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Trip to Lincolnshire

aga man

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I was very kindly invited to go across the humber and attemp to shoot some pigeons in Lincolnshire with none other than JDog.

I have know JDog a while now and we have met up a few times through pigeon watch, although we hadn't as yet shot together.

I think without doubt anyone that has come into contact with JDog would agree he is a top bloke with great pigeon shooting knowledge and to invite some one to shoot when you have only just started to aquire the land yourself speaks volumes.

JDog had contacted me at the start of the week saying he had found some pea stubble with pigeons on it, and i was welcome to join him but he could not guarantee the pigeons would still be there by Friday or indeed the stubble would still be there.

I worked hard this week getting jobs done to free up friday afternoon and kept fingers crossed that the 1 hr trip would be still worth taking.

Whilst at work this morning i got the call from JDog to say the stubble was still there and pigeons were still moving in the area.

By 11.30am the van was packed and i headed off towards LIncolnshire.

I met up with JDog at our spot at 1pm and we started to whey up the situation.

The pea stubble was a fair area and although the lines JDog had observed during the week were still active, the strong, rather unusual warm wind was knocking birds around on there flightlines and also pretty much goverened where we would set up.

Given the size of the area we chose to shoot from seperate hides 500yds apart, and after some deliberation we picked our spotted and got set up.

I think it is fair to say we both was not expecting too much action and was pleasantly suprised when we had both shot around 20 birds in just over 30 minutes.

The afternoon continued to provide us both with some fantastic decoying and by the time i dried up at 5.30pm we picked around 115 birds between us and a couple of corvids.


I cannot thank JDog enough, he was a perfect host and as you would expect he put us in the middle of the action.

The favour will be returned in the coming weeks when i plan to invite JDog to sunny Hull to have a similar day.


A couple of pics of my hide and decoys and i think jdog may have a picture of the bag.




Edited by aga man
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Well done to the pair of you , we all know JDog is not the pigeon shooting numpty he often makes himself out to be and neither is he the average shot he pretends either I am betting.

It's always difficult to offer some shooting to someone else especially as unpredictable as pigeon are .

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I only invited Aga man so that I could use his experience to help me throw off the novice shooter tag which I seem to be stuck with.


Yes we had a great afternoon. Conditions were perfect with a nice strong wind. Birds decoyed well. Aga man enjoyed his afternoon, or at least he said he did!



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Sounds like you had a great day.

I have met 'the dog' once and he seems a nice chap, though i'm sure he seemed a little lost, as he didn't have his butler with him.

I will invite JD for a few shots soon and may even try to record some of his 'poor' shooting.

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I only invited Aga man so that I could use his experience to help me throw off the novice shooter tag which I seem to be stuck with.


Yes we had a great afternoon. Conditions were perfect with a nice strong wind. Birds decoyed well. Aga man enjoyed his afternoon, or at least he said he did!


What a very friendly and generous gesture JDog, you are a true gent and your modest and self deprecating manner obviously belies a much experienced and knowledgeable countryman.


Well done and a good write up and outcome for both of you.





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Sounds like you had a great day.

I have met 'the dog' once and he seems a nice chap, though i'm sure he seemed a little lost, as he didn't have his butler with him.

I will invite JD for a few shots soon and may even try to record some of his 'poor' shooting.

I too would have liked JDogs company for a day , seems the pigeons have heard of his reputation and scarpered though !

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Sounds like you had a great day.

I have met 'the dog' once and he seems a nice chap, though i'm sure he seemed a little lost, as he didn't have his butler with him.

I will invite JD for a few shots soon and may even try to record some of his 'poor' shooting.

Motty and jdog in the same hide would be a cracking video..

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Sounds like you had a great day.

I have met 'the dog' once and he seems a nice chap, though i'm sure he seemed a little lost, as he didn't have his butler with him.

I will invite JD for a few shots soon and may even try to record some of his 'poor' shooting.


You are behind the times Motty.


The butler is long gone due to my impoverished circumstances and I am resigned to a life of penury from now on.

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You are behind the times Motty.


The butler is long gone due to my impoverished circumstances and I am resigned to a life of penury from now on.



A while ago he tried to sell the Subaru on PW to pay for cartridges...................well it happens to all of us eventually.................

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Well what a day you must have had , comparing shots, methods and techniques. As you say JDog is a One Off he is as open as they come but he must have a dark side which we have not found yet !! . Yes in the future we will see him with various shooting partners as he imparts his knowledge around the east coast , spreading the PW spirit . He takes a lot of stick and by the way the Butlers away preparing the summer vacation Chateau.


It was a great day by all accounts and well done to Aga Man and JDog.Yes Jdog is a top bloke and that's somthing from a Posh Brummie.

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