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Bye Bye Dave


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Spat his dummy out!....coward, liar and a traitor!

Cameron quote "The will of the people must be respected"...........but he's bailing.....coward, and doesn't want anything to do with helping an independant UK....traitor, and after saying before the vote he will stay on no matter what the referendum result....liar!

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Regardless of his politics, Cameron has more class than many posters on this forum, having read some of the crass comments on this thread.


We would be living under a Brown/Milliband government if he hadn't beaten them both in general elections.

True, very true!

Watch out ! Remain are already pressing for another referendum!

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So his toys have gone out of the pram. I had a little respect for him but now none.things don't always go your way in life but we don't all turn our back on the rest when this happens. Just hope his puppet Osbourne follows him.

Bang on. I liked Dave and Iam really upset that he has done this, ok he lost but he is the leader and should lead rather that just say Iam not playing anymore. Now I think he's a stick.


Osborne has to go though for all the carp he has come out with

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Bang on. I liked Dave and Iam really upset that he has done this, ok he lost but he is the leader and should lead rather that just say Iam not playing anymore. Now I think he's a stick.


Osborne has to go though for all the carp he has come out with

I agree with this, where he went wrong was he got too pushy and confident re the remain campagne . If he had just presented the true facts said here you are there they all are make your mind up which way you want to vote, then just pulled his horns in and sit back and watch developments, he could have come out of this much better than he has now, and in my opinion he would b e in a better possition for promoting confidence in the markets.

Now with this a rushed replacement, a probable general election, ... Well i hope so we dont for gods sake cwant a repeat Brown performance from camerons sucsesor do we.?


I think he was better being in office rather than what he as done now, we got to get the right person to go to the eu and present our case we are first up and thus best dresed, and any subsequent eu leaving nations may not be in such a bargaining possition as us if and when they bail out.

We are at a very exiteing point in our history, i think cameron could have done us and his own carrer and credibility much more good if he had wound his head in a bit rather than behave the way he did. A shame i think because i dont know who will be able to steer us now certainly not May, and not sure aboutr johnson, and even if there is an general ellection which surely practicaly there must be labours corbin is a falliure and they have not got their act together anyway, so its going to be conservative but WHO?

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I think by his action that he has now shown just how out of touch he is with the average person.he showed that in reality he was happy with the way the Eu is and all the beurocracy that goes with it.he had a mandate from this vote to go to Brussels and weald the stick giving them the chance do a proper deal for the UK.there are a lot of people fearful of a UK outside the Eu but the Eu will also be worried about the Eu without one of their richest economies. But at the end of the day he could not finish what he started.typical politician.

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Unfortunately this is not what the country needs at this time. Instead of the political elite stabilising the ship they will be rocking the boat with a leadership contest.

They should have sailed us through the choppy waters ahead first and then made changes to the leadership structure of both main parties when the future of an independent UK became clearer.




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With his stance of sucking up to the EU at every chance, he's hardly the person to be in charge of negotiating our exit.


Did you see the look on his face this morning? It was like he was absolutely astounded that everyone didn't agree with the drivel he's drip-fed us for months now. I bet he didn't expect that.


See ya later Dave. Can't say i'll miss you.

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Unless there`s an immediate cabinet reshuffle I think he`ll hang on until Dave goes. Then probably off to the back benches.


Perhaps he's busy preparing his new Austerity/EU leaving budget he threatened would be imminent if we left!

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I agree with this, where he went wrong was he got too pushy and confident re the remain campagne . If he had just presented the true facts said here you are there they all are make your mind up which way you want to vote, then just pulled his horns in and sit back and watch developments, he could have come out of this much better than he has now, and in my opinion he would b e in a better possition for promoting confidence in the markets.

Now with this a rushed replacement, a probable general election, ... Well i hope so we dont for gods sake cwant a repeat Brown performance from camerons sucsesor do we.?


I think he was better being in office rather than what he as done now, we got to get the right person to go to the eu and present our case we are first up and thus best dresed, and any subsequent eu leaving nations may not be in such a bargaining possition as us if and when they bail out.

We are at a very exiteing point in our history, i think cameron could have done us and his own carrer and credibility much more good if he had wound his head in a bit rather than behave the way he did. A shame i think because i dont know who will be able to steer us now certainly not May, and not sure aboutr johnson, and even if there is an general ellection which surely practicaly there must be labours corbin is a falliure and they have not got their act together anyway, so its going to be conservative but WHO?


Why? Tony B, Maggie T stepping down never triggered a GE.


IMHO the reason DC has gone, is down to him getting his hands dirty by being front and centre in the remain camp. The dirty tricks employed by the state et al was downright un-democratic. George O needs to go for the same reason.

Watching some of the interviews today, they still don't get it. The arrogance on display by Tim Farron, Alistair Campbell and others reinforces the point. Some in the remain camp still exude a sense of entitlement, their right to rule, to dictate to us bumpkins and pass down their edicts for us to obey, and be grateful.


We have a long way to go, and they still need to learn some lessons in democracy.



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Why? Tony B, Maggie T stepping down never triggered a GE.


IMHO the reason DC has gone, is down to him getting his hands dirty by being front and centre in the remain camp. The dirty tricks employed by the state et al was downright un-democratic. George O needs to go for the same reason.

Watching some of the interviews today, they still don't get it. The arrogance on display by Tim Farron, Alistair Campbell and others reinforces the point. Some in the remain camp still exude a sense of entitlement, their right to rule, to dictate to us bumpkins and pass down their edicts for us to obey, and be grateful.


We have a long way to go, and they still need to learn some lessons in democracy.



Brown did not call an ellection when he took over and i never felt it did anyone any good him not calling one, i can not see the conservatives doing this and feel myself a general ellection is probable and fairly soon after the replacemet is in place.

Edited by TONY R
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Spat his dummy out!....coward, liar and a traitor!

Cameron quote "The will of the people must be respected"...........but he's bailing.....coward, and doesn't want anything to do with helping an independant UK....traitor, and after saying before the vote he will stay on no matter what the referendum result....liar!

And if he'd stayed, many would be saying that he is not a man of his word. I've no time for him but the poor man is pilloried whatever he does.

Edited by keg
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And if he'd stayed, many would be saying that he is not a man of his word. I've no time for him but the poor man is pilloried whatever he does.

Agree with this i would like to have seen him stay longer and even start the exit procedure and lead us out of Europe, this had the potential to do us more good than bad.

I do not know if he fell or was pushed on friday morning , suspect he was pushed, but he should not have been.

We need to wait now see who is going to replace him, and given the likeley replacements in the party its got the potential to cause problems we dont need right now.

Cameron was better where he was, lets hope we get a good replacement thats all .

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I've no time for him but the poor man is pilloried whatever he does.

My opinion is that Dave is a manager, not a leader as has been said many times. He might get pilloried but nobody should take his job without understanding it had the potential to be one of the toughest jobs in the world.


Dave has made many miscalculations and mistakes (hence the manager accusation). To be fair he fell on his sword- I didn't expect that 'integrity' from him.


I can't forgive the campaign he's run. My missus got a letter with a woman standing on a plank on top of a black hole addressed to her personally- nothing to me apart from his £9M letter. Luckily she said who do they think they are, patronising women and suggesting they couldn't make their own mind up (needed scaring). She was wobbling and that cost him a vote.

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I think it inconceivable he could continue in the circumstances.


How things change from his victory in the General Election, he would never have dreamed this would happen!


History will no doubt remember him more for this than anything else though. :yes:

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Brown did not call an ellection when he took over and i never felt it did anyone any good him not calling one, i can not see the conservatives doing this and feel myself a general ellection is probable and fairly soon after the replacemet is in place.

Can't see it myself. The law was changed under the last coalition government to make fixed 5 year terms. Only way you can have an election earlier is if 2/3 majority of the House agrees. Given turmoil in Conservative party, possible challenge to Corbyn in Labour Party and no credible (imo) opposition elsewhere doesn't feel like the majority will be forthcoming.


Which leaves a Tory prime minister presumably with an eye on the next campaign and so perhaps not so keen to do anything bold. I heard Vine Cable speak at one of our client events on Tuesday and he forecasted a weak government for the remainder of the term after Cameron's resignation, which he thought would be the consequence of a leave vote. Interestingly he then speculated that a weak government would mean no big decisions, so no progress on another runway for Heathrow etc

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Cameron clearly lost the plot during this referendum campaign. He made a rather good speech yesterday, and I couldn't help thinking of that line from Macbeth: "Nothing in his [political] life became him like the leaving it"


But, on reflection, that is unfair, because I reckon he did a reasonably good job overall. For sure, he has been wrong on some things, but at least he rescued us from the prospect of rule by the dreadful Millipedes.

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