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blister on toe GET THEM CHECKED


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got a call last night of a buddy of 30yrs+ to say I was shocked was an understatement,,


it started 4months ago , he had a blister on his big toe, he did not get it checked, the blister became infected and very painful


after about three weeks he decided to go the doctors and get it sorted and was sent straight away to the hospital


to cut a long story short, he has just had his full leg amputated due to the infection entering his leg, they originally took the leg off to the knee but on Tuesday operated again and have taken the full leg off,


he is devastated, as he has been a lively chap all his life and this has come as a massive shock to us all,


gutted for him


atb Evo

Edited by evo
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:o :o :o


A chap I knew years ago was building up the coal on his living room fire when a piece dropped and barely grazed one of his fingers. He didn't get it checked soon enough and lost two fingers and was on powerful antibiotics for the rest of his life to keep his arm. :no:

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That is not good at all I tend to be one of those people who think that if you leave it it will heal itself and only go to the doctors is when I have to that pore chap loosing part of his leg is not good but he could have an artificial one but to loose the whole thing would knock even that on the head I hope that he is ok and it does not go any further.

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got a call last night of a buddy of 30yrs+ to say I was shocked was an understatement,,


it started 4months ago , he had a blister on his big toe, he did not get it checked, the blister became infected and very painful


after about three weeks he decided to go the doctors and get it sorted and was sent straight away to the doctors,


to cut a long story short, he has just had his full leg amputated due to the infection entering his leg, they originally took the leg off to the knee but on Tuesday operated again and have taken the full leg off,


he is devastated, as he has been a lively chap all his life and this has come as a massive shock to us all,


gutted for him

how old was he

atb Evo

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got a call last night of a buddy of 30yrs+ to say I was shocked was an understatement,,


it started 4months ago , he had a blister on his big toe, he did not get it checked, the blister became infected and very painful


after about three weeks he decided to go the doctors and get it sorted and was sent straight away to the doctors,


to cut a long story short, he has just had his full leg amputated due to the infection entering his leg, they originally took the leg off to the knee but on Tuesday operated again and have taken the full leg off,


he is devastated, as he has been a lively chap all his life and this has come as a massive shock to us all,


gutted for him

how old was he

atb Evo



I hope the word remains IS, I trust he is not deceased!

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I know a guy who almost got paralized working as a florist/ nursery plant man thingy .

He had the poison of a plant go in a cut and travel to his spine through the blood stream . He's ok now but it was a close call

One of the in-laws' friends pricked his finger on a rose thorn one morning, went to bed that night with a swollen finger thinking he'd go to the doctors if it was still bad in the morning... never woke up. Septicemia set in during the night and killed him.

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My wife went into hospital to have a small foreign body removed from her index finger about a year ago.


Two serious operations and a week in hospital being pumped full of antibiotics later she has retained the finger but it was touch and go for some time.


The infection has eaten into the bone and her finger is twisted and badly scarred.


She still has issues with loss of feeling and, had she not been persistant with telling the doctors that it did`nt feel right after the first op, at which point the infection had set in,she could have lost the finger, or worse!


Not quite of the same magnitude as some of the above but it`s frightening what a splinter in your finger can lead to.

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got a call last night of a buddy of 30yrs+ to say I was shocked was an understatement,,


it started 4months ago , he had a blister on his big toe, he did not get it checked, the blister became infected and very painful


after about three weeks he decided to go the doctors and get it sorted and was sent straight away to the hospital


to cut a long story short, he has just had his full leg amputated due to the infection entering his leg, they originally took the leg off to the knee but on Tuesday operated again and have taken the full leg off,


he is devastated, as he has been a lively chap all his life and this has come as a massive shock to us all,


gutted for him


atb Evo

Surely he has an underlying problem such as diabetes?



Regards remmyman

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I came close to this in my 20s (no diabetes at that time)


Toe infections are dangerous (I was told) because there's not much meat on the toe, therefore it's very easy for the infection to spread to the bone and then it's serious


I had a small blister on the top of my toe, put some plastic skin on it - which caused an infection, 24 hours later - rushed to hospital for antibiotics on a drip, 3 days in hospital!

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That's a very disturbing story Evo your friend must be devastated. However, septicaemia is not common nor are radical cases such as amputation, so no need to go rushing off to the already over burdened Doctors for every little cut, graze or blister.


Risk of infection and consequential limb loss caused by Diabetes is a completely different issue.

However you are absolutely right we should all be very diligent and not be negligent in cleaning all minor injuries with hot water and a good antiseptic solution and thereafter keeping it clean... even the small ones. The old favourites that our Mums used to use like TCP, Dettol are very good of course.


Mums know best, they used to treat every minor injury when we were kids.... so why do we not do it ourselves now.?


A work colleague contracted septicaemia a few years back 4 weeks after a very minor graze on his head from a scaffold pole .... 6 weeks in ICU followed by major heart surgery and partial Liver failure. He didn't clean the original wound properly and allowed it to become infected..


My Sister in law similarly 20 years ago, minor burn from an iron on her arm which became infected after 3 weeks, didn't go to the doctors when the first minor infection set in and was on the point of total organ failure on a critical care ward . When they switched off her life support system everything miraculously kicked in and she survived.


I used to suffer from terrible blisters on both my feet and toes when I was a footballer and the club doctor had iodine solution delivered by tanker ! You should always leave the skin on a blister and not pop it if possible as its the best natural barrier to infection.


I hope you friend can come to terms with the loss of a limb and console himself that it could have been much worse.

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