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Storing guns in rented properties


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Any suggestions?

My tenancy agreement says that we can't fix anything to the structure of the property without written approval from the landlord and/or managing agent.

If they say ok it will be fine.


However, I expect them to say no so what are my alternatives?


I had put my gun up for sale in anticipation but I don't really want to sell it.



Edited by ilovemyheckler
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I rented for 6 months and just didn't tell the letting agent and bolted my cabinet to the wall inside a cupboard. Told plod and they sent me a new certificate.


I didn't think it was any of my landlords business and I knew they would make a fuss.


When I left I filled the holes and repainted. No drama. They were none the wiser.

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Thanks everyone.

We wouldn't have a problem with anyone fixing a cabinet in either of our houses. I would say either repaair and make good when you move out or leave the cabinet.

My worry is that if I ask and they are "anti shooting" they will say no and I am in bother.


Having spoke to BASC today I think I will keep it in the loft (may take the fore end off and lock in a draw) using a security cable around a rafter. as the house has modern upvc windows with locks and 3 point locking mechanisms on the external doors together with an alarm the police are likely to accept this. If they don't I will ask about a cabinet.

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not wise to tell them, just make good the holes when you leave, which i believe is what most rental agreements say.

Not mine, most will say nothing to be fixed etc, I've only stipulated this because you don't know who your going to get but the guy I've got at the moment is good as gold if he asked me to fix a gun safe i'd say crack on, if someone did it without asking however and it left marks on the wall I'd be within my rights to withhold some deposit to make good. My advice would be ask, like I said I wouldn't have a problem with it
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I rented for 6 months and just didn't tell the letting agent and bolted my cabinet to the wall inside a cupboard. Told plod and they sent me a new certificate.


I didn't think it was any of my landlords business and I knew they would make a fuss.


When I left I filled the holes and repainted. No drama. They were none the wiser.


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Any suggestions?

My tenancy agreement says that we can't fix anything to the structure of the property without written approval from the landlord and/or managing agent.

If they say ok it will be fine.


However, I expect them to say no so what are my alternatives?


I had put my gun up for sale in anticipation but I don't really want to sell it.



is there a roof space or cupboard where you could discreetly put one and make good when you leave?

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