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Anyone else still undecided?


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No as we would have to take the Euro, agree to ever closer union and would not have the rebate. As we don't have the euro, we have the rebate and we have an agreement to not have ever closer ties I want to stay. Just bought my oil supply in case we are out and the £ falls further against the $.

Even with the rebate we contribute more than anyone else except Germany and have less of a say than France!

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The only problem is that most of the posters on PW are outers. We must try to convert the dis believers and bring them into the fold. Get involved in other social media sites and spread the word before it is too late. Preferably in a couple of sentences.

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The only problem is that most of the posters on PW are outers. We must try to convert the dis believers and bring them into the fold. Get involved in other social media sites and spread the word before it is too late. Preferably in a couple of sentences.

I agree. The good thing is, that out of all the people that I have personally spoken to, only around 10% are going to vote to remain.

I have a feeling that it might be a surprisingly big majority that ends up voting to leave.

Edited by motty
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I agree. The good thing is, that out of all the people that I have personally spoken to, only around 10% are going to vote to remain.

I have a feeling that it might be a surprisingly big majority that ends up voting to leave.

This is my experience also. Probably less than 10%. So how do the poles recon that it's neck a neck? Edited by fortune
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I agree. The good thing is, that out of all the people that I have personally spoken to, only around 10% are going to vote to remain.

I have a feeling that it might be a surprisingly big majority that ends up voting to leave.



i spoke to the checkout girls at budgeons today..........usually all they talk about is total testicles...........so i asked them what are you doing thurs.....and they all shouted in a chorus "voting out"...........



its got to the stage whatever faux-pas lafarge comes out with it is not going to make any difference......sort of a "trump effect"..

Edited by ditchman
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at my age it really matters not if we are in or out,however I am fully aware that any decision we make the backlash of it will be felt and paid for by our children and grandchildren.this country has already changed beyond all recognition and it is possibly to late to pull it back even now but vote to stay and you will be handing the eu the biggest stick ever to beat us with for ever and a day.

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Does anyone else think Boris and Gove have realised an out result is looking less sure and are sucking up to Dave?


A couple of weeks ago it was being put about they were likely leadership candidates. Teresa May has also been very quiet lately.

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Pheasant Feeder, what an erudite and insightful look at this issue, I've already voted "out" via a postal vote, and had no reservation about that vote, however I think its worth commenting, what a great shame that neither the Leave or Remain campaigns could present their arguments with the same amount of impartiality and logic.


Bravo Monsieur, Bravo!

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Another one

Ford says a break from the European Union would cost it "hundreds of millions of pounds". That's because it's not only a manufacturer and exporter, but its finance arm is regulated as a bank.

How many warnings how many jobs and brexitiers just wont listen.

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We so need out of Europe, and must say ive hardly met anyone who wants to stay in so you never know we just might be out on FRIDAY.

OH Man i hope so, :shout::D Not a drinking man but trust me if we are out Friday im going to have a hang over Saturday. :cool1:

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We so need out of Europe, and must say ive hardly met anyone who wants to stay in so you never know we just might be out on FRIDAY.

OH Man i hope so, :shout::D Not a drinking man but trust me if we are out Friday im going to have a hang over Saturday. :cool1:

It will be fascinating to see how the vote breaks down across the country will you watch the results Thurs night / fri morning? I dont know what time they will start but I will be glued.

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Pheasant Feeder, what an erudite and insightful look at this issue, I've already voted "out" via a postal vote, and had no reservation about that vote, however I think its worth commenting, what a great shame that neither the Leave or Remain campaigns could present their arguments with the same amount of impartiality and logic.


Bravo Monsieur, Bravo!

I've often found that when someone who doesn't normally say much is forced into speaking up, then they're usually worth listening to. This is no exception.


The highlighted piece accurately reflects what virtually every right minded person irrespective of their own ideas would have wished to see in order to make a balanced judgement. The Post to which it refers has put every UK politician/media commentator of whatever persuasion to shame.


Had that Post been widely published as opposed to being read by a few tens of PWers or a few hundreds on the Facebook thingy and in the absence of any similar quality piece but expressing the opposing view, then on Friday we would have woken up to an overwhelming OUT result.

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Definitely not, I am still for OUT and if we end up staying in and I was a lot younger I would be emigrating out of the UK for good.

I'm 21 in a few weeks and want to move... New Zealand sounds good! Me nor the Mrs would have kids when the country is in this state. We had a talk about it just incase something happened and she said unless were not here! She was voting in until a few weeks ago where she realised what they were trying to do and scaring people to vote in!

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It will be fascinating to see how the vote breaks down across the country will you watch the results Thurs night / fri morning? I dont know what time they will start but I will be glued.

Starts about ten on Thursday night my eldest lad said. Will be there clasped knees and strong coffee.

I Hope we get out. :)

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