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Got To Be In It To Win It


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I've had the usual blank days over the winter and was hoping the beans drillings would herald a change in fortunes but I spent pretty much all of yesterday from early morning driving around my permissions and despite beans being drilled far and wide there were no really good opportunities in fact little to bother with anywhere.


I found two possibilities, one on beans and the other on rape but after calling out a friend we checked them again and went for the bean option. Despite a fair flightline over the field and a few birds down earlier they just wouldn't show any interest. We tried to move a few fields to where they appeared to be going but that field just emptied so I ended up with 1 pigeon for a long days work :unhappy:


I came home pretty fed up but decided to get up early again and have a crack at the rape option instead. I was set up by 7.30 with just 10 FUD's and the bird I shot yesterday on a flapper and they just poured in. I couldn't believe my luck after all the poor days where the birds just moved en masse. I was panicking because I only had 90 odd shells with me and ended up having to get my missus to bring me some more. It quietened down to a diminishing trickle after about an hour with just a few here and there and with spots of rain and the wind getting more and more gusty in my exposed position I broke camp at about 10.30 with 71 pigeons accounted for with my 27gram 20gauge homeloads. I had some great shots and missed some easy ones from tracking the bird instead of just getting up and going bang. Most chuffed right now :D



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Well done. Remember to take more cartridges next time.


School boy error. I was travelling light with everything on my back and going by the last few months wasn't expecting to be needing more. Luckily my partner rolled up with more shells, a flask and a bag of Morrisons cheese and onion rolls then went home to fetch me a barrow to get it all back to my van before going shopping with her sister :D

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Beans are not that bad these are a few we got on beans about 4 yrs ago..


this farmer hasn't put beans in since then got a phone call good friday from him to say he was sowing beans again this weekend

and he would ring me the minute he saw any birds about.. just noticed they are the same birds will have a look for the other ones








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