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Flu Jab yes or no?


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had i call from docs today to go for flu jab, i have heard that a lot of people that have had the jab then get the flu or symptoms of it and feel quite unwell.


your thoughts on this please dunno if i should get it done or not, don't really want to make myself unwell for xmas but most of all stop me going out shooting.


i would interested to see how many are for it or against it, and if all those that have had the jab fall ill afterwards. docs did say its no a live vaccine but others have been told the same and end up ill.




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Ive had a flu jab every year for as long as i can remember.......

Never been ill as a result........

I've never actually known anyone to be ill as a result either ( can't count a coincidental sniffle or runny nose, proper Flu can kill)



Never had proper Flu either I dont think.

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I was told by a doctor that if you are otherwise fit and healthy, an occaisional exposure to flu will keep your immune system on its toes and give you better long term resistance to it than an annual jab. I think the jab is recommended for the ill, the elderly or anyone else whose health might be seriously affected by flu.


My wife a has weak immune system after a splenectomy and also works in a school so is exposed to every bug going. She has an annual jab. I don't bother. I think I get flu maybe once every 5 years? I might rethink when I'm a bit older (50 now).

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Even if you had to pay for it, it would still be worth it, IMHO


The flu test. See a £10 note laying on the floor. If you have the flu, you wouldn't be ***** even thinking about picking it up, even if you could. Ignore all the people who say they had the 'flu' for a few days, most of them will have only had a cold.


If you have the flu, you're pretty unwell for a good number of days and probably in bed for the best part of a week.


From the NHS website

Symptoms peak after two to three days and you should begin to feel much better after a week or so, although you may feel tired for much longer.

You are usually infectious – that is, able to pass flu on to others – a day before your symptoms start and for a further five or six days. Children and people with weaker immune systems, such as cancer patients, may remain infectious for longer.

Elderly people and anyone with certain long-term medical conditions are more likely to have a bad case of flu, and are also more likely to develop a serious complication such as a chest infection.

In the UK, about 600 people a year die from a complication of seasonal flu. This rises to around 13,000 during an epidemic.

Read more about the complications of flu.


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I was told by a doctor that if you are otherwise fit and healthy, an occaisional exposure to flu will keep your immune system on its toes and give you better long term resistance to it than an annual jab.


I don't think he's right. The flu virus can mutate and change and each year there is/could be a different strain. If it is the SAME strain, he has a point but the vaccine contains 3 or sometimes 4 different strains (of killed flu viruses) and offers good protection against a different strain - but not guaranteed of course as it's never certain as to which strain will cause the next season's flu when the manufactures start making the vaccines earlier in the year.


As I've said in my earlier post, the people who have a nasty dose of the cold, telling others that they're had the flu, does nobody any favours. The (proper) 'flu is a serious illness, certainly if caused by the Type A virus.

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There is no legitimate evidence to say Tamiflu actually works. If you want it, have it, however i don't bother anymore.


Tamiflu is not a vaccine, or at least not a substitute for a vaccine. It's normally a treatment for high risk individuals when they have the flu of been in contact with someone who has been in the infectious phase, but you're right, its benefit has been questioned.

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DJGeoff - Just suck it up and get the jab man, I get mine each year as I'm Diabetic, but keep myself very fit also. Getting the jabs just another part of the armour we need these days. Get on with it amn. Folks at my work who said they had flu after the jab were basically all the dodgers who only need an excuse to use for time off work :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Good man go get the jab :good::good::good:


Pushkin B)

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I've had it twice at work. First time it knocked me for six for over a week,felt flue symptoms just not as bad. Second time next to nothing,most folk are fine only one in ten get a slight side effect like snotty nose or a few aches or headache.


Had flue a few times and don't want it again ever. Got shivers and cramps so bad couldn't walk or stand properly for three days. Wife thought something serious was wrong with me. It was a proper dose of man flue.


Better to have and not need it.



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Millions of different flu strains and the jab only protects against the one they think will be prevelant this year, I haven't had the jab for ten years and haven't had flu either I try to avoid virus's not have them injected willy nilly as the result of a huge marketing campaign that is most likely financed by the pharma industry anyway

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Only ever had flu once and boy did I know about it, but back to the subject my firm gets someone/ company in to administer the jab to all that want it regardless of age, as it is proven that those who have it lose less time through the sniffles than those who dont,I have had the jab for the last few years (free gratis thanks to working for a decent company) and have never had what could be called a heavy cold since.



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