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Which Food for a new pup

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We get our new pup in a weeks time and would like the opinion of the readers on which food is the best food for him, he is a springer and will have a couple of pals to contend with, Maddie 14 and Meg 8.


I have had pup's before and fed them on what ever puppy food I found in the shops. Not this time I want to give him the best start I can.


If a similar post is out there sorry for repeating it.



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Harringtons is a good dog food .Daughters sproker spaniel loves it .

It's the dry type also there is no waste and cleans there teeth as well

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When we got our pup they had weaned him on Royal Cabin, his stools were terrible so we changed him to Arden Grange which I would really recommend, stools firmed up and coat is silk like. My older cocker is also on Arden really suits him too.

When we got our pup they had weaned him on Royal Cabin, his stools were terrible so we changed him to Arden Grange which I would really recommend, stools firmed up and coat is silk like. My older cocker is also on Arden really suits him too.

Canin, sorry sausage fingers!!!

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My older gsd was in kibble then changed to raw after he was settled in small amounts at a time until I had moved him over fully but until then I fed him the same stuff as the breeder did. My younger one was raw fed from the very start so she was easy enough. As soon as we had used the food I was given and changed her to the raw I use she improved in every way, her whole mental and physical state changed for the best.

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Hope you take the bones out of the chicken wings

Why would you need to? Our dog eats both raw and biscuit.


We started him with chicken wings and just held on to one end with pliers while he crunched it up, lots of sites tell you to take the tips off but had no trouble with wings or carcass just happy dogs

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Keep him on what the breeder was feeding him for a week or two and then move to a good quality feed. My dog has a mix of raw and kibble but not the stuff in the shops. I have used thus company for the past 4 years and the food is excellent. Grain free and hypoallergenic. He has a bowl of this with beef or chicken mince, with chicken heart mixed in.



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Should always start with what the breeder has weened the pups onto and then slowly introduce the feed you would prefer. I'm picking up my next pup next week and he is weening them onto alpha sporting puppy so I have got myself 2 bags ready for her. But eventually I will move her onto a similar food that I'm feeding the older dog. And see how she gets on. But remember that it doesn't take a lot to upset there tiny little stomachs

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Puppy food is a bit of a minefield, as is dog food generally, so if your pup is growing and developing well keep feeding it whatever is enabling to do that.


I've a pup here just now that was reared on Eukanuba so I've kept him on that; I've never used it before but this pup is doing very well. In the past pups have done well on Arden Grange for me, and a good friend has had great results with CSJ puppy.


With most of mine (all ESS) I've noticed they get a bit loose on the pure puppy food about 6 months old so tend to switch to junior or a high protein adult food when that happens. Good luck with the new pup :good:

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