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carrying a gun on a motorbike

Tom Robinson

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i thought that was the norn even concerning airguns ?? back when we were kids and taking out airrifles around on out bikes we knew that the guns had to be in a unloaded in the slip, and the pellets had to be seperate ??

I know that but i"d like to know where he got that particular phrase from. secure and lockable are not two words i'd think described the average gun slip

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This has been covered many times


There is NO legislation mandating covering up of firearms (from the firearms act ) -


19a Carrying firearm in a public place.

A person commits an offence if, without lawful authority or reasonable excuse (the proof whereof lies on him) he has with him in a public place
a loaded shot gun,
an air weapon (whether loaded or not),
any other firearm (whether loaded or not) together with ammunition suitable for use in that firearm, or an imitation firearm.


But covering up a firearm prevents you falling foul of sect 16A


16A Possession of firearm with intent to cause fear of violence.

It is an offence for a person to have in his possession any firearm or imitation firearm with intent—
(a)by means thereof to cause, or
(b)to enable another person by means thereof to cause,any person to believe that unlawful violence will be used against him or another person.

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i thought that was the norn even concerning airguns ?? back when we were kids and taking out airrifles around on out bikes we knew that the guns had to be in a unloaded in the slip, and the pellets had to be seperate ??

That is incorrect. AS long as the gun is unloaded and you can have a good reason technically, you can carry it in a sling on your back, albeit a very bad idea. Me, in a normal slip, in the boot and to the shooting club/hunting permission.


The only time I put my guns in a lockable suitcase if I travel with guns far away like another county to go shooting and will likely stay overnight in b&b, someone's house etc.

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It is an offence for a person to have in his possession any firearm or imitation firearm with intent—

(a)by means thereof to cause, or

(b)to enable another person by means thereof to cause,any person to believe that unlawful violence will be used against him or another person.


The problem I think why people don't open carry guns in slings or in their hands is the "b" section of 16.Hence if you have a gun in a sling and you're just walking around, someone could take it off you and cause mayhem.

I don't think "a" would come into play unless you were behaving with a firearm aggressively, if you were just strolling around with a firearm on a sling it would be very hard to prove that you were acting aggressively with it.

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I think in this day and age it is best not to carry any firearm in public out of a slip or case.when I started shooting we did not have this political correctness everyone seems so keen on now.while it may or may not be legal it only takes one crank call to the police and your day will be truly wrecked.and you might even get to meet the armed response unit.i would say it just is not worth it.lots of things are legal but just not sensible.

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That is why I was saying that it is prefectly legal to walk around with an open firearm in a sling as long as you had good reason, so was going to a gun shop/hunting permission/target shooting but that it would be a very bad idea since you would bring unneccesary attention to yourself and also foul of section 16.b of firearms law, where soembody could take it off you and cause trouble.

Edited by Steppenwolf
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i always carried my shotgun in a slip on public transport to go wildfowling, my father was a train driver so i got a freedom pass, i took it on the bus the tube and the train, i never got stopped once in 20 years, right up until the 77 attacks on london, then i got stopped every time

i take it in a fishing rod holder now and nobody looks twice, went through the ticket barriers a victoria station last week and the british transport police were more interested that i did not have my lab muzzled, didnt even ask what was in the case!

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Pc Carter ,,, in 1980 ********* me rotten, and at the end of it quoted this to me!!! As a rather ashamed young mAn them words were burned in my brain..... ( I was carrying a single barrel baikal over my shoulder on my bicycle at the time no case )
Never a problem before ... He replaced the local Bobby about two weeks before this hic cup of mine. I like have never found it on paper except once I saw something similar in the notes accompanying shotgun renewal forms back in the 70's
But it does make sense

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In my younger days I used to tie single barrel B S A direct to the cross bar on my push bike . Never even had a slip for it . I wouldn't like to try it today .



That was when we lived in a sensible country !

Shame we`ve been turned into the mess we are now.

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  • 2 months later...

I got my FAC and SGC granted last week. The FEO told me during his visit, without it even crossing my mind, that it was fine for me to carry my gun/rifle on my motorbike if I wished. He basically said keep it as discreet as possible at any time out of common sense, but legally there was no reason not to.

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The old guitar case trick works well on a motorbike. buy a cheap guitar case and cut a couple of bits of hardboard to a guitar size to give it shape. The trouble with carrying a gun on a bike is not so much PC Plod its more likely to be some idiot trying to snatch it off you at traffic lights.

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