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Whats your dream gun ?

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so after a recent conversation with a shooting friend...


with money and licence limits no option..


what would your dream gun be ?


i would love an original M40 rifle.. preferable a ex forces one, thats been there and done it in the Vietnam War



and the usual over the top rifle




so whats yours ?

Edited by JackD
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No expensive toys for me just humble tools built by yours trully here. Once the kids are done school and we get back to New Zealand i am going to make myself one of these i did a 12ga FH but this time an 8ga FH vulcan barrel exactly like this. Pig flattener it will be they are impressive.





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This is a very hard one - I'd need to use it regularly, would have to be one I get on with and, as above be measured for it so,

I'd go for a matched pair of beretta SO6 o/u - for the game shooting etc, and a .308 H&H handmade rifle.

Nice to dream but i get along with my current beretta quite well but lottery permitting the collection would include a barrett 0.5.

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One of these would be nice if I could afford one.



That's a stunning pistol, I envy you guys in Ireland still allowed handguns, I will just have to make do with the co2 pellet pistol lookalikes.



a friend of mine has one in .22 with the long barrel and rod.. in the UK. i suppose as close as we can get, brilliant gun to shoot.



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