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To Lord & Lady Seagrave - a Son & Heir


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After an agonisingly long labour, Little Lord Seagrave was born yesterday morning at 2am. 7lb 5oz


Lady Seagrave exhausted, battered and bruised, but smiling today.


Our massive thanks to all at the Birth Centre at St. Mary's Paddington. Absolutely 5* attention and support from an experienced and capable team. Had I not seen it myself, I would not have believed that such personalised and dedicated care was available on the NHS - I don't think I'll ever gripe about Nation Insurance Contributions again.



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Congratulations, it's a magical (and exhausting!) time that flies by all too quickly - enjoy every minute. :good:


When we had our first I couldn't believe the midwife just let us take a real life baby home without some intensive training or some form of licence, I'm still learning too.

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Congratulations, it's a magical (and exhausting!) time that flies by all too quickly - enjoy every minute. :good:


When we had our first I couldn't believe the midwife just let us take a real life baby home without some intensive training or some form of licence, I'm still learning too.

+1, it was quite scary!

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Well done, the pair of you, and if I can offer a little advice, given to me by my first chief accountant (who seemed terribly old and wise at the time, but was probably only 40), some 38 years ago, when we had our first-born.



You will be there at silly o'clock, pacing the bedroom floor, cuddling the young master, who will, of course, be bawling his head off.


You won't have slept for weeks. You may even have a work deadline first thing in the morning that you have to be alert and ready for.


The little tyke has a clean nappy, has been fed, winded and Calpoled, the nursery is the right temperature and favourite teddy is in the cot.


Yet still he won't sleep.


So you think - Can this get any worse?




And the answer to this question is ............











........ there is no answer.

As soon as you find a solution to one problem, the little devils mutate and another problem arises, and so on for the next 20 or 30 years, when they present you with grandchildren.


Then it starts all over again.



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Congratulations, it's a magical (and exhausting!) time that flies by all too quickly - enjoy every minute. :good:


When we had our first I couldn't believe the midwife just let us take a real life baby home without some intensive training or some form of licence, I'm still learning too.



when I got home with my son I sat in the chair holding him thinking what the hell do we do with this little feller, totally agree with you falcon, very strange being let loose with a human!!!!

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Congratulations mate! Had ours last weekend with a similar story to yours, but what a great (and tiring) feeling! Know how you're feeling.


Did you drive home looking in your mirrors like you're taking your driving test again?


Word of advice, there's no such thing as a nappy that's too tight. No prizes for a well channelled and powered baby shi-ite up your arm over the nice new nursery...


Best of luck chap, pm me if you fancy comparing notes!

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when I got home with my son I sat in the chair holding him thinking what the hell do we do with this little feller, totally agree with you falcon, very strange being let loose with a human!!!!

All of the above - a bizarre and terrifying situation.


He's 2 1/2 days old and already breaking hearts.


Thanks for all the best wishes, guys. Progress report in the full was of time, but all seems well for now.


Lord Sleepy

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I was wondering about the news on the southern front just the other day....... Huge congratulations D and hope lady D is doing well. Do you have a name for the little fella yet?


Ignore Amateur, whilst it is all true, just take things a day at a time and it will all start to fit into place. Panic ye not.


amateur, go buy a new gun, a proper one not a co2 jobbie !!!!!!!!! and enjoy grandfatherhood. Maybe teach the little ones to shoot and enjoy our sport.

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