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realy !!! How Low Can People Stoop


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it utterly boils my blood to the lows scum will go ,

I understand just how the lads parents feel its mixture of pure surprise then anger then the hurt kicks in, a couple of years back the scum that lives underneath the ***** left by rats stole the wrought iron fencing from around our daughters and sons grave and sprayed a "tag" on the back of the headstone .....no one was ever caught ......but I hope the rat bags who stole the bairns lego and stuff gets caught

please pass my thoughts over

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Speechless. What is wrong with some people?

They are human,


The human race is ****,


As soon as I get in a public place , I say to the wife " I hate humans" ( not all) but the behaviour I see on a daily basis makes me dispise most members of the human race,


Give me solitude in the field or on the streams and ocean any day,



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The problem is that there are too many people who are incapable of thinking of anyone but themselves. This is just another example of grab anything you can - an example that comes from the very top, whether it is expenses, unearned bonuses or making a quick profit by insider dealing. The people who do this will have no empathy, no consideration about anyone else's feelings and are unable to relate what they do to how they would feel if it happened to them. All that any of us can do is to bring up our kids properly, show others that we are not like them and hope that some of it rubs off. We feel for those parents just because we are not like that.

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I think you're probably right. I am still greatly saddened by the images of dead and injured children in Aleppo, and also by the images of dead toddlers and infants washed up on beaches, but not moved enough to actually do anything about it, which in itself saddens me.

In all reality, what could I do? What difference would it make?

Man has been killing and neglecting each other since the beginning of time, and I think I'm resigned to the fact that he will continue to do so until the end of time. Very sad.

I only go on FB to promote my artwork, but over time it has evolved, as things do, into quite a sizeable collection of 'friends', many of whom are actually good friends, but I find myself 'unfriending' them from my internet world when they post or share petitions or images regarding refugees of one atrocity or another. Clicking on a button is dead easy but a world away from actually getting off your backside and making an effort. I'll drop a few coins in a collection box to ease my conscience, but unless it effects me personally I've got my own life to get on with.

I never used to feel like this; perhaps I'm just growing very cynical in my old age.

Jaded; that's the word I was looking for.

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