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Prince Philip


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My darling Flashman- Do take the time to read up on Phils war record and read between the lines-he was destined to marry Liz and unlikely to come to much harm if the powers that be could help it. My opinion of the fool will not be changed by pointless arguing or name calling such as this thread seems to have become-he had the privilege to be sat among true hero's in honour of their service and the sacrifice of those who they represented-the very least he could do was keep his mouth shut. Last comment.


Silly girl.


Answer the question. Being a royal didn't save the Duke of Kent - killed in 1942 - and he was the King's brother, so looking after a Snotty who wasn't in the Firm seems as far-fetched as the rest of your bile.


Why rubbish a man's service just because he's done a bit more with his life than you?

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i assume you joined sappers as you didn't have bottle for a real regiment :lol:

How very very sad. Hang your head in shame. Anyone who serves our country deserves the upmost respect. Cometh the hour cometh the man and I'm afraid you've shown your colours.

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How very very sad. Hang your head in shame. Anyone who serves our country deserves the upmost respect. Cometh the hour cometh the man and I'm afraid you've shown your colours.


grow up cap badge banter happens all the time

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grow up cap badge banter happens all the time


Reading your posts I feel the cap badge banter has long since past. And I know for a fact that cap badge banter does not include calling someone a coward.


I will not retort to any response as I feel my earlier statement regarding your true colours stand firm.

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The man is a disgrace and an embarrassment to the country, symbolizes so much of whats wrong with our society

On the contrary,,you are whats wrong with our society. Too many whining,disrespectfull keyboard cowards eager to be offended by anything which does not fit in with the current "groupthink" fad. I'd just like to confirm that I am a philandering, racist, Conservative if that helps you direct your spleen,,,,,which is not far from the backbone,,,,,,,,,,,,but perhaps that wouldn't help much would it ?

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The thread started with some ill-judged remarks, which were followed up by idiotic comments about his extra marital business and his war record. The latter two have nothing to do with the thread, but some halfwit decided to mention them.

You can spot those with a hidden agenda, a mile off. :whistling::whistling: :whistling:

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grow up cap badge banter happens all the time



That sort of banter is perfectly acceptable between two people who have both served, when did you serve Chris and in what Regiment or Corps?

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"just take the ******* picture-his outburst at the 75 year commemoration of the Battle of Britain. Why should we put up with this pig ignorant behaviour from a Greek beach bum, his arrogance and misguided belief in his own importance is beyond words-the men around him were awarded medals due to their courage and service to their country-Phil's, on the other hand, were a wedding gift.


Bloody hell, so he swears like a sailor at photographers, what do you expect??


‘Phil the Greek’, is alright with me, innit! :whistling:

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I have just read through this thread, which tells one more about the posters than HRH, and would offer two comments :


At Matapan, he was posted somewhere in the superstructure of HMS Valiant, during a night action between what were then called "heavy units". A bit risky.

If by sheer chance he had been posted to her sister ship HMS Barham he would have been blown to kingdom come in 1941. How can this be reconciled with him being in some way "shielded" ?


Like me he is intolerant of fools, is prejudiced and admits it (unlike those so-called antiracists who are happy to denigrate him as a greek or HM The Queen as german). However those who have met him say he is an OK guy. He is/was a small boat sailor, a keen shooter, and has even been puntgunning. "One of us", then, and there are not a lot of us.

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I have just read through this thread, which tells one more about the posters than HRH, and would offer two comments :


At Matapan, he was posted somewhere in the superstructure of HMS Valiant, during a night action between what were then called "heavy units". A bit risky.

If by sheer chance he had been posted to her sister ship HMS Barham he would have been blown to kingdom come in 1941. How can this be reconciled with him being in some way "shielded" ?


Like me he is intolerant of fools, is prejudiced and admits it (unlike those so-called antiracists who are happy to denigrate him as a greek or HM The Queen as german). However those who have met him say he is an OK guy. He is/was a small boat sailor, a keen shooter, and has even been puntgunning. "One of us", then, and there are not a lot of us.


Neighbour of mine served with him in the war/was on his ship and said he was a great guy.

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Dear Points of View,


I find it amusing how people can be morally outraged by what someone said to someone else when you weren't there.


As for Philip being full of self-importance - He's married to the Queen, Father to a future King and Grandfather and Great Grandfather to others. Sounds fairly important to me.




Mildly Outraged of Wales.

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chrisjh, on 11 Jul 2015 - 12:42 PM, said:snapback.png

How gullible some of the PW collective are, get off your knees and stop tugging your forelock Phillip couldn't give a tinkers cuss about the vast majority of the UK population, he views them as nothing more than plebs a pay cheque, the man is a racist he deserves no respect, he is no different than the sort of lowlife you see on the likes of Benefit St, he should be on Jeremy Kyle with Liz putting him on the lie detector asking how often hes slept around.


And you are ?


Someone nobody knows of, But well Phil - he's a good guy and I think if you read over this thread you will realise that. Go away and play with your Lego bricks and see if that helps you build some character rather than taking cheap shots at a 92 year old guy. Once you have done that try to grow up a bit more before you type your next comments. Rather than just trying to annoy us all..


Pushkin :yes:

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