20 minutes? - £150


What does you bank charge for over draft fees? - £7 - £20 a go.


I honestly can't see how anyone can look at all the work that goes into the system and say that's it's not worth the money.

Spot on!! increasing the renewal time means people who hold certs and during that time become unfit to keep them would slip through the net! i would happily see the renewal time reduced and see more regular monitoring of certificate holders because at the end of it the more we want to try and reduce the amount of times we get a Derek Bird don't we the more of that type of idiot we end up with will only give the government grounds to stop us all holding firearms! so if i had to spend an hour with an Feo every year i would be happy to! if only it went some way to preventing people ******** out and doing things they shouldn't with their legally held firearms some thing that is hard to predict but lets face it the past bans have all come from knee jerk reactions to some one going bonkers with legally held firearms so we as the shooters of the land need to work to stop it happening again rather than blaming the government for banning yet more firearms when it happens!

Edited by beeredup
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Isn't it just the british way.we will stand for anything,most replying would happily pay more ,and be thankfull to pay double.why is it we are so subservient .nobody ever kicks up a fuss.ohh we will have a good moan about it but that's all we will do,

We will say thank you very much and think we got off lightly.

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No other licencing system makes money so why should firearms ?

Taxis, HGV's, Driving licence, passports etc., all duties and responsibilities of public bodies. If 'society' wants rules to be strictly enforced, it must surely pay something towards that and not expect the cost to be wholly borne by the user. Politicians should be the last to comment on costs for services - what about the £ b's Gordon spent on ID cards and then cancelled the project.


I am amazed how readily you all publicly commit to paying more for effectively less. How has service increased ? We hear complaints daily about renewal times. If they want to increase it then fine do that but doubling isnt on - annual increases maybe but the police is paid for and how the heck can the police suggest that it nets £6m for £30m expenditure - some scope for service efficiency there before increasing fees I suggest !!!

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Christ almighty, you guys are tightasses.


Call out a plumber to replace a valve, it's £100.


What does a mechanic charge? £25/£35 an hour.


Locksmith for 20 minutes? - £150


What does you bank charge for over draft fees? - £7 - £20 a go.


I honestly can't see how anyone can look at all the work that goes into the system and say that's it's not worth the money.


I agree Bleeh, If it goes up it goes up and it's excellent VFM even with the pending price hike. I'm not giving up my coterminous license even if is goes up treble what it is now.

Norfolk/Suffolk do a really good job and as long as this continues things are all rosy in the garden for us. It's not as slick in other areas though and maybe they are pressing for ways to improve their efficiency through extra funding?

I don't expect people who hold gun licences to stump up for all the costs, this would be wrong. The bulk of the overhead should come from central funding because the tax payer (non-shooter) is a stakeholder and the police are there to make sure they have taken reasonable steps in the interests of public safety.

We should be mindful that shooting does put a lot of people in work and is important not to price the shooting community out of shooting. If a license went up to silly money a lot of folk would pack it in. So, they buy no guns, ammo, accessories, game days, stalking, etc.etc. so it all needs thinking through properly. Obviously is isn't just about the knock on effect on jobs, there is lost income to the government by way of import duty and VAT revenues.

Edited by Whitebridges
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i think it's daft, as has been already stated earlier, they return 6m in fees and spend 30m, how will doubling the fee help? they'll still run at a loss. how about they do away with the new police commissioner? and use the extra revenue they collect for his wages through our council tax to help fund the fire arms dept instead?



i personally think this is only the start, wait and see but i reckon the fees will increase regularly now.

Edited by Paddy Galore!
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£100 isn't bad.


For that you get -


1.) 5 years certification.

2.) A rather handy form of picture ID with your address.

3.) A Phone line to you FEO, a person who will answer any questions you have about firearm law.

4.) All the admin work involved (I'm sure half you trade people will charge a lot more for a lot less work)

5.) Infinite ability to get land check/cleared. If you think of the time involved in doing this, it's not a bad deal. (imagine if they charged for this!)

6.) (Hopefully) further funding into some sort of online system.



Stop moaning, £50 / 5 years was a steal, and £20/year is still a brilliant deal.

bargain still :good:

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this government wastes money by the millions nearly every day,


why is everyone agreeing to pay more ? I don't care how much it costs but to be honest what will happen next ? yes they will keep increasing it and why should we pay more anyway because the service from some firearms departments around the country is shambolic and your prepared to pay more ?


you all must be either minted or totally daft, not got a problem with the increase but at least get the service sorted first before charging more

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They should put the fee up as high as needed to cover the actual costs , why should the taxpayer "have to carry the burden" you moan about everyone else receiving some form of benefit,so how ironic is it that we are all on it :lol:




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if they charge £100 hopefully they could afford a few improvements to service in terms of waiting time apart from waiting time they are pretty good

Is it wrong to expect service improvements BEFORE we are asked to pay more ? Isnt this BASC's position.

Paying more with no promise of improvements and changes to things like AOLQ is just madness - IMHO.

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Just listened to the news and the chief super from Mercia police is pushing to DOUBLE the shotgun and firearms licence fees. Stating that it is costing the force £25m to process licences and only getting back £6m.


That is total Bull poop.........http://www.westmercia.police.uk/freedom-of-information/disclosure-log/2013/foi4204-cost-of-firearms-licensing-unit.html

£750,000 costs £350,00 income


Avon and somerset are similar http://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/information/documents/cache/PDF/Document7489_939283.pdf


Where whoever got millions from was talking out of their *****..................



hmm seems west mercia is a very wasteful dept. on the figures i worked out, £75-90 would be full cost recovery......

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They should put the fee up as high as needed to cover the actual costs , why should the taxpayer "have to carry the burden" you moan about everyone else receiving some form of benefit,so how ironic is it that we are all on it :lol:




Unusual for you K, the part cost should be borne and justified by the requirement of society to ensure significant regulation and control - its not just form filling.

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