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On the news tonight the Germans recon they can take half a million every year for the foreseeable future. Do the German public know this? What are they going to do to pay for all of this, print more euros? Somewhere along the line this will all be tears before bedtime. I had a chuckle the other day when a person of foreign origin said on TV “ We don’t want any more of the foreigners over here. There’s too many here all ready. It reminded me of the punkawalla on the T.V. comedy 'It aint half hot Mum', saying “ We British”. :lol:


I wonder when and how the German government gauged the will of the German people about the influx of a million or so refugees?

Did they use the red button on their tv remotes?

No,they just did it anyway,and no one thinks 'hang on a minute ,do I live in a democracy? '

I see Junker is now saying that all EU countries will take some refugees even if they have opted out,and all quotas have been raised considerably.

If they refuse to honour their moral obligation 'There will be consequences '

Im sorry herr Flick ,but what on earth has it got to do with you?

If a sovereign country does not want them,need them or can not afford them,why should it have them?

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Would you stand and fight for your country,house,wealth,car and most of all YOUR FREEDOM I know I would.

I've worked dam hard for what I have,it may not be much but it's mine.

My grandfather fought for my freedom I aim to keep it

Strong fit young men fleeing their families,home land!COWARDS with nothing about them.

A better life I hear,well that's what I wanted for myself,so I went and built one IN MY HOME LAND

media coverage covering all angles to confuse everybody,social media sites doing the same

An invasion into Europe ?


Real refugees?

Scrounges ?

Persecuted ?



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A fair fight between armies, yes. When they blow up,behead, drown and only they have weapons?


I agree that there maybe some scroungers and economic refugees, but it's not as black and white as you paint.

I am normally right of Ghengis Khan but....

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What are the actual numbers involved here asylum seekers,immiigrants,refugees v IS?

Do they not outnumber IS. If they do,then Cameron should send over a few thousand stockpiled rifles,ration packs ect.

No selling,no lend-lease,just a gift to help them along to defend their homeland.

In fact we British might be begging for such from America in the not too distant future when it kicks off over here,afterall our Police/Army won't be much cop.

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A fair fight between armies, yes. When they blow up,behead, drown and only they have weapons?


I agree that there maybe some scroungers and economic refugees, but it's not as black and white as you paint.

I am normally right of Ghengis Khan but....

So the countries they are fleeing dont have armed forces??

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I'm not usually quite so suspicious but maybe there's more than a bit of burying heads in the sand going on: Could our intelligence people and politicians be considering that all those mainly young men of military age, fitness and possible training might be more than they are claiming to be? We'd be right fools if we don't at least give it some thought - course we can't actually say that out loud - can we?


Dare anyone one be allowed to think they are the back up for the mob already here? Could it be that those refusing food and drink were still getting it on the sly from the kids who accepted it?

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What are the actual numbers involved here asylum seekers,immiigrants,refugees v IS?



Well,allegedly 30,000 IS fighters (the original estimate was 5000) have taken over an area of Syria and Iraq roughly the size of the UK.

Amongst this area are several large cities with populations in the 100s of 1000s (estimates vary)

These 30000 have had numbers bolstered by foreign jihadis of perhaps 5000 (no one really knows the exact figure)

However they have obviously lost numbers in battle.

They have no air capability,limited armour and very little anti air weapons.

They do have anti tank weapons,mostly of American origin,supplied by other Arab states.

Their staple is AKs and jeep mounted .50 cals or 20mm.


They have displaced,with a little help from Assad,at least 3 million people,and despite the Syrian,Iraqi armies and to some extent the Turkish army and air force plus other warplane and drone strikes,have gained territory.

They destroy ancient antiquities unopposed and have sharia law in many towns.


Just let those figures sink in a minute.


Double the estimates,make them 60,000 or 100,000 ,it still beggars belief how so small a force could do so much damage and, more importantly hold on to their gains.

The city of Mosul pop 2.5 million ,how many men to hold and control a city of that size?

Raqqa pop 250,000 ,thats a lot of people to subjugate .



Its not like they are unarmed and helpless,most men have done national service,and it is not unusual to have an automatic weapon in a typical Iraqi or Syrian household.

Either the figures are wrong,or the people in the IS controlled areas are a bit more compliant than we are told.

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Sang soulless loud
Herding step on flesh
And nothing else
To well
To drown & drown
Sleight of reason
How they come
Cain in number

The crowd
Spurning step by state
Blame something else
Within without
How they run
Slain in number

Shake my head
Turn my face to the floor
Dead to respect
To respect to be born
Lest we forget who lay :|


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Would you stand and fight for your country,house,wealth,car and most of all YOUR FREEDOM I know I would.

I've worked dam hard for what I have,it may not be much but it's mine.

My grandfather fought for my freedom I aim to keep it

Strong fit young men fleeing their families,home land!COWARDS with nothing about them.

A better life I hear,well that's what I wanted for myself,so I went and built one IN MY HOME LAND

media coverage covering all angles to confuse everybody,social media sites doing the same

An invasion into Europe ?


Real refugees?

Scrounges ?

Persecuted ?



I'm dam sure I'd be fighting for everything I'd worked for over my life not packing up and making a run for it as most of these fit fighting aged males (all look well fed and able bodied) seem to be doing!! . Why aren't they ashamed that they are abandoning their home land it's not like Americans aren't giving the Syrians nearly 5 million dollars a month to fund a standing army. I suggest they stop running and using the women folk and kids to pull at europes heart string and go back and take back their own homeland given their children something to be proud of and celebrate in the future

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I reframed from saying this to the first response but sod it.


Where did our grandparents / great grandparents run when a german army tried to takr over and persecuted people.. Oh thats right a trench!!! They didnt flee to another country... Demand they be taken in and looked after. Im sorry if this offends some people but this country fought for its freedom and yet now people would rather run than stand up and be counted. As has been said, the news and papers only pick out the parts that will make the news and make others watch. If the real scenes were shown then peoples view point would be totally different..


Well said my friend. Agree 100% :good:

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Germany has a major problem with a falling population and a shortage of labour. Hence why they are keen to take them.




Simply more spin from Al Jabeeba I'm afraid.


A recent German study suggests quite the opposite to Peston's piece.



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I have one observation , I believe ISIS is hoping to spread Islam over the world . With us accepting refugees to all European countries are we not doing what they want . As when they are settled they will require places of worship in all resident countries.They then will have an army spread over Europe .

Edited by pigeon controller
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Once these "refugees" land in Germany,they can apply for a German Passport/ travel permit.,thus giving them legitimate access to the UK due to the open borders policy.. Nice one They don't really want to be in Germany, they all already heading out of Germany and flooding into Denmark on the trains. Amazing where these pennyless people get their money from ...Denmark has just shut all the train stations with access to Germany. God help us all. from Auntie.

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this whole thing will come back to bite 'us' on the behind.


come over, get housing, medical etc, then have a kid thus entitled to a UK passport-no reason to return to their homeland and aid its return re-orginisation.


It appears other Arab states have done little to help and shelter their arabic brothers.


I fear for my kids future in this country.



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Once these "refugees" land in Germany,they can apply for a German Passport/ travel permit.,thus giving them legitimate access to the UK due to the open borders policy.. Nice one They don't really want to be in Germany, they all already heading out of Germany and flooding into Denmark on the trains. Amazing where these pennyless people get their money from ...Denmark has just shut all the train stations with access to Germany. God help us all. from Auntie.

apparently if your given refugee status in one country you do not have the right to travel round europe . refugee status apparently is different to permanent residency/citizenship.a open border would be madness even so

Edited by overandunder2012
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As far as the women and children are concerned we should being doing all we can to make sure they can live their lives without fear of being radicalised or killed by cruel murderers . As for the men , not every man in the world was born to fight so if they feel the need to flee a war torn country along with their families I won't judge I'm afraid. All I know is that if I felt me and my family were in any kind of danger I would do anything and go anywhere to keep them safe no matter who I might upset. The fear these people must be in to flee with their children on make shift rafts speaks for its self .

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They are not all Syrian refugees though, on breakfast TV this morning the reporter in one of the camps stopped three young men and chatted to them briefly. Turned out they were from Pakistan resulting in a quick change of subject and the camera cut away from them.

If I were truely in fear, the first safe country I got to would be good enough. For a lot of them this is just a grand adventure, a chance to gatecrash into the mainland of Europe in a way that was closed to them through legal channels.

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