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drug abuse ?


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just seen a piece on channel 4 news about the fashionable drug in Kentucky at the moment called liquid gold (I think.) The main constituents are heroin and drain cleaner, now as much as feel sorry for people who are reduced to injecting stuff, what part of drain cleaner would you think should be coursing through your body ?

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Moons ago in Scotland people would mix speed and vallium and inject it, to stop this the manufacturer added a clotting agent of some sort as a deterrent. This resulted in huge blood clots in users legs and many amputations as a result. The popular over the counter painkiller co-codamol is codeine mixed with paracetamol, the sole purpose of the paracetamol is to ensure anyone's decides that they want to abuse the addictive codeine (opiate) dies from.the paracetamol poisoning first

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I can understand people drinking stuff or sniffing it but I just do not get why anyone would inject anything in to there body that was not medically proven to be safe to use and made by a proper company to buy something of a guy on the street on in a pub that they pay good money for and have no idea what is in it to my way of thinking you would have to have a death wish to do that.

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The popular over the counter painkiller co-codamol is codeine mixed with paracetamol, the sole purpose of the paracetamol is to ensure anyone's decides that they want to abuse the addictive codeine (opiate) dies from.the paracetamol poisoning first

Complete and utter bovine excretion!


Codeine is present as the analgesic, paracetamol is present as an anti-pyretic (fever-reducer) - it's not really a painkiller as such.

It's difficult to o/d on codeine, and it probably won't kill you. If you o/d with co-codamol, liver failure from the paracetamol is what they will put on the death certificate, but that is NOT the reason for it's presence.

Edited by CaptainBeaky
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Years ago one of the most abused over the counter medicine was Night nurse, it contained something that really did make you sleep. I was doing shift work at the time and anyone who has done shift work has known that thing where you do a night shift and get home really tired but then don't sleep properly when you finally hit the sack because of your body clock or just overtired.


Just about everybody I worked with was taking night nurse in those days.


I believe they have changed the formulation since then

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I can understand people drinking stuff or sniffing it but I just do not get why anyone would inject anything in to there body that was not medically proven to be safe to use and made by a proper company to buy something of a guy on the street on in a pub that they pay good money for and have no idea what is in it to my way of thinking you would have to have a death wish to do that.

Thats why your not a bag head, silly folks

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