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Two Different Days

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Following my annual drive to Greece and two months break I was itching to get back and have a go. I'd been following PW on my Ipad and even made the odd comment . So on my return I phoned DB and picked him up at 10.00 and set out to find some birds. We checked out the barley stubble but it was devoid of birds and continued to the rape stubble which was half cut with no birds about . It was mid day and the temp in the disco read 32 . The Farmer told us of another field he rented and said that he had cut it two days ago but another shooter had set up as he left the field and packed up after an hour. So we drove down to the field full of hope as two days would allow the birds to find the field and start feeding. It was about thirty acres and we drove the stubble and pushed off about twenty birds. It was so hot nothing was flying about so we drove to another farm which we knew grew rape , they had five fields of stubble and as we scanned it we picked up on flight line on the lowest field in the valley . We watched it for about thirty minutes and realised that the birds were on the stubble but also using a pond for drinking. We decided to go for it and drove to the Farm only to be told that they had sold the land to another farmer five miles away . We arrived at the new owners Farm and introduce ourselves and informed him that we used to shoot the land and that he had birds on the stubble , could he let us have a day on it to shoot the birds and also to spook them away from the other farms in the area. He eventually relented and said " One Day Only"

We eventually set up for 13.30 and the birds started to decoy well , we had eight stand ups, two Angels and two on the magnet which we had to keep moving due to the wind changind direction three times. we shot till 18.00 and picked up two hundred and thirty three birds . We drove to the Farm to thank the Farmer and showed him the pictures and his reply was come back when you like. Great Day


Saturdays weather forecast was terrible but we had decide to use the day checking what crops we had as stubbles . I picked up DB at 10.00 and we set out in the rain after ninety five miles we had seen rape and barley stubbles but no birds. We had had some terrible thunder storms overnight and we thought that this had spooked the birds out of roosts and nests and put them off the feed as we had seen many stubbles with no birds at all. It was getting on and on the way back home we saw some birds in trees around a laid barley field which were spooking every time it thundered. We decide to give it a go although we saw no birds joining these few. We set up and it was 15.00 and as we started the shoot it chucked it down so we put the brolly up and stood in the middle of a Thunder Storm with an alloy spike above our heads holding two metal tubes, Mad or What.????. After the storm the sun came out and it was a pleasant afternoon , the birds came in groups of two and threes. The set up was the same as the previous day and we ended shooting at 18.00 and picked up Eightyfour birds. The last two into the pattern were rammed with Rape Seed so we had missed out on stubble field locally.


So the weekend consisted of one of the hottest and one of the wettest days of the year.










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cracking 2 bags or should I say 2 lorry loads ha ha


well done pc but when are you gonna let us all know about this miracle pigeon caller


atb Evo

O.K. I will say this only once, what you do is walk out into the field you choose to shoot and every half hour you shout for five minutes

"Woody,Woody,Woody, Here,Here,Here." You can then shoot for twenty five minutes before the men in white coats arrive????????????

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