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good news ?


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  1. The nights will start getting shorter and the days longer
  2. an extra drive at the end of the season for the boys
  3. i will be able to see to get the coal in without turning the light on
  4. the ability to have a quick shot after work
  5. the birds will sound less depressed in the evening
  6. buds start to fatten up
  7. daffs start to poke thro'





edit...(and the landrover sailed thro the MOT today as usual.... :yahoo: )

Edited by ditchman
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There was a time when the end of summer and the slow descent into winter would fill me with dread; not anymore. Although I look forward to the longer days and light nights I genuinely savour all the seasons now. I'm in no rush to rush through my life, and even though winter has just begun, by the end of the shooting season it will be light at 5pm again.

I know some who seem to put their lives on hold in the winter, awaiting the spring so they can get going again. As I keep telling mate...'get on with it; time is all we have'.

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This is my favorite time of year so I'm in no rush for the seasons to change. I try to enjoy all the seasons as much as possible to avoid wishing my life away. Even summer, which I generally cant stand.



this is the start of my best time of year too..............it never used to be....it used to be summer and autum....guess we change as we age.......this time of year always makes me feel optimistic....even tho' we can get knocked back by deep snow...rain...cold......you know the obit has changed and the inevitable has started......... :good:

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  • The nights will start getting shorter and the days longer
  • an extra drive at the end of the season for the boys
  • i will be able to see to get the coal in without turning the light on
  • the ability to have a quick shot after work
  • the birds will sound less depressed in the evening
  • buds start to fatten up
  • daffs start to poke thro'


edit...(and the landrover sailed thro the MOT today as usual.... :yahoo: )


I am at that age when every day counts whatever the time of year but I do enjoy September through to end of March the best ....ok I can go chasing roe bucks come April and maybe fit in a days decoying on the drillings in the spring, but 20 to 24 days at 'The Birds' has to be my best time of year.


Good to hear the Landie got through it's test. Mine had a few 'tightening' jobs and a slight adjustment to emissions and an emergency weld job on the chassis which will not be there come second week in February ...new galvanised jobby being fitted ... had an American friend stay this last week and he was enthralled with the Landie. A true hunting vehicle he said, with all the sounds to go with it, tyres on pavement, rumble through the cherry bombs from the V8 and whine of the LT85 gearbox ...PLUS the smells of course.


Edited by Walker570
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Hate the cold, the fog, the only seeing the house in daylight once a week. Damp and dreary days, iced up van, no cleavage or short skirts to brighten up the day.

Give me summer, birdsong, pretty ladies on a sunny day, cold beer and air con.


I love the autumn and winter fog. Not when I'm driving but to take a walk in thick fog is wonderful. Did some rough shooting in it last year, only bagged small numbers but still one of my favourite days.

winter equinox today.............its all happening here in Norfolk.......its that special time of year when "stuff" happens...and have lots of "fun".....mustnt let on tho'


Strictly a family affair is it? :whistling:

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I was mad enough to go pigeon shooting in the fog once. Watched the field for days and come shoot time it was a pea souper.

The most memorable day I've had. visibility was 50m tops. Birds appeared out of the gloom and pitched straight in. I've shot bigger bags but that day was the craziest. Up on top of the downs by Warlingham

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