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Do you need a truck?


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What do you guys reckon ? Not having a truck / 4x4 myself I do feel it's a big disadvantage as you can't cover as much ground as fast when lampung etc.


I also know a few lads who's shoot out of their truck, which generally provides a stable and comfortable place to sit up, which is normally also raised up a bit!

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I have lung issues, particularly in cold/damp where if I spotted any quarry while lugging a rifle and night shooting gear about on foot I'd not be able to relax my breathing to take an urgent shot. I fare better of a summer evening if I can amble along rather than try and keep up with anyone else - and rest up in a usually productive location. The truck keeps me in the hobby for now - mostly shooting ahead of the truck on selected ground.

Edited by Dave-G
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Trucks a must,especially at Harvest on the foxes when you have a small window (fields are getting turned over quicker every year)to cover more ground.Plus charlie needs to be collected and having a couple of these stinkers carried over your shoulders aint fun.Plus i used to use 100g 243,so you can imagine the mess.

Edited by Davyo
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Certainly my pickup enables me to get out on the rabbits without trudging miles. I still park up and walk the margins but I only have 3-400 yards o return with the rabbits. Even 6 rabbits seem quite a weight these days, when you also have gun, stick and stool. Just makes it more enjoyable.

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Better with a car trailer and quad you can put a bar on the front to rest on for shooting. lighter on the ground and do less damage. Car is nicer to drive and generally better on fuel for the over 90% of the time its on tarmac.

Thats what i used to do figgy,big green ASDA box on the front and one on the rear.Pre loaded with all my kit,just used to drive it straight out of the garage onto the trailer and away.But cold in the Winter so changed for the comfort of a 4x4.They jimny's where perfect as leave very little footprint if any.Apart from the time i had the Vitara and lost control wiping out a hay bail and crashing through the fence before ending up wedged between two trees.
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i use a truck for all of my work. kitted out with fully removable bench seat on the back for elevated shooting with radios to the cab. break down frame that goes off the toe bar for gralloching when stalking. removable terrier box ferret carriers when access to warrens are good saves alot of leg work. i use it as a static hide for foxing.

could i cope without it ? yes

would i want to struggle without it? NO

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