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monster buck and fox came to play too...


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hi all


had a lovely trip out this week to one of my favorite spots i like to spend a few hours in..


i made the call to the farmer to let him know i was coming up... it was still early about 4 oclock so i new i had plenty of time....


a short 30 min drive and i was there i got out the car and right in front of me stood a buck muntjac bright rusty lump standing out against the sunny green hedges .. i still had the gun in the car and was not in a big rush to get him so i let him carry on his afternoon munch..


i got sorted bag sticks gun and away i went.


i crossed two fields slowly walking the edges i got to the foot path and thought id have a spy in the binoculars see if there was anything moving along the bottom edge .......then came an almighty crash through the cover and out leaped a stunning roe he ran full speed up the hill away from me but i could tell he was a cracker and i also new where he was heading too so with this in mind i started to walk very fast to see if i could head him off before he made cover..


i was a tad too late and he had made the rough patch just in time for me to see his white bum going into the tree line..


this rough patch is about 70 yards wide and a few 100 long its made up of reeds bog trees bramble basicly everything to hide a deer but at the back is the canal so i new he was in there but i also new there was nowhere for him to go


it had now become a game of who can sit the longest .....i didnt mind as it was a lovely view down to the cover




i sat in the one spot on the deck rifle on pod ready for three hours and at last a glimpse of movement in between the trees i looked in the bins and it was him...


now i do tend to take a few deer but in all honesty i got buck fever on the sight of him and started to hyperventilate lol he was just massive and after a long wait the excitement was well kicking in.. he was still standing in cover and slowly making his way into a clearing that you can see in the right of the picture above i waited a few minutes more until i was happy with the shot and there it was..... my opportunity........


the shot rang out and he jumped and ran out of sight ....


knowing the shot was good i did a small celebration dance and waited for a few moments ..... and would you believe it a fox came out of cover roughly in the same spot and started to walk right to me with a quick shout the second shot was off and mr fox was also down .....


the shot was 180 yards to the deer and 120 to the fox


i found the deer about 15 yards from where i had hit him... he was magnificent a very large body and a good head on him too a nice big clean 7 points...


pleased is an understatement ....



and here is foxy he took a bit of a head shot
i didn't really waist time sorting the roe skull as it will make a medal and it needs 90 days to dry to get cic scored so time will tel it 12" tall and weighing 620 at the mo so fingers crossed...
Edited by camokid
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funny forgot to say it did get better ... i found a nice munty on the road on the way home and decided to nab it.... only to get pulled 200 yards down the road by the police asking me what i was up to...lol i said collecting dinner they let me go and just had a chuckler...

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Extremely well rewarded for your patience...sniper :ninja:


That is 1 really impressive Roebuck mate,really pleased for you :yes::good:


Parked the Jimny up with Mark tonight in some lambing fields only for the Fox to appear in the field next to us 3 times :rolleyes: at 1 point it walked past us about 7yds away.

So we moved into that field and it appeared again,rolling in the grass.Had to wait for a safe shot,then "click" bolt still up..."click" again,safety on :blush: Mark squeaked but it started to run off eventually stopping some 170yds away.....and i missed it :oops: wasn't meant to be :no:


PS i gave him a slap for you :lol:


Once again,congratulations mate,superb Roebuck and a good shot on the Fox to boot :good:

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hi all many thanks for the kind replies ... his pelt was falling apart due to the summer coat change but i have a good taxidermist on hand ... rob58 thats you mate..lol... i will be trying to get another buck later on in the season and with his cape and them antlers i will be getting a good shoulder mount sorted ..

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hi all many thanks for the kind replies ... his pelt was falling apart due to the summer coat change but i have a good taxidermist on hand ... rob58 thats you mate..lol... i will be trying to get another buck later on in the season and with his cape and them antlers i will be getting a good shoulder mount sorted ..

Nice! I've kept a few skulls but if I ever get a good one it'll be off to the taxidermist.

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