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Having a tipple @ a shoot ? Yes - No


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Totally agree :good:

This is my seasons supply (and probably next seasons too)

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And a hamper I provided on one of the shoots. (18 guns plus beaters)



Everything in moderation

Looks very nice but I cant believe you expect people to eat Pheasant in the feather :lol:

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A big no no. can be just as sociable and have a good time with soft drinks. If you need alcohol to relax, it suggests a problem.

I don't have a tipple for social reasons I am the most unsocial person you will meet I do it because I like a tipple while game shooting. As was said earlier I wouldnt get wasted or even nearly but a quick sip out of a hip flask I don't see the problem.

Edited by bigadam
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Our shoot captain at the start of the day reminds everyone to go steady and anyone who is shooting, driving or not is to take it easy. Last season it was decided a guest was not fit to shoot after lunch and was asked to watch or join the beaters which he did.


Our lunches are a great social event with some great food, wine and beer to deprive to guns and beaters a drink would be sad and wrong. We don't pay our beaters so without a drink with some food I expect we would have a few less.

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Very tricky subject the small measures of low strength alcohol served on the day shouldn't be a problem they are judged by the host to be within the safe limits 😚

And are part of the day it is a social thing although I usually take a sip and discreetly dispose of it

However anything to excess that may impaire or create a hazard to anyone in my opinion should be jumped on

Times have changed a lot and although I would hate to see the token tot to chose your peg or the token flute of Buck's Fizz with soup and sausage rolls dissapere

I think the time has come for no alcohol until the day is finished

As responsible people we should know our limits and remember were there for the shooting

Not the drinking

Just my thoughts

All the best


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We are there for the shooting and beating but it is also the social side of things, a port or beer with lunch should not cause any problems, especially if you are going to be shooting another 2 drives after lunch. if you can't control yourself and be sensible you should not have a licence in the first place.

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We are there for the shooting and beating but it is also the social side of things, a port or beer with lunch should not cause any problems, especially if you are going to be shooting another 2 drives after lunch. if you can't control yourself and be sensible you should not have a licence in the first place.

This sums up my thinking on the subject.

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We are there for the shooting and beating but it is also the social side of things, a port or beer with lunch should not cause any problems, especially if you are going to be shooting another 2 drives after lunch. if you can't control yourself and be sensible you should not have a licence in the first place.



A days shooting is not all about pulling the trigger, the social side is equally as important as important and to enjoy a social snifter or two throught the day only adds to the enjoyment.


So my answer is a big resounding YES, there is nothing wrong with a couple of snifters and I thank the lord that the puritanical, holier than though brigade don't shoot with me.


As Mr Rimfire4969 says, " if you can't control yourself and be sensible you should not have a licence in the first place"

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A days shooting is not all about pulling the trigger, the social side is equally as important as important and to enjoy a social snifter or two throught the day only adds to the enjoyment.


So my answer is a big resounding YES, there is nothing wrong with a couple of snifters and I thank the lord that the puritanical, holier than though brigade don't shoot with me.


As Mr Rimfire4969 says, " if you can't control yourself and be sensible you should not have a licence in the first place"

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A days shooting is not all about pulling the trigger, the social side is equally as important as important and to enjoy a social snifter or two throught the day only adds to the enjoyment.


So my answer is a big resounding YES, there is nothing wrong with a couple of snifters and I thank the lord that the puritanical, holier than though brigade don't shoot with me.


As Mr Rimfire4969 says, " if you can't control yourself and be sensible you should not have a licence in the first place"


Guns and alcohol do not mix well and this is not a holier than thou statement this is a common sense fact! If there are any doubters on the subject upon your next contact with your FEO why not advise him of your views on the subject of the socially acceptable consumption of alcohol whilst enjoying a day’s shooting with your pals! See if you can make a convert of him with the logic of your argument! :/


Clarification to avoid dehydration!

Edited by STOTTO
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Guns and alcohol do not mix well and this is not a holier than thou statement this is a common sense fact! If there are any doubters on the subject upon your next contact with your FEO why not advise him of your views on the subject of the socially acceptable consumption of alcohol whilst enjoying a day’s shooting with your pals! See if you can make a convert of him with the logic of your argument! :/


Clarification to avoid dehydration!


I expected better from you than to revert to the stereotyped, condesending "advise your FEO of your views" drivel often quoted by those whom seem to feel that gun ownership elevates them to some superior level.


For the record I am quite happy for my views to go on record. There is, as I stated, absolutly nothing wrong with guns having a couple of snifters during the day. Good food, great banter and a couple of snifters make the day and if you can't understand that and feel so appalled by my belief, then please feel free to bring my views to the attention of my FEO on 01271 341231.

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I've not had a drink in 12 years, so it's not an issue for me, but we do have a policy at our clay shoot that anyone who's still under the influence from the night before doesn't shoot.


I think shooting and alcohol should be viewed like driving and alcohol - most people, if driving to and from a party, would have one or two at the start, knowing that they've got a few hours and some food between them and getting behind the wheel.

Assuming that you restrict your consumption to a beer or two, and sensibly count the units, by the time you're leaving enough should have been left in the bathroom for you to be legal.

Same with shooting. Don't know how you'd work it out with a few sips of hip flask,sloe gin, claret with lunch etc.


Do feel that if you ran a kid over, or shot a beater, after even one, it would always hang over you, was alcohol the cause or not?

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I expected better from you than to revert to the stereotyped, condesending "advise your FEO of your views" drivel often quoted by those whom seem to feel that gun ownership elevates them to some superior level.


For the record I am quite happy for my views to go on record. There is, as I stated, absolutly nothing wrong with guns having a couple of snifters during the day. Good food, great banter and a couple of snifters make the day and if you can't understand that and feel so appalled by my belief, then please feel free to bring my views to the attention of my FEO on 01271 341231.

:lol: Brilliant! Post of the month for me, right there.

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If there are any doubters on the subject upon your next contact with your FEO why not advise him of your views on the subject of the socially acceptable consumption of alcohol whilst enjoying a day’s shooting with your pals! See if you can make a convert of him with the logic of your argument! :/


His FEO is most likely in the same lodge.

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A days shooting is not all about pulling the trigger, the social side is equally as important as important and to enjoy a social snifter or two throught the day only adds to the enjoyment.


So my answer is a big resounding YES, there is nothing wrong with a couple of snifters and I thank the lord that the puritanical, holier than though brigade don't shoot with me.


As Mr Rimfire4969 says, " if you can't control yourself and be sensible you should not have a licence in the first place"

At last voices of reason.....no one goes shooting to get drunk, a small glass of sloe gin is unlikely to make me forget 23 years of safe gun handling

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