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FEO stressing me out


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Today is one of those days where I just need to vent my frustration. Sometimes I wonder how these people have jobs!


I applied for a .17 Remington, .38/357 rifle and LBR going back around five months ago now. After all the usual waiting I got a phone call - could I clarify what I wanted by email please?... Of course, no problem. I dropped my FAC in (They take ages so I didn't put it in with the forms) and was told it would be back within the week.


Two weeks later I got another call - "we've just spoken to (your land owner) and he says you don't shoot there any more". Well no, I haven't shot there for eight years. I've renewed my certificate since then and they cleared a new piece of land which I do shoot. "Oh right... where's that then?" was the response! So I told them, and they finally found the details in my file... "Ok, we'll get it printed for you now" they said.


Another three weeks passed so I emailed them. I got a reply to say that they needed some form of proof that I am using the .38 at a club - I've never done that before but no bother. "Will my membership photo ID do?" I asked. "Yes that should be fine" she said, so we left it at that. I scanned it and sent it on it's way.


Yesterday (over a week later) I got an email.... "We need to to get a form signed by your club officials to prove you're a member". Well that was it. About a dozen attempts later some poor sod in the office answered the phone. It happened to be one of the more senior members which was good. So I asked what the issue was? "No issue" she says, "it's being processed now"! Really? That's not what this morning's email suggests.... You'd best go and talk to your colleague. After some muffled chatting in the background she comes back.... "Oh no, I need you to send in a form".


Well that was it. "Are you serious?" I asked. "Yes unfortunately" she replied. "this should be the final piece of the puzzle". "Puzzle?" I replied... "This is your job. You do it every day. You've had my FAC for months now and I've got back to you by return over three separate issues that you've managed to find, one of which I had to chase you to find out about. At every point I have asked that if there is a problem, please let me know so I can sort it. Do you not have a list of requirements? You know, things that I need to put forward so you can be confident that I have good reason for my request? This is something that you must do every day, and you're telling me that you keep finding these issues unexpectedly? Do you not speak to each other there? You've already told me that my FAC is being processed when actually it's not. So is this the final piece of this puzzle you speak of, or will there be something else that you need next week?" "Umm" she replied... "YES OR NO" I asked "because at this point I'm sick of jumping though all these new hoops that weren't shown to me at the start. If I did my job like this I'd be living on the streets by now!". "We'll get it sorted as soon as we can" was her final response!


Where do they find these morons? They've had so many chances to just tell me what they need to know. I usually get back to them within two hours, even if it means downing tools and handing things over the counter directly. Somehow I get the feeling that my forms may have just ended up at the bottom of the pile but really? Come on! Does anyone else here have to put up with this ****? You're not in Gloucestershire by any chance are you?! :mad:

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oh mate! sounds like you're being put through the mill.

i'm on the verge of my renewal, rang the feo a month ago to arrange an appointment, got a new guy. booked in for this Monday, only thing is he was supposed to confirm a time and didn't, now I can't get hold of him. I've left messages on his phone but if he doesn't come do you reckon it'd be ok just to drop the renewal off at the office so to speak? apparently rumour has it that there's an "anti" in the fold, I hope it's not him.

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Today is one of those days where I just need to vent my frustration. Sometimes I wonder how these people have jobs!


I applied for a .17 Remington, .38/357 rifle and LBR going back around five months ago now. After all the usual waiting I got a phone call - could I clarify what I wanted by email please?... Of course, no problem. I dropped my FAC in (They take ages so I didn't put it in with the forms) and was told it would be back within the week.


Two weeks later I got another call - "we've just spoken to (your land owner) and he says you don't shoot there any more". Well no, I haven't shot there for eight years. I've renewed my certificate since then and they cleared a new piece of land which I do shoot. "Oh right... where's that then?" was the response! So I told them, and they finally found the details in my file... "Ok, we'll get it printed for you now" they said.



Another three weeks passed so I emailed them. I got a reply to say that they needed some form of proof that I am using the .38 at a club - I've never done that before but no bother. "Will my membership photo ID do?" I asked. "Yes that should be fine" she said, so we left it at that. I scanned it and sent it on it's way.

Thame valley would this be


Yesterday (over a week later) I got an email.... "We need to to get a form signed by your club officials to prove you're a member". Well that was it. About a dozen attempts later some poor sod in the office answered the phone. It happened to be one of the more senior members which was good. So I asked what the issue was? "No issue" she says, "it's being processed now"! Really? That's not what this morning's email suggests.... You'd best go and talk to your colleague. After some muffled chatting in the background she comes back.... "Oh no, I need you to send in a form".


Well that was it. "Are you serious?" I asked. "Yes unfortunately" she replied. "this should be the final piece of the puzzle". "Puzzle?" I replied... "This is your job. You do it every day. You've had my FAC for months now and I've got back to you by return over three separate issues that you've managed to find, one of which I had to chase you to find out about. At every point I have asked that if there is a problem, please let me know so I can sort it. Do you not have a list of requirements? You know, things that I need to put forward so you can be confident that I have good reason for my request? This is something that you must do every day, and you're telling me that you keep finding these issues unexpectedly? Do you not speak to each other there? You've already told me that my FAC is being processed when actually it's not. So is this the final piece of this puzzle you speak of, or will there be something else that you need next week?" "Umm" she replied... "YES OR NO" I asked "because at this point I'm sick of jumping though all these new hoops that weren't shown to me at the start. If I did my job like this I'd be living on the streets by now!". "We'll get it sorted as soon as we can" was her final response!


Where do they find these morons? They've had so many chances to just tell me what they need to know. I usually get back to them within two hours, even if it means downing tools and handing things over the counter directly. Somehow I get the feeling that my forms may have just ended up at the bottom of the pile but really? Come on! Does anyone else here have to put up with this ****? You're not in Gloucestershire by any chance are you?! :mad:

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Today is one of those days where I just need to vent my frustration. Sometimes I wonder how these people have jobs!


I applied for a .17 Remington, .38/357 rifle and LBR going back around five months ago now. After all the usual waiting I got a phone call - could I clarify what I wanted by email please?... Of course, no problem. I dropped my FAC in (They take ages so I didn't put it in with the forms) and was told it would be back within the week.


Two weeks later I got another call - "we've just spoken to (your land owner) and he says you don't shoot there any more". Well no, I haven't shot there for eight years. I've renewed my certificate since then and they cleared a new piece of land which I do shoot. "Oh right... where's that then?" was the response! So I told them, and they finally found the details in my file... "Ok, we'll get it printed for you now" they said.


Another three weeks passed so I emailed them. I got a reply to say that they needed some form of proof that I am using the .38 at a club - I've never done that before but no bother. "Will my membership photo ID do?" I asked. "Yes that should be fine" she said, so we left it at that. I scanned it and sent it on it's way.


Yesterday (over a week later) I got an email.... "We need to to get a form signed by your club officials to prove you're a member". Well that was it. About a dozen attempts later some poor sod in the office answered the phone. It happened to be one of the more senior members which was good. So I asked what the issue was? "No issue" she says, "it's being processed now"! Really? That's not what this morning's email suggests.... You'd best go and talk to your colleague. After some muffled chatting in the background she comes back.... "Oh no, I need you to send in a form".


Well that was it. "Are you serious?" I asked. "Yes unfortunately" she replied. "this should be the final piece of the puzzle". "Puzzle?" I replied... "This is your job. You do it every day. You've had my FAC for months now and I've got back to you by return over three separate issues that you've managed to find, one of which I had to chase you to find out about. At every point I have asked that if there is a problem, please let me know so I can sort it. Do you not have a list of requirements? You know, things that I need to put forward so you can be confident that I have good reason for my request? This is something that you must do every day, and you're telling me that you keep finding these issues unexpectedly? Do you not speak to each other there? You've already told me that my FAC is being processed when actually it's not. So is this the final piece of this puzzle you speak of, or will there be something else that you need next week?" "Umm" she replied... "YES OR NO" I asked "because at this point I'm sick of jumping though all these new hoops that weren't shown to me at the start. If I did my job like this I'd be living on the streets by now!". "We'll get it sorted as soon as we can" was her final response!


Where do they find these morons? They've had so many chances to just tell me what they need to know. I usually get back to them within two hours, even if it means downing tools and handing things over the counter directly. Somehow I get the feeling that my forms may have just ended up at the bottom of the pile but really? Come on! Does anyone else here have to put up with this ****? You're not in Gloucestershire by any chance are you?! :mad:

thame valley would that be
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I know that most people don't like to get in there and rattle cages and cause a scene and in most situations It isn't appropriate or necessary. In a situation like this I would ring the reception and ask to speak to a senior officer and if you can get to speak to someone calmly explain the situation and tell them that you want to lodge an official complaint. You can ask the receptionist If they won't put you through to anyone. Before you call them write All of the information down as accurately as possible so that you know what you are talking about and you've the order set. Failing that get in touch with your mp.

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been jumping through hoops for 3 months

It's a farce

Applied for a deer caliber

Had to show where I was going explained I was going to book guided stalking


They then decided I would have to go on a DSC course

Booked that £350 + travel £115 + accomadation

Tad hard to complete without a deer caliber rifle

(Another story)


Now they want confirmation of booked stalking again a tad hard to book when you don't know when your license is coming back then fine a gun scope put a few shots through it to zero and get familiar with it

Temporary certificate issued 1st oct email to say it should be don before the end of December


Absolute farce




I could have a bespoke rifle made faster than a variation

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Don't have that problem in Leicestershire. Like any office they get something wrong sometimes but very quickly put it right when you draw attention to it.


Some forces, like West Mids and Staffordshire have joined forces apparently to save money but FEOs have to travel from Stafford as far south as Berkswell near Coventry to deal with an issue and that takes time out of a day and I can't see how it saves money, but the over educated sitting round a conference table with bottles of mineral water obviously think so and don't care two pence about your having to wait in line.

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WHY do you need to spend your hard earned cash on a stupid course ???? Old farrier ????? You don't need to have the so called qualification on a guided trip, although if the guide is a provider of the course the subject may arise :yes: The most they should require is a letter of confirmation from a provider of stalking and there are a number of good guys about. That does sound like they are making up their own rules. :no:

I have to praise West Yorks, they have always been brilliant and very helpful.

Plus 1 on that from what I know through friends.

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been jumping through hoops for 3 months

It's a farce

Applied for a deer caliber

Had to show where I was going explained I was going to book guided stalking

They then decided I would have to go on a DSC course

Booked that £350 + travel £115 + accomadation

Tad hard to complete without a deer caliber rifle

(Another story)

Now they want confirmation of booked stalking again a tad hard to book when you don't know when your license is coming back then fine a gun scope put a few shots through it to zero and get familiar with

Temporary certificate issued 1st oct email to say it should be don before the end of December

Absolute farce


I could have a bespoke rifle made faster than a variation

This is totally unacceptable. get on to an org and see what they can do for you.

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I know that most people don't like to get in there and rattle cages and cause a scene and in most situations It isn't appropriate or necessary. In a situation like this I would ring the reception and ask to speak to a senior officer and if you can get to speak to someone calmly explain the situation and tell them that you want to lodge an official complaint. You can ask the receptionist If they won't put you through to anyone. Before you call them write All of the information down as accurately as possible so that you know what you are talking about and you've the order set. Failing that get in touch with your mp.


I'm happy to cage rattle. At no point did I lose my temper. All I've done is calmly point out that they're not pulling their weight. I think folk are scared that kicking off will cause you trouble as a "suitable person to hold firearms". Maybe if you kick, scream and swear that may be the case, but a well educated kick up the rear is no different to what their boss would hand out. Keep it polite, keep it to the point and calmly lay down the law. Calls are recorded after all.


I'm the first to praise and thank them when they do their job well. It's only right to fire them down when they don't.


I will complete the form and drop it in. Any more agro and I will file a complaint as it's getting silly now.

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WHY do you need to spend your hard earned cash on a stupid course ???? Old farrier ????? You don't need to have the so called qualification on a guided trip, although if the guide is a provider of the course the subject may arise :yes: The most they should require is a letter of confirmation from a provider of stalking and there are a number of good guys about. That does sound like they are making up their own rules. :no:


it seems nowadays if you haven't been on a course (however poorly presented) and ticked the boxes you can't do anything

It's part of the institutionalised regime to keep the flock of sheep 🐑 in the fold


Not having a pop here but you being a long service police officer you may be getting a better service than the rest of the flock


Probably a good job you weren't on the course 😗😊

All the best


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As soon as I mentioned an official complaint things started to move. Read my thread >> Hands up If you've been waiting more than six months.

Still rest assured basc are working on your behalf and a lot of people are paying a lot of money for the privilege. Good on em.

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Must say staffs have not been too bad.

I did have some (what I call minor issues re calibre) problems when I asked for 17 centre fire. I was asked what calibre lol . After a small lesson I got what I asked for. The FEO Was a little wiser after. I did ask if there was any suitable training given for the job as I didn't think there was.

I hope you get it sorted soon.

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Northumbria are excellent,


They even admit they used to be one of the worst but same day variations happen if everything is in place,


Now if you are between the ages of 21-65 and it's not your first renewal they don't even come and see you, it's a phone interview



At my last renewal they phoned me on a Monday, I received my forms on the Tuesday filled them in got my photos and posted it off on Wednesday and my new certificate arrived on Friday.

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yeh leicester is awful ,it takes hours sometimes days to get a variation :lol: .gloucester needs chasing every step of the way.i have had 2 pals in gloucester that have shared your frustration.

This, when I Leicestershire I've had variations done in two days.

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Christ that sounds awful... My variation took about two weeks in total, for 22.250 and 243, this was with AVS, the land I shoot is cleared to that so no questions asked. I was lucky though, this was back in may and a mate of mine is still waiting for his first sgc app to be completed.. He put it in when alot of renewals were up and they take priority or something.. Its a mad system made worse by the fact every force seem to do it differently..

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Try living in Hampshire ..... got my section 1 when I was living in Surrey, that took six weeks.

Moved to Hampshire and had to wait 7 months for them to reprint with a Hampshire logo.


Just put in for my section 2 and have been told that if I get it back in 16 weeks I'm doing well!?!


How does it make any sense that someone with a section 1 needs to wait the same as someone without a certificate, maybe I'm being selfish but common sense should reign.

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Try living in Hampshire ..... got my section 1 when I was living in Surrey, that took six weeks.

Moved to Hampshire and had to wait 7 months for them to reprint with a Hampshire logo.

Just put in for my section 2 and have been told that if I get it back in 16 weeks I'm doing well!?!

How does it make any sense that someone with a section 1 needs to wait the same as someone without a certificate, maybe I'm being selfish but common sense should reign.

Ah common sense, try Essex .
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Try speaking the Linda Eckford. Phone her. Explain your problems and ask what you need to do to resolve the hold ups. She is a nice, approachable lady and when I had a problem with Les Spice and his hoops she had a word in his bonnet and things came easier.






I also told them I didn't know you or shoot with you so I think that helped even more

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