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nearly made the full house ... vixen four young


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well that was worth popping out ...


it was dry bit over cast and i was board !!! she was watching rubbish as always so thought balls to it im going for a walk .i grabbed the 243 t20 and a mag full of home loads and of a trotted


i headed to some sheep fields that are a bit hard work to lamp at the minutes as there is just to many sheep in the fields to take a safe shot in the lamp.


i arrived there early and planned to just mooch about really as it was early i didnt think id see much


i went into the second field that has a slight upwards hill, i got to the top and had a quick look around and gave a few light calls. within five minutes a young fox came bolting out from the left hand hedge and stood proud chest on i got the stick and rifle into position and my first was in the bag..




not long after a second fox came into the bottom of the field but was soon out of sight again i waited half an hour and then he also popped out to the left and was soon despatched . i went over to collect him and noticed small runs into the cover with magpie feathers and a chewed tree protector it was obvious this was a den so it was a case of sitting it out now to see if any others came to play...


i got into a good spot where i was well hidden and over the next hour and half i managed to get another cub and the vixen they all had came from the same few runs ....as the light was fading a forth fox was spotted but he was hidden within the roots of the bushed and didn't real offer a good shot so the end result was three and the vixen......




i was pleased that i had taken them as you can see they where nearly the same size as her....the light left and it was now dark 10:30 ish i was only going for a walk so was a tad longer as i went out at 6 . i thought sod it il stick the lamp on and wait for that forth fox that showed earlier. half hour later and bingo there he was same spot bit lower down the field a quick OI and down he went...







shame the dog didnt make an apprance but he will live to fight another day...i and the farmer was very pleased with the five taken and i still have to look over the other fields yet ... a foxers work is never done...





thanks andy

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