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Doc Holliday

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I can't believe this subject hasn't been mentioned as yet. I'm probably going to get shouted down by all the 'in the closet' macho types but I have to say that any red blooded guy should feel comfortable in his own skin at watching this. I, for one, think it's great. I mean, what's not to love? Especially when you have the likes of Natalie Lowe dressed in next to nothing and showing off her lovely figure. And there are plenty of others on there too.


The professionals aside, I'm putting my money on Kellie Bright to win it. I don't know what it is but there's something about her. Katie Derham will be out next as she just doesn't quite cut it the same as the others but any of them will be worthy of winning it.


Ok, let the barracking begin :yes:

Edited by Doc Holliday
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I'm with you on this one.

My secret wish as a young boy was to be a backing dancer on the telly but I got a proper job instead so I love this programme. Not as good since Flavia left but Natalie more than makes up for it.

Georgia May Foote for me. Mmmmmm :yes:

Set it to record as I'm out tonight.

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Good for you AVB :good: It's something to be proud of, an achievement. As I've always maintained, who's the more sad, the guy who has the hobby or interest or those who pursue them to take the rise out of them for it? It's each to their own in my book and if anyone wants to take the **** then they clearly in need of a life themselves.


Let's face it, I doubt there's a woman alive that doesn't find it attractive if a guy can dance properly.


Felly100, I think you're on thin ice there fella, if you are attracted to those mad cap bunny boiler types :yes:

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yeah ok....the women are pretty and thats all.......................i like my women with a bit of meat on them...not like racing snakes,,, :lol:

What - have you been watching at all? Georgia has enough 'meat' on her to make any bloke happy, and the way that she moves is enough to make any male drool...


I have been ballroom dancing for over 15 years - was dragged there kicking and screaming by my wife.


I hated and loathed it at first, but after 3 months it started to make sense.


I can honestly say that the wife has never been happier - she has a bunch of cronies and female chums to gossip to, and a new frock or pair of shoes is enough to let me go shooting and fishing whenever I want to.


I am quite happy to let you stand by the bar eyeing up the talent whilst I am dancing with them....

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I do watch it on occasion, I try to copy some of the moves, it helps while waiting in a queue and busting for a pee.

so if you've seen some strange man queuing at the tills in tescos while bopping around like elmer fudd on crack cocaine, it was probably me :good:

What - have you been watching at all? Georgia has enough 'meat' on her to make any bloke happy, and the way that she moves is enough to make any male drool...


I am quite happy to let you stand by the bar eyeing up the talent whilst I am dancing with them....

bingo! women like a mover :lol:

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Come on,you dance around swords on the floor while wearing tartan skirts!


Indeed :) the sword thing is on a par with that southern dance undertaken by lads called morris who skip about with a hanky on their head, trying to avoid a clatter on the end of their bell by other lads called morris

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Must admit that while I miss Flavia and there are some stunning looking women on there, I don't go out of my way to watch it. There are worse things on tv, it has to be said.

there are worse things and I dont watch them either, perhaps if they disposed of the blokes on strictly I would find it more acceptable :) possibly not :unhappy:


Northern Soul here!

do you/ they still do that ?

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The professionals aside, I'm putting my money on Kellie Bright to win it. I don't know what it is but there's something about her. Katie Derham will be out next as she just doesn't quite cut it the same as the others but any of them will be worthy of winning it.


Ok, let the barracking begin :yes:

I quite fancy Aliona _ don't know if she'll win but I quite fancy her!

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