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how good was bruce lee


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His speed was unquestionable as was his fitness. But he never really fought anyone that was on par or close, off screen..It was alledged that he fought a chap called wong or someone similar which was a bit controversial. Various stories of who won where around but not sure even now what the outcome was.

It was the films that sparked a load of kung-fu classes springing up around GB in the 70s as I remember. A good way of keeping fit and learning about self defence and self control, that kind of kept me out of the cart all those years ago.

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Not vry gud at al m8 , prob sped up dose vidos

Thought they had to slow some of his stuff down in films.


Not a follower of martial arts or kug fu films in any way but seems to me he is great at looking like he can fight in very highly choreographed scenes where he has to wave a hand at someone and they fall over, no doubt could do a fairly decent job on a lot of martial art trained people unsure how he would get on in a proper bout with a high class opponent.


I suppose he is great at what he was most famous for, just that wasn't fighting ?


And I agree with Bruno, he comes on telly goes over.......

Edited by paulnix
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On film he was not as entertaining or as good as Jackie Chan.

Wasn't he his stunt man ?


Just done a quick Google, it was reported that he had a fight ((not a film fight) that lasted 11 seconds. He managed to throw 15 punches and a kick in that time before knocking out his apponent.

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as an avid Martial arts enthusiast for many many years,i see what he was trying to show, but really don't like martial arts films at all,but respect the regime under which he studied and worked to become the top of his tree at what he did.lets face it over 40 years on and hes still talked about, as regards true fighters who've prove there worth from whatever style, the list is quite long, would Bruce be at the top? no, would he be in the top ten? not really,did he have the opportunity to enter freestyle competitions and win titles? not by today's standards. Like him or not were still talking about him so that gives him some iconic status IMHO

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He was extremely good. Look at the people who came to him for training at that time: Jesse Glover, Ed Hart, James Demile, Haywards Nishioka, Mike Stone, Chuck Norris, Joe Lewis, Louis Delgado etc.

Bruce wasn't training to fight 12 rounds or in a MMA match. He was only interested in obliterating an opponent in a street fight within seconds.

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He was only interested in obliterating an opponent in a street fight within seconds.

That's what he used to say was the reason he didn't fight in competitions. However that's what someone would say if they wanted to justify not competing but still claim to be the best fighter in the world. I can confidently say that any pro fighter would have destroyed him. Same goes for the likes of Lenny mcclean, could have a scrap but challenging the likes of Ali to a boxing match was just ridiculous.
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