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Brexit vote now 68%

Vince Green

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Brexit support has been growing since the initial vote and it has now reached more than 2/3 of the population that supports brexit and is still rising.





it means the Lib dems are actually the Lib Dumbs because they have virtually built their campaign on the hope that people will have an about face



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i think a lot of people are getting fed up ..cause they want the govt to get on with it and if needed "stick it " to yunker et al...(not europe) just the eu conglomerate.....



what with all these elections going on...who's next...Herr Merkal ?..............

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That must be a made up figure or at best a bit of a guess. I was not asked and as far as I know no one I know has been and unless they held another vote how do they know.


(I am for brexit but just a bit grumpy)


Opinion Polls. Now of course these could be wrong but the number doesn't surprise me. I voted to remain out of fear for the economy. Having seen that the economy didn't implode I would now vote to leave. I know others of the same thinking. I don't know anybody who has turned the other way.

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That must be a made up figure or at best a bit of a guess. I was not asked and as far as I know no one I know has been and unless they held another vote how do they know.


(I am for brexit but just a bit grumpy)

Maybe the people doing the opinion poles have learnt as they have got so many wrong that they need to look at where they are asking people and not just heading into the closest city centre in mid morning.

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Opinion Polls. Now of course these could be wrong but the number doesn't surprise me. I voted to remain out of fear for the economy. Having seen that the economy didn't implode I would now vote to leave. I know others of the same thinking. I don't know anybody who has turned the other way.

Welcome to the xenophobic, ill educated, racists club (am none of those either btw)

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i think a lot of people are getting fed up ..cause they want the govt to get on with it and if needed "stick it " to yunker et al...(not europe) just the eu conglomerate.....



what with all these elections going on...who's next...Herr Merkal ?..............

Amen to that.


I have only spoken to one person who wishes to remain. Some in the farming community are worried because they are not sure the support for British farming will continue but most I have spoken to want out of the regulations imposed.


The old adage " Give someone enough rope" is starting to work. The Numpties in Brussels panicking about their very well paid employment cannot stop making threats.

They know the whole project is doomed but cannot accept it. The more they threaten the British people the more British will dig their heels in.

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Opinion Polls. Now of course these could be wrong but the number doesn't surprise me. I voted to remain out of fear for the economy. Having seen that the economy didn't implode I would now vote to leave. I know others of the same thinking. I don't know anybody who has turned the other way.

I voted remain.. Still not convinced the out vote was the right one and we're still in for a rocky time. The economy hasn't imploded yet as nothing much has changed and leaving the EU hasn't yet taken place. Banks are getting ready to leave, new investment commitments are not great and it is likely to fall. Existing commitments are still being honoured in other sectors which are playing it by ear (Winging it). Universities are facing funding cuts and not starting new proects.


However.. like others that I've been hearing comment in the press and on TV.I would have to vote leave if another referemdum was held.. There's no going back. All negoitiating power of being in the EU has been lost and the things would be worse than being out and the UK would be at best a laughing stock.


It looks like a lot feel the same.

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I voted remain.. Still not convinced the out vote was the right one and we're still in for a rocky time. The economy hasn't imploded yet as nothing much has changed and leaving the EU hasn't yet taken place. Banks are getting ready to leave, new investment commitments are not great and it is likely to fall. Existing commitments are still being honoured in other sectors which are playing it by ear (Winging it). Universities are facing funding cuts and not starting new proects.


However.. like others that I've been hearing comment in the press and on TV.I would have to vote leave if another referemdum was held.. There's no going back. All negoitiating power of being in the EU has been lost and the things would be worse than being out and the UK would be at best a laughing stock.


It looks like a lot feel the same.

Nothing to do with Brexit - it was lost years ago when the EU took us on as a "CASH COW"

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Has felt for years that they put up with us because we are a net contributor rather than treat us as a partner, probably as much our fault as theirs because we never really committed to their vision of the one state future, but you can see the countries who want to be in the clique and how they are ruling those who just get to exist and what it will finally end up like.

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I voted remain.. Still not convinced the out vote was the right one and we're still in for a rocky time. The economy hasn't imploded yet as nothing much has changed and leaving the EU hasn't yet taken place. Banks are getting ready to leave, new investment commitments are not great and it is likely to fall. Existing commitments are still being honoured in other sectors which are playing it by ear (Winging it). Universities are facing funding cuts and not starting new proects.




Oh come on, remoaning is so last years fashion :lol:


I appreciate the fact that you can now see there is no going back, embrace the challenge!

But as an ex-remainer of sorts, do you not find the rhetoric of EU 'high command' interesting ?

Words like 'punishing the UK', no trade negotiation before divorce bill settlement, the 'divorce' bill itself in fact, plus countless other hard line stances from our dear cousins across the channel.

Ve haf vays of making you suffer Englanders, seems to be the order of the day, and 'this will cost you' all ways of putting the frighteners on us,and anyone else thinking of leaving the bloc.

Is this what we have been a part of all these years?

A mafia type trade agreement, morphing into the not such a likely now, superstate ?

The opinion poll states what most people are coming to realise, there are plenty of ex remainers, there are very very few ex Brexiters.

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Oh come on, remoaning is so last years fashion :lol:


I appreciate the fact that you can now see there is no going back, embrace the challenge!

But as an ex-remainer of sorts, do you not find the rhetoric of EU 'high command' interesting ?

Words like 'punishing the UK', no trade negotiation before divorce bill settlement, the 'divorce' bill itself in fact, plus countless other hard line stances from our dear cousins across the channel.

Ve haf vays of making you suffer Englanders, seems to be the order of the day, and 'this will cost you' all ways of putting the frighteners on us,and anyone else thinking of leaving the bloc.

Is this what we have been a part of all these years?

A mafia type trade agreement, morphing into the not such a likely now, superstate ?

The opinion poll states what most people are coming to realise, there are plenty of ex remainers, there are very very few ex Brexiters.


They (the EU) have to make a go of hitting out at us, we dared to vote OUT and if we get an easy ride, others may well follow our lead!

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were in a much better postition than they would have others believe,they the eu desperatly need the uk market german engineering would go down the pan if they didnt have us.

They need the cash we give them to prop up all the failing member states but they will never back down. European politics is all about talking tough, they have no other way, its all about being the Macho Man, resolute and unbending.


We will never be able to do business with these people, they can never do business with each other. That's why the EU is doomed. not politics, not economics but ego. So time to walk while we still can.

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They need the cash we give them to prop up all the failing member states but they will never back down. European politics is all about talking tough, they have no other way, its all about being the Macho Man, resolute and unbending.


We will never be able to do business with these people, they can never do business with each other. That's why the EU is doomed. not politics, not economics but ego. So time to walk while we still can.


I forget which show it was on but someone was suggesting Merkel might "Do a Thatcher" ,as they put it, and sacrifice the German car industry to drive a hard bargain with the UK in order to preserve the EU.

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I forget which show it was on but someone was suggesting Merkel might "Do a Thatcher" ,as they put it, and sacrifice the German car industry to drive a hard bargain with the UK in order to preserve the EU.

I suspect that many in the German political spectrum would be reasonably happy to curtail some of the power of the German auto manufacturers and this could be a handy excuse.


Germany has been working for years to try and reduce some of the clout of their workers councils and the might of the large auto manufacturers is a difficult thing for politicians to compete with.


It's a fine balance of course

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S'funny innit? the pro-europeans insisted that we didn't need a referundum on the terms of joining the EU and it was all just a 'tidying up excercise' when we joined but now we've chosen to leave they want a referendum on the terms of the exit. :hmm:

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