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Stewed on this for a year.

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I took 2 people down on separate occasions as a good will gesture and also to be given a chance to shoot there permissions,one of them I took twice and I never seen or heard from him again...good riddens he was a member of the watch as well by the way....the other wasn't but he was on my permissions one day I turned up so I asked the farmer if he new he was on and he thought he was with me,I told him he had been once but I never invited him a second time.....he was arrested for armed trespass!! Unlucky!! And that's what happens when you try to get your shooting through others hard work.

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Guest Wilksy

I can't believe so called mates Would do this! Luckily my farmer stated that I'm not to take anyone else on his land, but I wouldn't dream abusing someone's trust like that! Did the farmer give him his own permission?

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Its a big shame,as often a second gun can be a big help keeping birds on the move. I'm lucky in that I have a couple of people I trust 100% that I can call on and I get the odd call to help them but would not dream of contacting the farmer of any of their permissions about shooting.

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It's happened to us on three ocassions, we have taken friends of friends out for a day only to find them on the land in later weeks. That is why I may be classed as antisocial but I'm very cautious as to taking people out to the point that DB and Myself do not do it . We have lost permission on two of these farms due to the damage done by others. In my mind it is a total lack of respect.


I was a member of a successful fishing specimen group in the late 60s/70s . We did not publish our catches but the grapevine soon leart of our catches to the point we were followed on various occasions by people who did not want to put the groundwork in . It seems crazy that at 3.00am we were taking evasive action through the streets of Liecester on our way to the Fens to shake off our stalkers.


I was taught to be cautious and remain that way.

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I haven't lost any permissions through this sort of thing. I've given a couple up to the farmers sons as I've got them in to shooting (but thats a differant thing altogether plus I still get an invite now and again) and have had one made very difficult because some one shot there and left cartridge cases all over the place one weekend when the farmer was away with his family, never did find out who it was.

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Sadly, this is why I had to put this on my recent 'free rabbiting evening out' thread.


"I will state again that this is a one-off (this does sometimes really need to be made ridiculously clear, and I hope I'm doing so). If the person is seen on the land at any other time in possession of a firearm of any sort, and is not in my company, the police will be called."


In my case, some of the land we will be on is my own, and some belongs to the neighbouring farmer (who is also a personal friend), and one or the other of us is out on the land quite a lot, so any instances of armed trespass would be nice and easy to see to spot


And yes, I agree with the other posters. That person is no 'friend'


EDIT : If that person is on here, then might I suggest you name them, to save others from being treated so badly.

Edited by robbiep
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It's really sad to hear that this is happening so much. Isn't there enough restrictions and controversy within the shooting community to have this happen too. Personally I do not shoot permissions for a couple of reasons. First being in relatively new to this avenue of shooting and secondly because I do not have the regular time to commit to a permission. It does worry me however that people abuse each other's trust and generosity. It's a sad sad thing in my opinion.

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I agree with the need to be cautious about the "friends" you take shooting, but I have never personally experienced this problem.

I do however know of two occasions when a farmer has contacted the "friend", as the "host" shooter has not been on the land for a while and there were birds about.

Thats something else to think about when issuing invites.


PC's comment about his specialist fishing group in the 60/70's bought back some memories of my early carp fishing years , when this behaviour seemed to be prevalent.

The subterfuge we went through seems almost comical now. :)

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There is another topic about this sort of thing that was started by Spready. Not very good is it. I don't know why the OP's of these topics don't name and shame the low life offenders. It's obvious that they feel very agrieved by the interloper's behaviour and they aren't going to be best mates again so why not illuminate this sort of behaviour. It could lead to the OP loosing their permission and ultimately their ticket.

Here is a link to the topic by Spready. After the intro post the main kick off starts about post # 11



Edited by fortune
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There is another topic about this sort of thing that was started by Spready the other day. Not very good is it. I don't know why the OP's of these topics don't name and shame the low life offenders. It's obvious that they feel very agrieved by the interloper's behaviour and they aren't going to be best mates again so why not illuminate this sort of behaviour. It could lead to the OP loosing their permission and ultimately their ticket.

Fortunately, I have loads more permissions, just so happens this is a good one, close to home.

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Coventry? Tony Miles, Tefor West and Phil Smith?


It's happened to us on three ocassions, we have taken friends of friends out for a day only to find them on the land in later weeks. That is why I may be classed as antisocial but I'm very cautious as to taking people out to the point that DB and Myself do not do it . We have lost permission on two of these farms due to the damage done by others. In my mind it is a total lack of respect.

I was a member of a successful fishing specimen group in the late 60s/70s . We did not publish our catches but the grapevine soon leart of our catches to the point we were followed on various occasions by people who did not want to put the groundwork in . It seems crazy that at 3.00am we were taking evasive action through the streets of Liecester on our way to the Fens to shake off our stalkers.

I was taught to be cautious and remain that way.

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Fortunately, I have loads more permissions, just so happens this is a good one, close to home.

Even though you have other permissions have you spoken to your so called friend about his actions and the effect it could of had on your tickets if you hadn't had other permissions. I have had a similar situation where a person asked the farmer for permission to shoot on a piece of land and subsequently they even put down a load of birds. No pens or anything, just a lot of birds and a few feeders. This person had gone round several different people and got permission on various small plots and decided that they were going to set up a paying shoot with a drive on each bit. This meant that a convoy of vehicles with paying guns would arrive on a piece of ground, shoot a drive and then move off to the next bit in convoy. Needless to say that this operation did not end very successfully with landowners seeing them off of their property and the birds either dispersed or shot by other guns that had permission to use the land. I would have thought that there would have been a high possibility of the guns being charged for armed trespass as they didn't have permission to shoot on the land and for the shoot organiser to be in the poop also. I don't know what eventually transpired but the owner of my bit of land told me to shoot as many of these birds as possible and to run the dogs through the wood at roost on the Friday night so that the guy turned up with his convoy of paying guns on Saturday morning only to find nothing to shoot at. The landowner wanted it this way to teach the guy a subtle lesson. The shoot seemed to peter out and the guy has sort of disappeared from the scene.its a shame that his idea never took off😁 I don't know what happened elsewhere.

Edited by fortune
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