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My sons first Bird


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I posted some videos on here a while back of my eldest son learning to shoot. Since then he has been coming out with me now and then to sit a watch and see how its done, but as most of my shooting is wildfowling its not ideal for a beginner.

My club runs a small syndicate shoot which I have been beating at for the past 16 plus years and shot at on occasion, this season i'm shooting on all the days. A fortnight ago I took the mrs and my eldest son along with me, he's been beating there since he was 6 so turned up expecting more of the same, however as a treat I took his gun along.

I'm lucky that all the other guns are really supportive of youngsters and had all agreed previously to let him shoot, to say he was surprised was an understatement...

Here he is ready for a days beating (he wanted to dress for the day)


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So today was the second shoot...

He swung onto a couple of birds but was unable to pull in-front of them quickly enough so had the maturity to pull off them and leave them be (which i was quite please with)

He left it until the last drive again when a pigeon came over at about 35 yards... bang, one shot, one bird! he was over the moon and I was proud as punch!!! All the other guns congratulated him too so he was chuffed to bits...




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The first of many I hope :good:


I was watching a Chap at the Syndicate on Saturday. He brought his son with him. His son was carrying his dads birds. Dressed in smart attire and looked fantastic carrying a brace!


The kids are important, getting them in at a young age is good!


Well.done to both of you!

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Priceless photos and memories! Well done young Wildfowler :good:

To steal Jdogs words, it gladdens my heart too. Seeing parents, (as a lot on here do) posting pictures of time spent with their lads and lasses, sharing, teaching and guiding their youngsters is a wonderful thing and will reap huge rewards as they grow. If only the rest of the country had the same view on parenting, as us "ghastly" sportsmen, how much better we would all be :yes:

Top man Wildfowler :good:

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